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The role of statistics.

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Presentasi berjudul: "The role of statistics."— Transcript presentasi:

1 The role of statistics

2 Pengujian Hipotesis Penelitian (Pengumpulandan Analisis Data)
Identifikasi, Pemilihan, Perumusan Masalah DEDUKSI Landasan Teori (Kajian Teori dan Penelitian yang Relevan) Penyusunan Kerangka Berpikir The role of statistics Perumusan Hipotesis Penelitian INDUKSI Pengujian Hipotesis Penelitian (Pengumpulandan Analisis Data) ya tidak Hipotesis Diterima? SCIENTIFIC METHOD CYCLE

3 Statistics Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, and drawing conclusion about a universe (population) based on a subset of the universe (sample) Descriptive statistics: collecting and presenting data Inferential statistics: drawing conclusion about population based on sample data

4 We do some calculations on sample data (data analysing)
Population and sample We do some calculations on sample data (data analysing) sample sample The results of sample data calculations are brought back to the population POPULATION Population is a set of units that we are interested in studying Sample is a subset of a population Make an inference (generalization)

5 Variable Variable: a property whereby the members of a group differ one from another Constant: a property whereby the members of a group does not vary one to another

6 Type of variable Nominal variable (classification)
Ordinal variable (classification, ordering) Interval variable (classification, ordering, unit of measurement) Ratio variable (classification, ordering, unit of measurement, an absolute zero)

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