Membangun Digitalpreneur Kota Semarang yang Tangguh


Presentasi serupa

KONSEP BUSINESS PLAN Dr. Yulizar Kasih, S.E., M.Si.
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© 2007 by Prentice Hall Management Information Systems, 10/e Raymond McLeod and George Schell 1 Management Information Systems, 10/e Raymond McLeod and.
Zulharman. Tujuan Belajar 1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai metode membuat catatan kuliah (note taking) 2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami metode membaca.
1 Pertemuan 12 Pengkodean & Implementasi Matakuliah: T0234 / Sistem Informasi Geografis Tahun: 2005 Versi: 01/revisi 1.
ABSTRACT for further detail, please visit
ANALYSIS CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES. What Are the Real Problems? the customer has only a vague idea of what is required the developer is willing to proceed.
1 Pertemuan 2 Unit 1 - Careers Matakuliah: G0682 / Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi 1 Tahun: 2005 Versi: versi/revisi.
Young entrepreneur Woman entrepreneur Minority entrepreneur Migrant entrepreneur Part-timer entrepreneur Home-based entrepreneur.
1 INTRODUCTION Pertemuan 1 s.d 2 Matakuliah: A0554/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Tahun: 2006.
 Materi :  Understanding e-CRM Concept and Application  Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi :  Kalakota, Ravi & Marcia Robinson (2001). e-Business 2.0. Roadmap.
Iwan Abadi, Ir., M. M.  11.  Tatap Muka  Tugas  Studi kasus  Diskusi  22.
-Do you have a close friend? Does she/he have a problem? -What do you say when she/he tells her/his problem? - Did you ever come to your friend house?
Introduction.  Proses manajemen untuk mengidentifikasi, mengantisipasi dan memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan secara menguntungkan  Pemasaran adalah proses.
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A SMALL TRUTH TO MAKE LIFE 100%. Hard Work H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K = 98% Knowledge K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 96%
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Suhandi Wiratama. Before I begin this presentation, I want to thank Mr. Abe first. He taught me many things about CorelDRAW. He also guided me when I.
Website: Website Technologies.
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ICT untuk kolaborasi internasional
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2. Discussion TASK 1. WORK IN PAIRS Ask your partner. Then, in turn your friend asks you A. what kinds of product are there? B. why do people want to.
ICT untuk kolaborasi internasional
Wednesday/ September,  There are lots of problems with trade ◦ There may be some ways that some governments can make things better by intervening.
KELOMPOK 6 Arranged by Group 3 Adam Pangestu ( ) Muhammad Arif( ) Mohammad Lutfi( ) Mala Sari( ) Noor Fajri( )
Transcript presentasi:

Membangun Digitalpreneur Kota Semarang yang Tangguh Oleh: Dinoor Susatijo SM Open Innovation Management Telkom Digital Service, 2016

Latar Belakang: Membangun Ekonomi Digital Indonesia Realisasi PNBP tahun 2015 sebesar Rp252,4 triliun, atau 93,8 persen dari target APBN-P 2015. Lebih rendahnya realisasi PNBP terutama disebabkan oleh turunnya pendapatan sumber daya alam (SDA) migas dan pertambangan mineral dan batubara (minerba) Indonesia Go DIGITAL Di Depan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia, Jokowi Bicara Ekonomi Digital PNBP 2015 hanya 23% Potensi ekonomi digital di Indonesia sangat besar dan penting untuk dikembangkan, hal itu ditambahkan oleh Jokowi, “Kita ingin developer kita mengejar negara lain. Potensi digital ekonomi kita kurang lebih US$ 13 juta. Lima tahun ke depan berpotensi menjadi US$ 130 juta. Sebuah potensi yang besar sekali, jangan sampai diambil oleh orang lain.” Jumlah Pengusaha/Entrepreneur Indonesia masih sedikit Indonesia 1,5% Singapura 7% Malaysia 5% Thailand 4,5% Vietnam 3,3% Presiden Joko Widodo dalam acara Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI) Maret 2016 (sumber: Standar World Bank 4%

Organizational Leadership Digital Economy The Digital Economy explains the new economy, the new enterprise, and the new technology, and how they link to one another—how they enable one another. Economy Enterprise Technology It is not simply about the networking of technology, but about the networking of humans through technology. It is not an age of smart machines but of humans who work through networks to combine their intelligence, knowledge, and creativity for breakthroughs in the creation of wealth and social development. It is not just an age of linking computers but of internetworking human ingenuity. The 4 Things It Takes to Succeed in the Digital Economy Customer Experience Product Enhancement Collaborative Innovation Organizational Leadership Sources: Digital Economy, Don Tapscott, 2014; Harvard Business Review 2016

The Top Startup Mistakes

Go Digital untuk Solusi Beberapa Permasalahan Kota & Negara Studi Banding di India Memanfaatkan teknologi untuk memecahkan masalah yang telah terjadi selama beberapa dekade

Perjalanan Indigo Creative Nation: From Creativity to Commerce

Pendekatan Pengembangan Startup Digital Since 2009, more than 2200 startups have participated in Indigo Program 1 Inkubasi Akselerasi People Develop Digitalpreneur (Startup) through Indigo Program Digital Creative Industry Ecosystem Development 2 Planet Provide 19 creative facilities in 12 cities in Indonesia 3 Academic + Research institute Business Community Government Participation Quad Helix Collaboration Sources: Telkom, A.T. Kearney

Creative Camp and Creative Center Banda Aceh Contact: E-mail : Web :

People Planet Participation

Creative Camp Activities Identify potential talents and startups Team, Problem & Idea Validation Technical, Design, and Business Modules Team Management, Industrial Insight, Lean Methodology

Talent/ developer/ startup Profil, kemampuan, pengelompokkan Why Mapping Who(s) Talent/ developer/ startup Profil, kemampuan, pengelompokkan Why Meningkatkan kapabilitas Sharing ide / bertukar pikiran Mencari co-founders / partner / developer Technology Makes sure it works HACKER HIPSTER HUSTLER Business Makes sure it makes money Design Makes sure it serves the user

Talent Development Perlu dikembangkan kurikulum sesuai dengan kebutuhan SDK Dapat dibagi ke dalam kurikulum technical, design, business. Kegiatan: Training / workshop Knowledge sharing / Meet-Up Kompetisi

Founders Preparation Memberikan pengetahuan tentang: Startup dan mengelola sebuah startup digital Industri dan ekosistem bisnis yang dapat menginspirasi pengembangannnya melalui teknologi Metodologi Lean Startup Mempelajari pasar dan calon users Kegiatan Knowledge sharing / training / Meet-Up Idea sharing Founders dating / match-making Mentoring

Pra-Inkubasi Mematangkan ide bisnis dan Tim Startup Melakukan validasi terhadap permasalahan yang akan disolusikan Kegiatan (dilakukan oleh seluruh Tim Startup): Workshop implementasi Lean Startup, khususnya dalam tahap Customer Validation Mengembangkan prototipe sebagai tools / alat melakukan validasi Mentoring

Mekanisme Lean Startup Build-Measure-Learn Validated learning Innovation accounting Jangan takut menyatakan “salah”, namun yang terpenting adalah pelajaran apa yang didapat dari kesalahan tersebut dan segera memperbaikinya. Semakin cepat kesalahan ditemukan akan semakin baik. Lakukan “PIVOT” untuk mendapatkan inovasi yang lebih tepat

Merencanakan bisnis startup bersama seluruh tim Understanding users, business, and technology. Define focus and key strategy. Sketches, and decide. Prototype and validate. Source: Borrys Hasian / Google Expert

Jangan lupa MENGUKUR dengan metrik yang tepat The Simplest Rule

Contoh metrik Web Analytic E-Commerce Site

Mulailah dengan Early Adopter Innovators or generators: they use innovation before the early adopters, because they want to do it without taking into account what the real problem may be. That is to say, their concern is to test a new technology but they are not aware of the benefits it may bring to them. Early adopters:  they have a need and are willing to pay for a new technology that could satisfy their need. This group encompasses the majority of opinion leaders. On the contrary to the innovators, they in fact know their needs. It’s starting with (Specific) Consumer’s Problem first….NOT Ideas.

Memahami & menerapkan teknologi terkini Digital Technology Transformation Key Drivers Transformation FINTECH SECURITY COGNITIVE TECHNOLOGY BOT Source: Ambit software, 2016

Mengembangkan kerjasama Contoh: Indigo Partners

Promosi dan Digital Marketing Customer Visit Demo Day Startup Exhibition Give business opportunities for startups to integrate their products into Telkom Group portfolios and supporting systems Bi-annual events to introduce qualified startups to investors, corporations, and government agencies to encourage further startup growth Give opportunities for startup to take part in some strategic exhibitions and other events Maintain a portal and social media(s) to engage audiens and give significant progress information on Indigo.

Lets Work Together and Grow Together Thank You… Lets Work Together and Grow Together And visit us @