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Biomarker / Penanda hayati di dalam penilaian kesehatan dan resiko lingkungan
Pencemaran Lingkungan & Penyakit
1.1. Definition Risiko = Bahaya x Pemaparan Kualitatif atau kuantitatif Pada tingkat individual atau tingkat populasi Skala ruang dan waktu
1.2. Tujuan penilaian risiko
Prediksi Peringatan dini Batas –batas deteksi pemaparan Kesehatan Manusia “Kesehatan Ekosistem!”
Penilaian Risiko /Manajemen risiko
1.3 Procedure Penilaian Risiko /Manajemen risiko PENELITIAN PENILAIAN RISIKO MANAJEMEN RISIKO Development of regulatory options Observations (laboratory, field) Hazard identification Extrapolation methods Evaluation of Public, health, economic, social, political consequences of regulatory options EDRA Risk-A Measures, Characteristics of populations Exposure assessment Agency decisions and actions EDRA: Exposure-Dose- Response Assessment Risk-A: Risk characterization NAS/NRC, 1983
320 Senyawa kimia 60 carcinogen
1.2. Tujuan penilaian risiko Secara umum 320 Senyawa kimia carcinogen 700 Kimia Organik 40 carcinogens NIEHSs’FY Budget,1998
1.4. Integrasi penilaian risiko bagi manusia dan lingkungan
= ”Kombinasi proses penaksiran resiko bagi manusia, biota dan sumberdaya lingkungan di dalam satu penilaian” WHO, 2001
1.4. Integrasi penilaian risiko bagi manusia
dan lingkungan Suter, et al. 2005
Memperbaiki kualitas penilaian melalui
1.4. Integrasi penilaian risiko bagi manusia dan lingkungan Alasan utama penggabungan proses penilaian: Memperbaiki kualitas penilaian melalui pertukaran informasi antara asesor kesehatan manusia dan resiko lingkungan Meningkatkan input yang lebih terintegrasi bagi penentu kebijakan
responses to a therapeutic intervention”
2.1. Definisi BIOMARKER HUMAN HEALTH ‘’ENVIRONMENT HEALTH’’ „indicator of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes or pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention” „any biological response to an environmental chemical at the individual level or below demonstrating a departure from normal status” Peakall,1994 B.D.W.G, 2001
BIOMARKERS ALWAYS EXPRESSED at the sub-organismal level
2.2 Tipe dan peranan biomarker Moore, et al. 2004 BIOMARKERS ALWAYS EXPRESSED at the sub-organismal level cellular, physiological or behavioural
Efek awal secara biologis dosin efektif secara biologis
2.2 Tipe dan peranan biomarker KATAGORI BIOMARKER Dosin internal kepekaan Efek awal secara biologis dosin efektif secara biologis Hulka et al.,1990
Metabolit PAH dalam Urinary (biomarker of internal dose)
2.3 Contoh Metabolit PAH dalam Urinary (biomarker of internal dose) Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene - sensitive biomarker in humans from 1985 biomarker in invertebrates? Ariese et al., 2005 Profil metabolit PAH adalah senyawa specifik
Kepekaan organ sasaran biomarker Pestisida
2.3 Contoh Kepekaan organ sasaran biomarker Pestisida Perubahan kepekaan organ sasaran Induksi toleransi Perbedaan sumber dan komposisi polutan lingkungan MANUSIA INVERTEBRATA
3. Conclusion Focusing on: a single media, a single source, and a single toxic endpoint (paramétres) Not enough Need integrated, holistic approach, with multichemical, multimedia, multiroute, and multispecies exposures
Integration Appealing (séduisante) and really important But:
3. Conclusion Integration Appealing (séduisante) and really important But: Protection of humans isn't inevitably a result of protection of nonhuman organisms and ecosystems Nonhuman may be more exposed or more sensitive than humans .
Radical selection of biomarkers
3. Conclusion Radical selection of biomarkers Exchange with different disciplines Cooperation between the human and environmental risk assessments Owen et al, 2008
individual and communication complexity of ecosystems
3. Conclusion complexity of ecosystems unique biology of the individual Honesty transparency and communication
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