Design Pre-Settlement
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 1. Definition 2. Aims Design Pre-Settlement 3. Kinds of pre settle 4. Tools 5. Steps of setting Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Definition and The Aim of Hair setting 1. Definition of desing pre-settlement : is Setting which is directed to help achieving a certain style of desired hair setting. 2. The aim : to make easier in forming the desired hair setting. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Kinds of Design Pre-Settlement Techniques : a. Finger wave, is a technique which is done to form curls by using fingers and comb to the hair which has been rubbed with setting lotion/setting jelly. Steps to make finger wave : 1). The hair must be clean and a half dry. 2). Prepare the hair by making parting as desired style. Apply cosmetic to the area will be done. 3). Finger wave is done on the crown or the thicker hair part. adalah teknik yang dilakukan guna membentuk ombak-ombak/ikal pada rambut dengan menggunakan jari-jari tangan dan sisir pada rambut yang telah diberi setting lotion/setting jelly. Cara pembuatan finger wave : 1). Rambut dalam keadaan bersih dan ½ kering. 2). Rambut disiapkan dengan membuat sibakan sesuai keinginan. Pakaikan kosmetika pada area yang akan dikerjakan. 3). Finger wave dikerjakan pada daerah cronw atau bagian yang lebih tebal. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 4). The first step is by pressing fore finger to the first bent shape (lengkungan pertama). By using the comb teeth, pull the hair frontward, under the fore finger which is pressing the bent shape. Direct the hair frontward about 1 more inches. Example of Finger Wave and the technique Source : Puspoyo, Widjanarko, Endang (1995) 5). Middle finger change the position of the fore finger, and the fore finger move downward to make the next ridge. See the picture a and b. a. b Example of Making the ridge Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata a. Finger Wave 1). Flat Finger wave with the divide on the left side a). Apply cosmetic thoroughly, make the divide on the left side. b). The first rigde is done from the right to left gradually in the same size of wave. c). Make the second ridge starting from left to right with the same size of curl / wave along the line continuously. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata This is an alternative in making finger wave, with the wave is slant (diagonal). Technique of making it is the same as the above. Example of making Finger Wave Source : Puspoyo, Widjanarko, Puspoyo (1995) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 2). Straight forward Finger wave Technique of making it : a). Make a bent shape (lengkungan) on the right side. b) The first line starts from the parting next to the ears. The wave / curl is made directed to the cheek bone. The second line starts from the front hair line. Make the wave / curl straight forward like the previous one continuously. c). The third line starts from the divide (sibakan) of the hair with the same direction continuously. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
KINDS OF DESIGN PRE-SETTLEMENT b. Pincurl (sculpture curl) Pincurl is made by using fingers, the tail of comb, hair pin. The use is for : 1). maintain the shape of wave / curl 2). result in natural wave / curl 3). maintain the shape of flat wave / curl remain on its place. 4). form many kinds of curl 5). result in curl / wave with hills (bukit) and indentations (lembah) on the hair Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
PINCURL/SCULPTURE CURL Pincurl structure consist of 3 main component : 1). Base curl (dasar ikal), is the base of the curl which can not move and exist on the scalp. 2). Stem curl (Pangkal ikal), is the part of the curl which is above the base and the first curve of the curl. 3). Roll of the curl (Lingkar ikal), is part of the hair which form the full curl. The place of the three pin curl component determine the characteristic and the form of the curl. Picture : Base curl Source : Puspoyo, Widjanarko, Endang (1995) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 4. 5. 6. 4). No stem curl, a). The kind of curl which its entire curl roll is on the base curl. b). The result of the curl is strong and long lasting. 5). A half steam curl, a). the kind of curl in which a half of its curl is on its base. b). the result of the curl is soft and not long lasting 6). Full steam curl, a). the kind of curl in which the entire curl is outside of its base. b). the result of curl is softer and it is less long lasting Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata b. Basic form of dasar pincurl Basically, there are 4 basic forms of pincurl : 1). Squarebase a). Can be used for all parts of the head. b). The resulted curls are uniform in shape. c). The form is long lasting d). It can be used at all part of hair 2). Triangle base a). At the front part of the head, to protect the hair setting from breaking out. b). The formation of the curls are curl after the other. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 3). Rectangular base a). it is used at both sides of head, and functioned to prevent from breaking of the setting b) the formation of the curls are curl after the other 4). Arc base a). It is used to set the top mess, sides and back mess. b). The basic direction is made the same as the pre-settlement direction will be made Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata c). The steps of making pincurl The steps : 1). Blocking (taking of the hair) must be combed tidily . 2). Direct the hair according to the desired design 3). The position of the hair is stretch out 4). Hold the hair between the fore finger and thumb. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 5). Make a smooth and even roll, without twist on the hair. 6). With the help of tail of comb to help set the base 7). With pin to help tighten the form of pincurl Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata The formation of pincurl is done by the help of fingers. Bellow is how to form pincurl with the ends close and open. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 3. Skip wave, is a combination between finger wave and pincurl. The place of pincurl is between the curves of the waves of finger wave. 4. Rigde curl, is a combination between finger wave and pincurl. The location of pincurl is on the peaks hill of the shaping / finger wave. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Step of forming the ridge curl : Apply cosmetic evenly on the part will be pre-settle Decide the division on the front Make the shape like finger wave straight forward Take the end part carefully to form pincurl The number of pincurls are suit with the size of shape and the size of curl will be made. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 5. Setting Equipment . Tools are : 1). Big comb 2). Tail comb 3). Bouffant comb 4). Bouffant smoother Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata setting equipment 5). Roller, a. silinder roller b. konoid roller 6). Pincurls and pins Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata setting equipment 7. Water sprayer 10. Droug cup 8. Hairnet set 9. ear cover Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Setting equipment b. Lenin : 1. Work uniform 2. shampoo cape 3. Small towel Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Setting equipment c. Cosmetic : 1). Setting lotion, is clear liquid which function to maintain the shape of the curl in order to be long lasting 2). Jelly, is a transparent and thick liquid, it is good for thin hair because it improve the thickness of the hair temporarily 3). Blow lotion, is clear liquid which is used before pirming to protect the hair from the heat of dryer 4). Styling Mouse, is in the form of foam which is function to create volume and form natural curl of hair, it is good for thin and smooth hair c. Kosmetik : 1). Setting lotion yaitu cairan bening yang berfungsi mempertahankan bentuk ikal yang terjadi lebih lama 2). Jelly, yaitu berbentuk transparant dan kental, baik untuk rambut tipis karena menambah ketebalan rambut untuk sementara 3). Blow lotion, yaitu cairan bening digunakan sebelum dilakukan pengeringan guna melindungi rambut dari panasnya alat pengering 4). Styling Mouse, yaitu berbentuk busa yang berfungsi untuk menciptakan volume dan membentuk ikal yang alami pada rambut, bagus digunakan untuk rambut tipis dan halus Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Setting lotion/styling spray 3. Hair spray 3. Jelly cream 4. Styling mouse Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 6. Steps of setting Shampooing b Setting cosmetic applications c. Parting 9 sections, Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Steps of setting d. Rolling hair e. Technique of rolling 1). Lean frontward, resulting maximum curling 2). Lean backward, resulting indentations (lembah) 3). The combination of curling direction resulting hilly and valley Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata Steps of setting Drying process The result of rolling Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata 1. Spread hair (Rambut mengembang) 2. Hair with natural curls Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
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