Performance Comparison of Target PNN Classification for Beef and Pork Based on Gabor, PCA and LBP Features Lestari Handayani Informatics Engineering Department UIN SUSKA RIAU
Introduction Issue : In Indonesia, beef demand has reached tonnes (DIT JENNAK, 2012)…(increases every year)… Sometimes vendors mix pork and beef…(more profit) How can buyers to distinguish it? Differences in color, texture, fiber, type of fat, and smell. Solution: Image recognition based on color and texture features. (a). Beef (b). Pork (c). Beef and pork mixed
Feature Extractions Mean of HSV = 345,45 Mean of Texture = 124,40 Color extraction Texture extraction Today, I will compare 3 texture methods in PNN classification
Reseach Methodology 1.Data collection : images of beef, pork and mixed 2.Data analysis : data training, data testing 3.Image identification process of beef, pork and a mix of both : HSV for color, 3 texture extraction methods (PCA, Gabor, LBP) PNN clasification 4.Design and Analysis System 5.Implementation : Java Programming Language 6.Testing
Results and Analysis MethodsSettingsTypes of dataAverage BeefPorkMix of both Gabor+HSV+ PNN 50% of data training : 50% of data testing, spread= %94.44%92.31%92.08% PCA+HSV+ PNN All data extracted on testing, spread= % % 93.93% LBP+HSV+ PNN 90% of data training : 10% of data testing, spread= % % 91.66%
Conclusions The texture and color features extracted from images can be effectively used for identification of beef, pork and a mix of both. This clearly shows the superiority of PCA+HSV+PNN over LBP+HSV+PNN and Gabor+HSV+PNN. The analysis has shown enhanced classification by selection of spread values for each feature. The recognizable mix of beef and pork is very good on PCA+HSV+PNN and LBP+HSV+PNN that is equal to 100%.
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