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Materi : Understanding e-CRM Concept and Application Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi : Kalakota, Ravi & Marcia Robinson (2001). e-Business 2.0. Roadmap for Success. Addison-Wesley. Bab 6 Pertemuan 03
Remember these facts : It costs six times more to sell to a new customer than to sell to an existing one. A typical dissatisfied customer will tell eight to ten people about his or her experience. The primary reason for dissatisfaction: lack of customer service. Of the 15 most-cited complaints, 12 were related to poor customer service, from busy phone lines to unanswered e-mail queries. The odds of selling a product to a new customer are 15 percent, whereas the odds of selling a product to an existing customer are 50 percent. 70 percent of complaining customers will do business with the company again if the complaint is quickly addressed. More than 90 percent of existing companies don’t have the necessary sales and service integration to support e-commerce Developing CRM
Using existing relationships to grow revenue. Ini berarti menyiapkan pandangan yang komprehensif tentang pelanggan untuk memaksimalkan hubungan kerja dengan perusahaan melalui up-selling dan cross-selling dan, pada saat yang sama, meningkatkan profitabilitas dengan mengidentifikasi, menarik, dan mempertahankan pelanggan terbaik. Using integrated information for excellent service. Dengan menggunakan informasi pelanggan untuk melayani kebutuhannya dengan lebih baik, kita menghemat waktu pelanggan dan mengurangi frustrasi apapun. Introducing consistent, replicable channel processes and procedures. Dengan semakin banyaknya saluran kontak pelanggan, lebih banyak karyawan yang terlibat dalam transaksi penjualan. Goals of CRM
1.Acquiring new customers. You acquire new customers by promoting your company's product and service leadership. You demonstrate how your firm redefines the industry's performance boundaries with respect to convenience and innovation. The value proposition to the customer is the offer of a superior product backed by excellent service. 2.Enhancing the profitability of existing customers. You enhance the relationship by encouraging excellence in cross-selling and up-selling, thereby deepening and broadening the relationship. The value proposition to the customer is an offer of greater convenience at low cost Three Phases of CRM Next…..
3.Retaining profitable customers for life. Retention focuses on service adaptability (delivering not what the market wants but what customers want). The value proposition to the customer is an offer of a proactive relationship that works in his or her best interest. Today, leading companies focus on retention much more than on attracting new customers.
Integrated CRM
Must integrate : Customer content Customer contact information End-to-end business process The extended enterprise or partners Systems Legacy systems Computer telephony integration (CTI) Data warehousing Decision support technology Effective CRM Infrastructure
Komponen Aplikasi Utama CRM
Channel Interface to the CRM Infrastructure
CRM Scorecard
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