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By Ni Wayan Oni CitraDewi 3401

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1 By Ni Wayan Oni CitraDewi 3401
Unit 6 Inside the Rooms By Ni Wayan Oni CitraDewi 3401

2 Look at this picture carefully!!!
What do you see..?? Next

3 Contents Example Check this out…!!! This & These That & These

4 This, That, These, and Those.
That is my ball. 2 1 This is my bag. Those are my toys. These are my books. 4 3

5 This and These 1. This = digunakan untuk menunjukan benda yang dekat dengan kita yang jumlahnya hanya satu. Contoh: This is a ball. This is my bag. 2. These = digunakan untuk menunjukan benda yang dekat dengan kita yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu. Contoh: These are my books. These are my balls.

6 That and Those 1. That = digunakan untuk menunjukan benda yang jauh dengan kita yang jumlahnya hanya satu. Contoh: That is my bag. 2. Those = digunakan untuk menunjukan benda yang jauh dengan kita yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu. Contoh: Those are my balls.

7 Exercise 1. Writing the best answer for each sentence below by using this and that.
2 ……. is my book. …….. is my shoes. 3 4 ……. is my bag. ……. is a cupboard.

8 Exercise 2. Writing the best answer for each sentence below by using these and those.
1 …….are my books. …..are my balls. 3 4 .…are my favorite shoes. …..are my new T-shirts

9 Exercise 3. Make a sentence by using this, that, these and those and the words below
Phones =………………………………………… Guitar =………………………………………… Fan =………………………………………… Balls =………………………………………… Pencils =………………………………………… Ruler =………………………………………… Toys =………………………………………… T-shirt =………………………………………… Bicycle =………………………………………… House =…………………………………………

10 Exercise 4. Whose Things? Spongebob’s and Patrick’s things got mixed up. Spongebob likes yellow. All of his supplies are yellow. Patrick love pink. Can you help to find their things?

11 Exercise 5. Look at the pictures and make a sentence according to the verb
2 1 Read cook Ani is reading a book 3 4 listen watch

12 1 2 draw drink 3 4 sing sleep


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