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Anita Apriliawati.  Safe care is a basic need of all clients  Nurses are responsible for providing the client with a safe environment through the delivery.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Anita Apriliawati.  Safe care is a basic need of all clients  Nurses are responsible for providing the client with a safe environment through the delivery."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Anita Apriliawati

2  Safe care is a basic need of all clients  Nurses are responsible for providing the client with a safe environment through the delivery of professional, quality nursing care that incorporates safety precautions, infection control practices, and hygiene assistance.

3  Diasosiasikan secara positif dengan promosi kesehatan dan pencegahan  Lingkungan yang aman menurunkan angka kecelakaan, gangguan kesehatan dan gaya hidup serta biaya pelayanan kesehatan

4  Age  Lifestyle  Sensory and Perceptual Alteration  Mobillty  Emotional State

5 In the health care setting:  Client behavior accidents  example, poisonings, burns, and self-inflicted cuts  Therapeutic procedure accidents occur during the delivery of medical or nursing interventions  For example, medication errors, client falls during transfers, contamination of sterile instruments or wounds  Equipment accidents result from the malfunction or improper use of medical equipment  for example, electrocution and fire.

6  Nurses and other health care providers are at risk for injury in the workplace.  Example :  latex allergy  blood-borne pathogens  work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)  Chemotherapeutic agents  Environmental pollution  Violence (kekerasan)

7  Client safety in the health care environment requires the reduction of microorganism transmission.  Infection control practices are directed at controlling or eliminating sources of infection in the health care agency or home.  Nurses are responsible for protecting clients and themselves by using infection control practices.  Nurses and clients must be educated on the types of infections, modes of transmission, risks for susceptibility, and infection control practices required to control or prevent further transmission.

8 Beberapa istilah dalam pengontrolan infeksi :  Pathogenicity (kemampuan MO menimbulkan penyakit)  pathogen  Virulence (derajat patogenitas)  Infection  infectious agents.  Communicable agents.  communicable diseases.  Colonization

9 HostLingkunganAgent

10  Biological agents: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and Rickettsia  Chemical agents: pesticides, food additives, medications, and industrial chemicals  Physical agents: Factors in the environment that are capable of causing disease, such as heat, light, noise, radiation, and machinery

11  organism that can be affected by an agent  Individu yang rentan (susceptible host)  Individu yang normal (compromised host)

12  Environmental factors  Water  food,  plants,  animals,  housing conditions,  noise,  Meteorological conditions,  environmental chemicals

13  Contact transmission  Airborne transmission  Droplet  udara  Vehicle transmission (melalui objek)  Vectorborne transmission (melalui binatang spt lalat, nyamuk dll)

14  Infectious Agent  Cleaning  Desinfection  Sterilization  Reservoir or Source (tempat / sumber)  Hygiene  Dressing changes  Disposal of fluid container  Change soiled linen (ganti alas tempat tidur kotor)

15  Portal of Exit from Reservoir or Source (keluar dari sumber infeksi)  Clean dressing over wounds (perawatan luka)  Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing  Mode of transmission (cara transmisi)  Handwashing  pembuangan objek yang terkontaminasi dengan benar  medical or surgical sepsis (tehnik sepsis dalam medikal bedah)  Menggunakan sarung tangan, masker, gown & goggle

16  Portal of Entry to Host (masuk kedalam host)  Gunakan jarum disposible  Tehnik steril  Susceptible Host (host yang rentan)  Integritas kulit  Nutrisi yang simbang  Latihan gerak  Sistem imun yang baik

17  Kulit dan flora normal  Membran mukosa  Reflek bersin dan batuk, air mata  Eliminasi dan keasaman  Inflamasi (respon terhadapinfeksi)

18  Merupakan infeksi yang didapat dirumah sakit atau layanan kesehatan lainnya  Bisa juga timbul gejala saat pasien sudah pulang  Most nosocomial infections are transmitted by health care personnel who fail to practice proper hand washing procedures or change gloves between client contacts.

19  Riwayat keperawatan  Pemeriksaan fisik  Level of consciousness: Use the Glasgow Coma Scale  Range of motion or total immobilization of an extremity.  Localized infection: Redness, swelling, warmth, pain, and loss of movement in a specific body part.  Systemic infection: Fever, with a corresponding increase in pulse and respirations; weakness; anorexia, with possible accompanying findings of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; enlarged and/or tender lymph nodes  Secretions or exudate of the skin or mucous membranes and detection of crackles, rhonchi, or wheezes in the lungs on auscultation.

20  Pemeriksaan laboratorium  An elevated leukocyte (white blood cell [WBC]) and WBC differential: Neutrophils: Increased in acute, severe inflammation Lymphocytes: Increased in chronic bacterial and viral infections Monocytes: Increased in some protozoan and rickettsial infections and tuberculosis Eosinophils and basophils: Unaltered in an infectious process  An elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): Increased in the presence of inflammation

21  Pemeriksaan laboratorium  An elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): Increased in the presence of inflammation  An elevated pH of involved body fluids (gastric, urine, or vaginal secretions): Indicates the presence of microorganisms  Positive cultures of involved body fluids (blood, sputum, urine, or other drainage): Indicates the growth of microorganisms

22  Risiko injury  Defisit perawatan diri  Gangguan keseimbangan nutrisi : kurang dari kebutuhan tubuh  Gangguan integritas kulit  Isolasi sosial  Koping individu tidak efektif  Gangguan mobilitas fisik  Kurang pengetahuan  Cemas  Nyeri

23 Ny. W, 50 tahun dirawat dengan ca.mamae stadium III. Saat dilakukan pengkajian, Ny W tidak sadar dengan posisi supine, terpasang oksigen dengan nasal kanul, terpasang infus dilengan kanan, terpasang NGT, untuk memfasilitasi fungsi eliminasi Ny W terpasang pempers. Tanda vital : TD 110/90 mmHg, suhu 38C, Nadi 100x/menit, RR 23x/menit. Menurut keluargannya yang menunggu, Ny W sudah 2 hari ini hanya dimandikan sebagian, sudah 1 mgg belum keramas. Rambut dan kulit tampak kotor, berminyak dan bau. Di Payudara kiri tampak luka kanker dengan kondisi luka bernanah, bengkak, dan berbau. Klien telah menjalani 1 kali kemoterapi

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