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Presentasi berjudul: "MATERI 4 PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN MAILA DINIA HUSNI RAHIM."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Pengertian Belajar Menurut Ahli: Menurut Winkel, Belajar adalah semua aktivitas mental atau psikis yang berlangsung dalam interaksi aktif dalam lingkungan, yang menghasilkan perubahan-perubahan dalam pengelolaan pemahaman. Menurut Ernest R. Hilgard dalam (Sumardi Suryabrata, 1984:252) belajar merupakan proses perbuatan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja, yang kemudian menimbulkan perubahan, yang keadaannya berbeda dari perubahan yang ditimbulkan oleh lainnya.

3 Pengertian Belajar Menurut Ahli: Moh. Surya (1981:32), definisi belajar adalah suatu proses usaha yang dilakukan individu untuk memperoleh suatu perubahan tingkah laku yang baru keseluruhan, sebagai hasil pengalaman individu itu sendiri dalam interaksinya dengan lingkungan. Kesimpulan yang bisa diambil dari kedua pengertian di atas, bahwa pada prinsipnya, belajar adalah perubahan dari diri seseorang. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa belajar adalah semua aktivitas mental atau psikis yang dilakukan oleh seseorang sehingga menimbulkan perubahan tingkah laku yang berbeda antara sesudah belajar dan sebelum belajar.

4 When you were a little kid, did you learn how to ride a bike? Did you learn how to do long division, or learn the capital cities of different countries? How about learning how to drive a car when you were a little older, or learning how to do laundry? We use the term 'learning' all the time in everyday life. But within the field of educational psychology, the term learning is actually a specific term. Different people use different words to define learning within educational psychology, but in general, we're talking about a step-by-step process in which an individual experiences permanent, lasting changes in knowledge, behaviors, or ways of processing the world.

5 Psychologist Benjamin Bloom developed a classification scheme for types of learning which includes three overlapping domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Skills in the cognitive domain, the one most relevant to faculty and administrator training (Lee, 1999), include: knowledge (remembering information) comprehension (explaining the meaning of information) application (using abstractions in concrete situations) analysis (breaking down a whole into component parts) synthesis (putting parts together to form a new and integrated whole).

6 Professor Mark Tennant (1995) categorized types of learning in a different way. The acronym A.S.K., developed by Tennant, represents the three types of learning that occur in training: A represents "attitude," also known as affective learning. An example of this type of learning is a shift in attitude toward the academic abilities of students with disabilities. S represents "skills," often called psychomotor or manual learning. Learning to operate adaptive technology is an example of the development of skills. K represents "knowledge." Cognitive learning is the formal term used for mental skills such as recall of information. An example of knowledge is information on available resources related to disability issues.

7 Howard Gardner (1983, 1999) developed a theory of multiple intelligences based upon research in the biological sciences, logistical analysis, and psychology. He breaks down knowledge into seven types: Logical-mathematical intelligence: the ability to detect patterns, think logically, reason and analyze, and compute mathematical equations (e.g., chemists, economists, engineers). Linguistic intelligence: the mastery of oral and written language in self-expression and memory (e.g., journalists, lawyers, politicians). Spatial intelligence: the ability to recognize and manipulate patterns (large or small) in spatial relationships (e.g., architects, pilots, sculptors).

8 Musical intelligence: the ability to recognize and compose musical quality (pitches, tones), and content (rhythms, patterns) for production and performance (e.g., composers, conductors, musicians). Kinesthetic intelligence: the ability to use the body, or parts of the body to create products or solve problems (e.g. athletes, dancers, surgeons). Interpersonal intelligence: the ability to recognize another's intentions, and feelings (e.g., managers, sales people, social workers). Intrapersonal intelligence: the ability to understand oneself and use the information to self-manage (e.g., entrepreneurs, psychologists).

9 Untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan Penanaman konsep dan keterampilan Pembentukkan sikap

10 Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi proses dan hasil belajar (Ahmadi, 2005), yaitu: a. Faktor raw input (faktor siswa itu sendiri) dimana tiap anak memiliki kondisi yang berbeda-beda dalam kondisi sosiologis dan kondisi psikologis. b. Faktor environmental input (faktor lingkungan) baik lingkungan alami maupun lingkungan sosial. c. Faktor instrumental input, yang didalamnya antara lain terdiri dari kurikulum, program/bahan pengajaran, sarana dan fasilitas serta tenaga pengajar (guru)

11 Tahapan perubahan pada perilaku kognitif, perilaku afektif dan psikomotorik yang terjadi dalam diri murid. Perubahan itu bersifat positif yang berarti berorientasi ke arah yang lebih baik. Dalam pengertian proses belajar dapat dibedakan atas tiga fase yaitu fase informasi lalu fase transformasi dan terakhir fase evaluasi.


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