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PENGERTIAN Industrial Hygiene merupakan upaya agar tempat kerja menjadi bersih, aman dari bahan berbahaya dan kondisi yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.
Tahapan yang dilakukan
Identification Evaluation Controlling
Identification Upaya untuk mengetahui bahan / kondisi berbahaya apa saja yang ada di tempat kerja. Cara yang digunakan : indera, alat pengukur (kualitatif dan kuantitatif)
Evaluation Penyajian / presentasi hasil pengukuran.
Kajian hasil dengan membandingkan aturan seperti N.A.B dan lainnya. Pemetaan (mapping) tempat berbahaya di area kerja dengan informasi jenis bahayanya
Pengendalian (controlling)
Level of control: Elimination Substitution Engineering Personal protective equipment
Monitoring Personal monitoring; pemeriksaan awal, berkala, khusus, dll
Environmental monitoring; pengukuran lingkungan (kimia, fisika, biology, fisiology) Biological monitoring; mengukur dampak paparan pada organ tubuh
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental, and social well-being of workers in all occupations, the prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working conditions, the protection of workers in their employment from risk resulting from factors adverse to health, the placing and maintenance of the workers in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological capabilities, and to summarize the adaptation of work to man and each man to his job (W.H.O)
The main focus in occupational health is on three different objectives:
a. The maintenance and promotion of workers health and working capacity b. The improvement of working environment and work to become conducive to safety and health, and c. Development of work organization and working cultures in direction, which support health and safety at work, and in doing so also promotes a positive social climate and smooth operation and may enhance productivity of undertakings. The concept of working culture is intended in this context to mean a reflection of the essential value systems adopted by the undertaking concerned. Such a culture is reflected in practice in the management system, personnel policy, and principles for participation, training policies, and quality management of the undertaking.
Monitoring lingkungan & biologik (SURVAI KESEHATAN)
Exposure pemaparan Threshold Limit Value (TLV) EFEK BIOLOGIK Internal dose BLV Monitoring biologik Monitoring efek BLV = Biological Limit Value BEI = Biological Exposure Index
Determinant : bisa berupa bahan kimia atau metabolitnya atau pengaruhnya
pada karakteristik perubahan biokimia yang reversible. Biological Exposures Indices (BEI): menyatakan kadar bahan (determinant) yang didapat dari specimen yang diambil dari pekerja sehat yang telah terpapar dengan bahan kimia dengan intensitas setara dng TLV Threshold Limit Value (TLV): konsentrasi bahan diudara (airborne) di mana hampir semua pekerja terpapar berulang hari demi hari tanpa ada efek yang merugikan kesehatan. Terdapat 3 macam TLV yaitu: 1. TLV – Time Weighted Average 2. TLV - Short Term Exposure Limit 3. TLV - Ceiling Biological Limit Value (BLV): kadar maksimum determinant yang dapat menimbulkan efek gangguan kesehatan (biological effect) yang masih reversible bila pemaparan berhenti.
Chemical hazards Form of chemical compounds: dusts, fumes, smoke, aerosols, mists, gases, vapors, liquids. Cause health problems by : inhalation, absorption, ingestion. Hazards communication: inventory & assessment of chemical hazards, use of label to describe hazards & protective measure MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: list potential hazards, required safeguards and emergency actions. Training of identifying hazards & controlling A written program & provides documentation
Potentially hazardous operation
Process type Contaminant type Contaminant example Hot operation: Welding Chem.reaction Soldering Melting Molding burning Gases (g) Particulates (p) (dust, fume, mists) Chromates (p) Zinc and compounds (p) Mn and compunds (p) Melting oxides (p) Carbon monoxide (g) Ozone (g) Lead (p) Fluoride (p) Cadmium oxide (p)
Bising (noise) Suara yang tidak diinginkan (unwanted sound)
Merupakan gelombang energy yang ada di udara berasal dari sumber suara dan yang dapat dirasakan oleh syaraf pendengar.
Variabel bising Frequency Intensitas duration
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