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K3 Objective of safety awareness is to make students :
Understand that changes of an accident happening could happened to them and pretty high event in hotel business Aware if common workplace injuries Aware of the risk arise from uncontrolled hazards Aware of accident cost / consequences Objective of basic safety : To teach students how to recognize hazards that may cause injuries To understand how of preventation of injuries and death Bina Nusantara
Hygiene, Keamanan dan Keselamatan Kerja Pertemuan 1
Matakuliah : V0152 / Hygiene, Keamanan & Keselamatan Tahun : 2008 Hygiene, Keamanan dan Keselamatan Kerja Pertemuan 1
TERMINOLOGY SAFETY = Arti Kamus (dict. Macquire)
the state to being safe : fredom from injury or danger vs (Nothing is free from it) the quality of insuring againts hurt, injury, danger or risk. RISK The degree of safe regarding to probability accident happenend and/or severity of accident The likelihood of injury or illness arising from exposure to the hazards ACCIDENT An unplanned event that may or may not result in damage, loss or injury INCIDENYT/NEAR MISS “An unplanned event that may not result in damage loss or injury” Bina Nusantara
TERMINOLOGY INJURY Damage to the body resulting from delivery of energy to the body above the capacity of the body yto cope with that energy or an interface with the normal function and system within the body. HEALTH The degree of psychological will being of the individual HAZARD a source of potential damaging energy a source of unwanted or excess energy with the capacity to cause damage, loss or injury anything or any condition which has potential to cause injury or harm to health factors that may cause injury or illness Bina Nusantara
Accident Causation at Hotel
SEJARAH & EVOLUSI K3 Accident Causation at Hotel Bina Nusantara
SEJARAH & EVOLUSI K3 Manakah yang benar????
K3 = Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja K3 = Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja K3 = Kesehatan, Keselamatan dan Keamanan K3 = Keselamatan, Kesehatan dan Keamanan Domino Effect dalam Accident Causation – Heinrich (1931) Bina Nusantara
TUJUAN PENERAPAN K3 Melindungi orang yang berada di tempat kerja dari kemungkinan kecelakaan Melindungi dari penyakit dan memelihara kesehatan kerja orang di tempat kerja untuk hasil (pekerjaan) yang optimal. Mengurangi angka sakit/kematian atau kecelakaan di tempat kerja Mencegah dan meningkatkan kesehatan fisik maupun mental Mengurangi kerugian akibat kecelakaan kerja The GOAL is ZERO if still have Injuries, Ilnesses & Incident Bina Nusantara
Accident are incidents Accident are caused
THE TRUTH OF ACCIDENTS Accident are incidents Accident are caused Accident can be prevented (If the causes are eliminated / controlled) Therefore, If the causes continues to happen the accident will happen again and again Incidents or small accidents lead to major injuries Accidents are predictable The area that may incidents or accidents happened Workers Equipment Procedures Environment Bina Nusantara
Try too hard Don’t report unsafe act/condition Unfamiliar with workplace/equipments Take risk Insufficient training Don’t understand/recognize the dangers Bina Nusantara
THANK YOU Bina Nusantara
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