Konsep Pengembangan Modul dan Penerapan model model SCL Dr. Suryanto Kepala Lembaga Pengembangan Pembelajaran Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Teacher Belief What is teacher Belief?
Learning Theories Behaviourism Cognitivism Constructivism Connectivism
Students teacher relationship theory Attachment theory Communicative system approach Social development theory
Attachment theory
Communication system approach http://www.simplexgrinnell.com/ENUS/Solutions/EmergencyCommunications/Pages/default.aspx
Social development theory Taken from : https://www.cs.tcd.ie/disciplines/information_systems/crite/crite_web/lpr/teaching/constructivism.html
Theory of instruction
Taken form http://im404504.wikidot.com/nine-events-of-instruction
Some cognitive teaching principles Automaticity Meaningful learning The anticipation of rewards Intrinsic Motivation Strategic Investment Autonomy (Brown, 2007)
Meaningful learning
The anticipation of rewards Taken form http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fnhum.2011.00087/full
Intrinsic motivation Taken from http://creatingcurriculum.wordpress.com/2012/06/17/motivations-of-gifted-children-what-can-you-do/
Strategic investment Taken from http://edfacilitiesinvestment-db.org/facilities/53
Student centered learning small-group discussion role-play & simulation discovery /Inquiry learning self-directed learning cooperative learning collaborative Learning/CbL contextual learning/CI project-based learning/PjBL problem-based learning/inquiry
Small group discussion Taken from http://joshhevans.com/2012/08/27/tips-on-facilitating-effective-discussion-during-small-groups/
Group discussion Make a group (3-10) Choose discussion topic Method of Teaching Students’ activities Teacher roles Group discussion Make a group (3-10) Choose discussion topic Present the result of small group discussion and present in the class discussion Create the topics and rules for discussion Become moderator and provide review and feedback in every session of students’ discussion
Role play/Simulation Taken from http://creativeteacherette.blogspot.com/2012/11/simulations-and-role-plays.html
Comprehend and undertake the roles assigned to them Teaching method Students’ activities Lecturers’ roles Simulation / Role play Comprehend and undertake the roles assigned to them Practice/ try various prepared models (computer based) Design real-like situation/activities: role play, computer models, or other type of simulation Review the students activities and performances
Discovery learning Taken from https://www.accessola.org/OLAWEB/Together_for_Learning/T4L_Vision_Document/Discovery_and_Guided_Inquiry/OLAWEB/OSLA/Together_for_Learning/Discovery_and_Guided_Inquiry.aspx
Evaluate and provide feedback toward the students’ independent works Teaching Method Students ‘activities Lecturers’ roles Discovery Learning Find, collect, and arrange existing information to describe certain knowledge Provide data or method to explore knowledge that needs to be acquired by students Evaluate and provide feedback toward the students’ independent works
self-directed learning http://www.teachthought.com/learning/the-four-stages-of-the-self-directed-learning-model/
Self-Directed Learning Teaching methods Self-Directed Learning merencanakan kegiatan belajar, melaksanakan, dan menilai pengalaman belajarnya sendiri. sebagai fasilitator. memberi arahan, bimbingan, dan konfirmasi terhadap kemajuan belajar yang telah dilakukan individu mahasiswa. Sumber: Buku Panduan Pemgembangan kurikulum Dikti 2014
Cooperative learning Source: Cooperative learning by Dr. Kristen Cuthrell accessed in http://legacy.collegestar.org/modules/col/introduction close
Cooperative Learning Membahas dan menyimpulkan masalah/ tugas yang diberikan dosen secara berkelompok. Merancang dan dimonitor proses belajar dan hasil belajar kelompok mahasiswa. Menyiapkan suatu masalah/ kasus atau bentuk tugas untuk diselesaikan oleh mahasiswa secara berkelompok.
Collaborative learning Taken from https://www.flickr.com/photos/wfryer/3310821288/
Collaborative Learning Bekerja sama dengan anggota kelompoknya dalam mengerjakan tugas • Membuat rancangan proses dan bentuk penilaian berdasarkan konsensus kelompoknya sendiri. Merancang tugas yang bersifat open ended. Sebagai fasilitator dan motivator. Sumber: Buku Panduan Pemgembangan kurikulum Dikti 2014
Contextual instruction https://sharonvogt.wordpress.com/tag/discovery-learning/
Contextual Instruction Membahas konsep (teori) kaitannya dengan situasi nyata • Melakukan studi lapang/ terjun di dunia nyata untuk mempelajari kesesuaian teori. Menjelaskan bahan kajian yang bersifat teori dan mengkaitkannya dengan situasi nyata dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, atau kerja profesional, atau manajerial, atau entrepreneurial. Menyusun tugas untuk studi mahasiswa terjun ke lapangan Sumber: Buku Panduan Pemgembangan kurikulum Dikti 2014
Taken from http://www. worksheetlibrary. com/teachingtips/projectbased
Project Based Learning Mengerjakan tugas (berupa proyek) yang telah dirancang secara sistematis. • Menunjukan kinerja dan mempertanggung jawabkan hasil kerjanya di forum. Merancang suatu tugas (proyek) yang sistematik agar mahasiswa belajar pengetahuan dan ketrampilan melalui proses pencarian/ penggalian (inquiry), yang terstruktur dan kompleks. Merumuskan dan melakukan proses pembimbingan dan asesmen. Sumber: Buku Panduan Pemgembangan kurikulum Dikti 2014
Problem based learning (Khadjooi and Rostami, 2011)
Problem Based Learning Belajar dengan menggali/ mencari informasi (inquiry) serta memanfaatkan informasi tersebut untuk memecahkan masalah faktual/ yang dirancang oleh dosen . Merancang tugas untuk mencapai kompetensi tertentu Membuat petunjuk(metode) untuk mahasiswa dalam mencari pemecahan masalah yang dipilih oleh mahasiswa sendiri atau yang ditetapkan. Sumber: Buku Panduan Pemgembangan kurikulum Dikti 2014