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Forecasting Or Envisioning: National Transport Sector Harun al Rasyid Lubis Prodi Teknik Sipil FTSL ITB FGD IPTEKS LP4 - ITB Bandung 22 Maret 2014.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Forecasting Or Envisioning: National Transport Sector Harun al Rasyid Lubis Prodi Teknik Sipil FTSL ITB FGD IPTEKS LP4 - ITB Bandung 22 Maret 2014."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Forecasting Or Envisioning: National Transport Sector Harun al Rasyid Lubis Prodi Teknik Sipil FTSL ITB FGD IPTEKS LP4 - ITB Bandung 22 Maret 2014

2 Background on Transport Development 1.Automobile industry  Urbanization Challenges 2.Environmentalism (green transportation system and sustainable development concept)  Trend on transport technology development 3.Computer and ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) 4.Soft issue: Institutional, Legal, Market Vrs. Regulation 5.Source of fund & Financing scheme ( public, private, hybrid ) 6.Railway Cases &. Challenges : Regional and National  ITB direction ?





7 Emma Maersk Crankshaft and Operators

8 Intelligent Transport System


10 Air passenger transport Toll road (depend.....) Seaport (commercial port) Coal train / Railway Intercity bus ( travel ?) Subsidized toll-road / bridge ? Public transport (BRT) Passenger train (urban & Intercity) High speed train 10 RULE of THUMB Natural Law of Transport Market Costestable (Market) Highly regulated (subsidized)

11 Government Regional Authorities Ministries, Central Authorities Regulator ( safety, economic ) Service Providers: State-Owned operator Private Operator Contractors Consultant Industries Infrastructure Manager Shareholders: State Owned Enterprise Public Organization Private Companies Infrastructure Services Organizations State Owned Enterprises Joint Ventures Private Companies Other Stakeholders Customers Social Alliances Employees Future Organisation Structure of Railways and Interactions between Various Subsystems. 11

12 ❶. The service to the customer. ❷. Multi Annual Contracts: essential for providing Public Service (2.1) and for the maintenance and development of the infrastructure (2.2). ❸. Intramodal competition. ❹. Intermodal competition. 3 Road Access Charges Road system Infrastructure Operator 1, 2, etc. Government Customers Railway system MACs Track Access Charges Road Operator 1, 2, etc. Public Service Rail Regulator Intramodal competition Intermodal competition Public sphere Priva te sphere 2 4 2.1 1 2.2 Infrastructure Manager 12 Lochman, CER, 2012



15 CASES & CHALLENGES Arah Restrukturisasi KA Dunia 15 Belum Ada model Bisnis KA dunia yg terunggul utk bisa ditiru, namun konvergensi sdh mulai terlihat menuju integrasi vertical (antara rel dan roda) dan regionalisasi usaha

16 Railway & Universities 1. Education, 2. Future Leader 3. R &D APA YANG TERJADI: KA lupa mereka butuh universitas Nyaris tidak ada kerjasama Dana penelitian hampir nihil Gangguan komunikasi ? (berhenti bicara dengan universitas) Menarik diri dan jaga jarak untuk berhubungan dgn Kampus KAMPUS lupa akan pentingnya Kereta api Mata ajar transportasi kereta api nyaris berhenti Berhenti melakukan penelitian rel Gangguan komunikasi ? (berhenti berbicara dengan KA) Cari peluang lain ? (Jalan raya & angkutan udara) 16

17 Strategy Technology Transfer 1. Mengalir saja, tanpa strategy 2. Lewat Mekanisme pasar 3. Takstis dan strategic transfer teknologi (terencana) 17

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23 Universitas Berkomitmen untuk berinteraksi secara berkelanjutan, keterlibatan, minat ? Dan perhatian terhadap, transportasi kereta api Mengidentifikasi dan mendukung se efektif mungkin ”champion" di kampus Mempekerjakan dan mendukung dosen yg tertarik rel Mengembangkan program dan prinsip-prinsip pengajaran, kurikulum transportasi kereta api dan rekayasa Mendorong dan mendukung minat siswa dalam menempuh karirdi kereta api Industri Mengembangkan kemitraan antara kereta api, pemasok dan pemerintah Fokus pada sejumlah universitas Menjangkau dengan ajakan yang bermakna spesifik Berkomitmen pada program berkelanjutan dan mencari dukungan secara selektif ? Agar dapat mempertahankan fokus dari universitas ' Konsisten, dalam upaya rekrutmen berkelanjutan dan program magang APA YANG BISA KITA LAKUKAN 23


25 School of basic sci & tech New Mission School of Soc. Sci’s & Humanities Students have to acquire sensitivity to cultural and regional differences They need to appreciate the financial, political ad security forces at play internationally Students are encouraged to understand the human past and examine social, economic, and political change over time and the cutural and institutional context in which Science and technology are rooted SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ECONOMY, AND THE SOCIETY Reform Higher Education ( M.A. Pedju, 2012) Solving Segregated By Tradition Traditionally segregated TPP SSST HST Segregated By Tradition Basic Sciences and Engineering/Technology Humanities and Social Sciences complex real societal needs/problems STS

26 CENTERS Act as point of entry for the knowledge, experience, and wisdom from the real world to university; Facilitate interdisciplinary approach to problem solving that is essential to solve complex problems found in development projects; Provide an interaction place for government, industry, and academics; Carry out research and studies to solve complex problems; Educate and incubate start-up technology based companies; Discover, develop, and create new theories; Publish and disseminate knowledge May become home for graduate degree programs.

27 27 Terima Kasih

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