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Pelatihan : Techniques in Active Tectonic Study Juni 20-Juli 2, 2013 Instruktur: Prof. J Ramon Arrowsmith (JRA) Dari Arizona State University (ASU) - US.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pelatihan : Techniques in Active Tectonic Study Juni 20-Juli 2, 2013 Instruktur: Prof. J Ramon Arrowsmith (JRA) Dari Arizona State University (ASU) - US."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pelatihan : Techniques in Active Tectonic Study Juni 20-Juli 2, 2013 Instruktur: Prof. J Ramon Arrowsmith (JRA) Dari Arizona State University (ASU) - US Tempat Pelaksanaan: Ruang Pangea, Laboratorium Gempabumi (LabEarth) – Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI dan Kuliah lapangan akan dilakukan disekitar Sesar Lembang, Jawa Barat. * Lebih jelas baca TOR/KAK dan daftar acara

2 Paleoseismology in volcanic environments Outline of this lecture Volcano-extensional systems Dikes and shallow faulting Recent example from Afar, Ethiopia Magnitude estimates Someof this lecture comes from this excellent book

3 Volcano extensional regions

4 Volcano extensional structures

5 afar/geology-afar/structure- assets/Dabbahuregion1.jpg /images/ngeo967-f1.jpg Recent explosive volcanic events and dike intrusion in Afar Ethiopia



8 Magmatic pressure enhanced offsets

9 Schematic near surface relationships around volcano- extensional structures



12 Paleoseismology in volcanic environments Outline of this lecture Volcano-extensional systems Dikes and shallow faulting Recent example from Afar, Ethiopia Magnitude estimates Someof this lecture comes from this excellent book

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