Introduction TE #1.

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1 Introduction TE #1

2 Introduction to Economics
A finite world Unlimited wants Relative Scarcity Choices must be made individual choices social choices a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

Rumah tangga dan perekonomian memiliki beberapa aspek yang harus diputuskan: Siapa yang akan bekerja? Barang apa dan berapa banyak yang akan diproduksi? Sumberdaya apa yang digunakan untuk produksi? Berapa harga yang harus ditetapkan? a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

Society and Scarce Resources: Manajemen sumberdaya penting karena adanya kelangkaan. Scarcity. . . Masyarakat memiliki sumberdaya yang terbatas, dan tidak dapat memproduksi seluruh barang dan jasa yang masyarakat inginkan Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources. a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

How people make decisions. Masyarakat menghadapi trade off. Biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu Rational people think at the margin. People respond to incentives. a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

How people interact with each other. Perdagangan akan membuat semua menjadi better off. Pasar adalah sesuatu yang tepat untuk mengorganisasi aktivitas ekonomi. Adanya peran pemerintah. a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

Perilaku yang mempengaruhi bekerjanya ekonomi. Standar hidup tergantung pada fungsi produksi. Harga akan naik bila pemerintah cetak uang terlalu banyak. Masyarakat mengalami tradeo off antara pengangguran dan inflasi a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

8 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Microeconomics fokus pada perilaku individual. Bagaimana rumahtangga dan perusahaan membuat keputusan dan bagaimana mereka berinteraksi dalam pasar Macroeconomics melihat perekonomian secara keseluruhan termasuk inflation, unemployment, and economic growth a.i.r|TE|unika|2011 13

9 Examples of microeconomic and macroeconomic concerns
The Scope of Economics Examples of microeconomic and macroeconomic concerns Production Prices Income Employment Microeconomics Production/Output in Individual Industries and Businesses How much steel How many offices How many cars Price of Individual Goods and Services Price of medical care Price of gasoline Food prices Apartment rents Distribution of Income and Wealth Wages in the auto industry Minimum wages Executive salaries Poverty Employment by Individual Businesses & Industries Jobs in the steel industry Number of employees in a firm Macroeconomics National Production/Output Total Industrial Output Gross Domestic Product Growth of Output Aggregate Price Level Consumer prices Producer Prices Rate of Inflation National Income Total wages and salaries   Total corporate profits Employment and Unemployment in the Economy Total number of jobs Unemployment rate a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

10 Three Big Microeconomic Questions
Microeconomics seeks to understand what determines: What How  berhubungan dengan faktor produksi Land Labour Capital Entrepreneurship For whom  berkaitan dengan pembayaran yang dilakukan Land earns rent. Labour earns wages. Capital earns interest. Entrepreneurship earns profit. Don’t skip the questions in a rush to get to the economic way of thinking. Open your students’ eyes to economic in the world around them. Ask them to bring a newspaper to class and to identify headlines that deal with stories about What, How, and For Whom. Use Economics in the News Today on your Parkin-Bade Web site for a current news item and for an archive of past items (with questions). Pose questions and be sure that the students appreciate that they will have a much better handle on questions like these when they’ve completed their economics course. a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

11 Three Big Macroeconomic Questions
Apa yang menentukan standar hidup?  pendapatan perkapita  tergantung pada produksi apa yang menentukan biaya hidup?  berkaitan dengan upah mengapa perekonomian berfluktuasi?  The business cycle is the periodic but irregular up-and-down movement in production and jobs in an economy. Ask the students to identify headlines that deal with stories about the standard of living, cost of living, and business cycle. Again, your Parkin-Bade Web site has a current macro news item and an archive of past news (with questions). With both the micro and macro questions, try to grab the student’s attention and raise a sense of excitement about learning this subject. Again, pose questions and be sure that the students appreciate that they will gain real insights into questions like these when they’ve completed their course. a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

12 Three Big Macroeconomic Questions

13 Point penting Ceteris paribus Marginal Homo economicus
Normative and positive theories Maximization paradigm a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

Positive statements are statements that attempt to describe the world as it is. Called descriptive analysis Normative statements are statements about how the world should be. Called prescriptive analysis a.i.r|TE|unika|2011 31

15 Tugas individu Bacalah buku pengantar ekonomi mikro – apa pun judulnya. Ringkaslah bab 1 menjadi 3 halaman, dan bab 2 menjadi 3 halaman. Tulis tangan, dikumpulkan pada waktu kuliah berikutnya dalam kondisi anda siap untuk menerangkan apa yang anda tulis. a.i.r|TE|unika|2011

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