Industrial Engineering Roadmap Return to Work for Enhancing Productivity Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Engineering Department Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
(Diane E. Bailey and Stephen R. Barley, 2004) Research and teaching in Industrial Engineering takes as its primary focus how humans work in organizations; include in this term the following areas of motion and time studies, human factors, job design, ergonomics, productivity and efficiency studies. (Diane E. Bailey and Stephen R. Barley, 2004)
Industrialization Between the 1970s and the 1990s The Indonesian economy : transforming from an agricultural based to an industrial based economy (industrialization) A country which mostly has natural resources and unskilled labor. The popular indicators to show the industrialization process are the share of manufacturing industry value-added in GDP, and the share of manufacturing exports in total exports.
Deindustrialization? Although Indonesia has experienced in industrialization process, the level of industrialization is still relatively low compared with other Asian countries. The industrialization development grew significantly until 1990s, and then the economic crisis had an immediate impact of significant decline in manufacturing output and exports in the mid of 1990s. This situation is called “deindustrialization”. Despite the crisis, the economy is now on the path to recovery; and the country’s industrial competitiveness remains unchanged in general, but there are several changes in the pattern of industrial competitiveness.
Services Manufacturing Agriculture
Produktivitas dan Daya Saing Industri
Indonesia Industrial Competitiveness Based on World Competitiveness Report in 2005 : Indonesia ranked 74th out of 117 countries. Asian countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, India, South Korea, Japan, etc are higher ranked and topped the list in terms of competitiveness and also national productivity. Between 1980 and 1990 catch-up stagnated: Relative productivity remained unchanged despite considerable productivity growth in Indonesia. Comparisons with other Asian economies show that labor productivity in Indonesia was somewhat higher than in India, but was still lower in 1990 than that of South Korea in 1970.
? 2008?
Productivity & Competitiveness Productivity growth is key for improving competitiveness, economic growth and prosperity. Productivity is a measure of a nation's efficiency in producing goods and services measured by the size of output relative to inputs. The weakened industrial competitiveness and improvement in productivity are the most important issue, which would like to correlate with ergonomics discipline
TOYOTA WAY in Production Cost Principle Cost Reduction (1) Selling price = Cost + Profit (2) Profit = Selling Price - Costs Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit Selling Price Selling Price Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Methods for increasing profit Raise the selling price Demand > Supply Reduce the costs Demand < Supply Berikut adalah cost principle yang dianut oleh Toyota ………… Cost Reduction is Absolute Requirement to Increase Profit
Perkembangan Atribut Kompetisi Hemat Energy? Cost Quality Delivery Flexibility/ Responsiveness Innovation 1800 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
TOYOTA WAY : Lessons from Toyota The Toyota Way is supported by two main pillars. They are “Continuous Improvement” and “Respect for People” We never satisfied with where we are and always improve our business by putting forth our best ideas and efforts. Continuous Improvement Respect for People Pada dasarnya, Toyota Way terdiri dari 2 pilar yakni Continuous Improvement dan Respect for People………. Ini adalah poin yang utama dari Toyota Way … Dan berikut adalah definisi dari Continuous Improvement dan Respect for People We respect people, and believe the success of our business is created by individual effort and good teamwork. Respect for People SOURCE : TMC
Toyota View on Ergonomic Ergonomics is Toyota Production System Itself Eliminating ・MURI (Hard/difficult work) ・MURA (Unaccustomed to the operation) ・MUDA (Unnecessary movements) Workplace Full of Vitality I Made Dana M. Tangkas Senior General Manager PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, 2006
Gaining Market Share In only 30 years, Japanese auto mobile producers quickly showed their strength
Role of Ergonomic in Supporting Work Productivity (Ergonomic Work and Health, Stephen Pheasant. 1991) Task Design System Design Design & Engineering Product Design Ergonomic WORK DESIGN Work Station Design Interface Design Management Information Design Environmental Design PRODUCTIVITY
Ergonomi untuk Meningkatan Produktivitas Kerja ? GOOD ERGONOMICS = GOOD ECONOMICS
Goal/Objective A solution-oriented branch of ergonomics rather than just an evaluation of work-related problems. To optimize worker well-being and productivity by treatment of the work stressors Ergonomics interventions are preventive, before injuries occur, thereby avoiding future medical treatments.
6 Problematika dalam Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri Three separate areas of application : (a) employee safety and health concern, (b) cost-or-productivity related fields, and (c) the comfort of people Physical size (anthropometric). Endurance (cardiovascular). Strength (biomechanical). Manipulative (kinesiology). Environmental (external). Cognitive (thought).
Indicators of Need for Ergonomics Attention Product quality is low Training time is unacceptably long Employees take frequent rest periods Personal and fatigue allowances are too high Operator assignment to the job is limited by size, sex, age or physique There is interference with verbal communication There are requests for transfers to other jobs Employees cannot meet production standards Employees are frequently away from the work place Breaks seem excessively long There is an unacceptably large number of rejects on the operation Operators are making frequent mistakes on the jobs There is high material waste Labor turnover on the job is excessive Employees frequently complain about job requirements Production output is unacceptably low Absenteeism is unacceptably high There are accidents or near accidents on the job Employees frequently visit the infirmary
Studi tentang ergonomi tidak lagi hanya fokus ke aktivitas manual-fisik (method study, motion & time study, human-machine interfaces, job design, workload analysis, dll) sudah merambah ke aras makro dalam skala organisasi industri produktivitas dan keselamatan kerja (work safety). Tidak seperti studi yang terkait dengan produktivitas (motion and time studies), ergonomi merupakan studi yang paling banyak memperoleh dukungan dari pekerja/operator karena hasilnya bisa dirasakan langsung dan membuat kerja mereka menjadi lebih nyaman (work comfort), aman/sehat (OSH) dan mudah diselesaikan.
Dari Studi Kerja Manusia ke Optimasi Sistem Industri Industrial Engineering Roadmap: Dari Studi Kerja Manusia ke Optimasi Sistem Industri
PRODUCTION SYSTEMS? “ … a production system uses resources to transform inputs into some desired outputs ….”
Konsep Sistem Produksi/Operasional Production/Operation system merupakan aktivitas yang kompleks berkaitan dengan human resources, raw materials, technology (fasilitas operasional), informasi, dan lain-lain. Konsep sistem & model : Menggambarkan hubungan keterkaitan dari seluruh komponen-komponen yang terkait dalam proses produksi/ operasional Simulasi kondisi-kondisi yang kompleks dan abstrak. Memiliki peranan penting dalam upaya pengambilan keputusan dalam manajemen produksi/industri.
Proses Produksi Organisasi & Manajemen Sistem Industri Environment Standard Performance * Quality * Costs * Time Delivery Proses Manajemen Proses Produksi Finished Goods Products . Material . Human . Machines/ Equipment . Information . Energy Services Waste, Defects, etc
Abundance of information Abad-Abad Perubahan Agricultural Age Industrial Age Information Age food & things food knowledge Wealth definition slaves/serfs (man power) partners (human capital) People work as employees (human resource) People work in hierarchies organization bureaucracies organization Team-nets/networks organization Production system mass-customization mfg-system one-piece customization mass-production mfg system Scarcity of resources Abundance of information
Revolution Industrial age Information age Industrial Revolution Fifty Years 1960 2010 Production Economy (P-economy) Knowledge Economy (K-economy) Industrial age Information age
New Paradigm in Mfg Industry Technological Progress Computer/Information Automation Economical Change Competitiveness Global Market Production/ Operation Management Industrial System Diversification Customer Satisfaction (Costs, Quality, Delivery, Flexibility, and Innovation)
Paradigma Manufaktur Production : “Lean” “Mass” “Reconfigurable” “Flexible” “Reconfigurable” 1913 1960 1980 2000 Obyektif : Tanggapan (Responsiveness) Keragaman (Variety) “Knowledge Science” (Mengetahui dengan pasti fungsi dan kapasitas yang diperlukanpada waktu yang tepat) Kualitas Beaya “Komputerisasi” “Manajemen Operasi” Pendukung/Pendekatan : “Interchangeable Parts”
Supply Chain of a Typical Mfg Industry Manufacturing Company Warehouse, Dealer, Distributor, Direct Sales Force Suppliers Retail Consumer
Strategic Alliances – Horizontal and Vertical Joint Venture Links Supplier Links Distribution Links Manufacturing Firm Raw Materials End Customers Joint Venture Links
Disiplin Teknik Industri HORIZON BARU Disiplin Teknik Industri
Engineers or Managers? (Insinyur/Teknolog atau Ekonom/Teknokrat)
Phase-Phase Perkembangan Aktivitas Produksi di Industri Macam & Volume Produk Area Lokasi Pemasaran Sifat Perubahan Terjadi Periode Job Order Customized, kecil, terbatas Lokal Tersendat, Trial & Error Sebelum Revolusi Industri Mass Production Standard, seri, batch, massal Regional Lambat, Scientific Method Revolusi Industri - 1930 Mass Marketing Diversifikasi, banyak model Nasional Cepat 1930 - 1950 Mass Customization Sangat terdiver sifikasi & masal Global/ Internasional Turbulent 1950 - Skg
Why IE Was Born ? As a result of industrial Revolution Need for technically trained people who could plan, organize, and manage the operations of large complex system Need to increase productivity and efficiency of Operation System
Perkembangan Disiplin Teknik Industri Phase Perkembangan Problematik, Kasus, Konsep, atau Pengembangan Teori Skala Pandang Revolusi Industri (1750-1900-an) Mekanisasi Proses-2 Produksi, Interchange-ability Parts, Standardisasi Produk (awal Mass Production) MIKRO Scientific Management (1890 - 1930-an) Time & Motion Studies, Organization (Functional) Design, Production Planning & Scheduling, Inventory Model (EOQ), Statistical QC, Line Balancing, etc. Industrial Engineering (1930-1950-an) Tool Design, Engineering Economy, Human Engineering (Ergonomics), Facilities Location & Layout, Queuing Theory, Analyzing Productivity, Management Controls, etc Operations Research (1945-1970-an) Digital Computer, Mathematical Programming, Reliability Analysis, Decision/Optimization Theory, System Engineering, Automation, Mgmt Information System, etc. MIKRO & MAKRO Industrial & System Engineering Control Theory, Large-Scale System, Total System Design, Social System, Cybernetics, Behavioral Theory
Kompetensi Teknik Industri Menyongsong Masa Depan Sumber: Sinks, DS Kompetensi Teknik Industri Menyongsong Masa Depan Sumber: Sinks, DS. Can IE’s Become Master of Change? Journal Industrial Engineering, December 1985 Teknik Industri Teknik Industri Aliran Tradisional Aliran Modern - Work Measurement + (plus) Performance & Productivity Measurement - Methods Engineering + (plus) Operation Analysis, I/O Analysis, etc - Human Factors Engineering + (plus) Socio -Technical System Design - Operation Research + (plus) Mgmt Support System Design, Development and Facilitation - Engineering Economy + (plus) Capital Productivity Management - Manufacturing Processes, + (plus) Manufacturing Systems Mgmt, Productivity Inventory Control, Facilities Management Planing, Production Control - Quality Control, Reliability + (plus) Quality Management (Total) and Statistics - Productivity Improvement + (plus) Strategic Planning/Mgmt, etc - Computers Programming, + (plus) Corporate Finance, Cost Analysis, Organization Industrial Organization/Mgmt Development/Behavior, Industrial Psychology
Tiga Topik Disiplin Teknik Industri Topik Pertama - Dinamika Aliran Material & Uang. Penekanan pada prinsip-prinsip yang terjadi saat proses transformasi --- seringkali juga disebut sebagai proses nilai tambah --- dan aliran material yang berlangsung dalam sistem produksi yang terus berkelanjut an sampai meningkat ke persoal an aliran distribusi dari produk akhir (output) menuju ke konsumen.
Tiga Topik Disiplin Teknik Industri Kedua - Dinamika Aliran Informasi. Menyangkut aliran informasi yang diperlukan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan manaje- men khususnya dalam skala ope- rasional seperti perencanaan pro- duksi agregat, pengendalian kuali tas, dan berbagai macam problem manajemen produksi/operasional akan merupakan kajian pokoknya.
Tiga Topik Disiplin Teknik Industri Ketiga cenderung membawa disiplin Teknik Industri ini untuk bergerak kearah persoalan-persoalan yang bersifat makro- strategis sebagai sebuah mata rantai pasok (supply chain) yang saling terkait dan membentuk sebuah jaringan kerja (network). Topik ketiga ini cenderung membawa disiplin teknik industri untuk menjauhi persoalan-persoalan teknis (deterministik- fisik-kuantitatif) yang umum dijumpai di lini produksi (topik pertama) dan lebih banyak bergelut dengan persoalan non- teknis (stokastik-abstraktif-kualitatif).
I E Industrial Engineering (IE) Areas of Teaching & Research Systems and Tools (Mathematical Models) I E Ergonomics/ Human Factors Engineering Management Manufacturing Process/Technology
Tantangan & Peluang Riset ? Ditengah-tengah keterpurukan industri nasional --- baik yang bergerak di sektor manufaktur maupun jasa --- didalam menghadapi persaingan global; disiplin Teknik Industri sudah sepatutnya mengambil peluang ini dengan menunjukkan letak keunggulan disiplin TI dibandingkan dengan disiplin keteknikan maupun keilmuan yang lain untuk memberi solusi-solusi yang lebih cerdas. Tantangan maupun ancaman yang menimpa industri nasional justru membuka peluang lebih besar bagi disiplin Teknik Industri untuk melakukan penelitian-penelitian baik berupa penelitian dasar (fundamental research), penelitian terapan (applied research), ataupun penelitian tindakan/pesanan (action research). Cukup banyak kasus yang bisa ditarik dari situasi dan kondisi yang terjadi di industri nasional yang memberi banyak peluang bagi kita untuk mengaplikasikan semua “IE’s Tools” yang kita miliki guna memberikan analisa dan jawaban konkrit. Karakteristik disiplin Teknik Industri yang menekankan model pendekatan sistemik, holistik, serta komprehensif-integral akan sangat efektif untuk menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan industri yang memiliki spektrum luas dari ranah mikro (teknis-operasional) sampai ke makro (sosial-ekonomis-lingkungan).
(The Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2001) Industrial engineer is synonymous with systems integrator ( a big picture thinker, in other words). It’s an employee who takes what exists today and conceptualizes what exist in the future. IEs spend most of their time out in the real operating environment, coming up with scientific approaches to problems rather than seat-of-the pants, temporary solutions (The Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2001)
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