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Pendahuluan Microsoft Excel (MS-Excel) merupakan program aplikasi spreadsheet (lembar kerja elektronik) canggih yang paling populer dan paling banyak digunakan saat ini. Excel akan sangat membantu kita dalam hal menghitung, memproyeksikan, menganalisa dan mampu mempresentasikan data dalam bentuk tabel dengan berbagai jenis tabel yang disediakannya, mulai dari bentuk Bar, Grafik, Pie, Line dan banyak lagi.
Mengenal Jendela Excel
These are the options available from the “File” dropdown menu
These are the options available from the “File” dropdown menu. Point to the chevron (arrows) at the bottom of the initial short list to get the entire list to expand.
These are the options from the “Edit” dropdown menu.
“Clear” allows you to just remove the actual “contents” in the cell (i
“Clear” allows you to just remove the actual “contents” in the cell (i.e. numbers) OR just remove the “formatting” or to remove both (ALL). “Paste special” also allows you to choose between just pasting actual numbers or formatting as well.
The “View” dropdown list is mainly used to view the different toolbars.
Here is a list of all the toolbars – generally you will want to have “Standard” and “Formatting” checked.
The “Insert” dropdown list allows you to add rows and columns (you must have the place on the worksheet selected where you want to the item inserted). You can also add a “worksheet” (if you do, “Sheet 4) will appear at the bottom left)
The “Format” dropdown list allows you to set characteristics of cells, rows, columns and the sheet. You must have the items selected first.
Above are the options for formatting cells
Above are the options for formatting cells. It is usually best to select “number” for number columns or rows – you will then also be able to set other properties like decimal points. There is a “text” option for entering words. To select the entire sheet, click on the box at the top left.
Sometimes it is helpful if you are putting a lot of words in a cell to check off “wrap text” – this will increase the height of the row.
This is the dropdown list under “Tools”.
You will probably use the “Sort” option most frequently from the “Data” dropdown list.
Once you select “Sort”, you will be presented with some options
Once you select “Sort”, you will be presented with some options. If the first row of your spreadsheet contains a “header” (i.e. column names) then select the “Header row” option. You can sort your data in up to 3 steps. Select the first step – here it is “Column A (ascending order) – and then you can select addition options if you like. For example, if column A was “zip code”, the entire list would first be sorted by “zip code”. Then you could also select an additional option that could sort each “zip code” by column B (which might be alphabetical order) Once data is sorted, you can delete any information you don’t want (select the data you don’t want and then select delete under the Edit menu). Say that you only want a list of people with zip codes in the area. Once the list is sorted by zip code, delete any rows that aren’t in the grouping. If you want to do this, but don’t want to lose you other data, before you begin this process you should make a copy of your original sheet (which now might be sheet 4, which then your could rename to “43026”
The “Window” dropdown list allows you to freeze panes both horizontally and vertically which is helpful when you are working on very large spreadsheets. Freeze panes Freezing panes allows you to select data that remains visible when scrolling in a sheet. For example, keeping row and column labels visible as you scroll. To freeze a pane, do one of the following: The top horizontal pane Select the row below where you want the split to appear. The left vertical pane Select the column to the right of where you want the split to appear. Both the upper and left panes Click the cell below and to the right of where you want the split to appear. On the Window menu, click Freeze Panes.
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Tentukan DRIVE mana data yang akan dibuka berada Tentukan DIRECTORY mana file tsb berada dalam drive Pilih filenya dalam list FILE NAME, klik tombol OK
MENGAKHIRI EXCEL 1. Simpan lembar kerja yang telah dibuat
2. Pilih salah satu langkah untuk mengakhiri program excel Klik menu FILE, EXIT Klik CLOSE (X) di pojok kanan atas jendela Klik 2x icon Control Menu di pojok kiri jendela Tekan tombol Alt+F4
Defaultnya ditempatkan di posisi paling bawah dari area kerja (desktop). Berisi tombol Start, informasi tanggal, waktu sistem komputer, dan tombol-tombol program aplikasi yang aktif. 2. ICON Suatu symbol/gambar yang mewakili suatu drive, folder, file, program aplikasi atau buku kerja. Untuk membukanya dengan menekan tombol mouse 2x 3. ICON CONTROL MENU Jika meng-klik icon ini, akan ditampilkan menu berisi beberapa perintah yang digunakan untuk mengontrol operasi pada jendela tersebut
ELEMEN DASAR EXCEL Untuk mengembalikan ukuran jendela ke ukuran semula
Untuk memindahkan jendela ke posisi yang diinginkan Untuk mengubah ukuran jendela Untuk mengecilkan jendela menjadi icon aktif pada taskbar Untuk memperbesar ukuran jendela menjadi 1 layar penuh
Untuk memindahkan jendela ke posisi lain yang diinginkan. Berisi nama jendela atau nama judul program aplikasi (window title). 6. MENU BAR adalah barisan perintah berupa menu, yang dapat dipilih dengan mouse atau keyboard. 7. SCROLL BAR untuk menggulung layar, baris per baris atau layar per layar 2 jenis scroll bar Horizontal scroll bar : menggulung ke kiri atau ke kanan Vertikal scroll bar : menggulung ke atas atau kebawah
Dalam Excel pengetikkan rumus harus diawali dengan tanda ‘=’ .
ELEMEN DASAR EXCEL 8. WINDOW BORDER Merupakan sisi-sisi batas dari suatu jendela atau bingkai jendela 9. TOOLBAR Untuk memilih dan menjalankan suatu perintah dengan cepat dan mudah 10. FORMULA BAR Menampilkan informasi mengenai isi sel yang sedang aktif (disorot) di lembar kerja. tempat kita untuk mengetikkan rumus-rumus yang akan kita gunakan nantinya Dalam Excel pengetikkan rumus harus diawali dengan tanda ‘=’ . 11. OFFICE ASSISTANT Selalu membantu pada saat bekerja dengan Excel (berupa gambar orang)
The Title Bar The Menu Bar Toolbars The Formatting Toolbar
The Formula Bar The Status Bar Name Box
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