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Transcript presentasi:

By : HSEQ Team (MSL/DS/AAH) Task Risk Assessment By : HSEQ Team (MSL/DS/AAH)

Definisi Risk – gabungan dari kemungkinan (frequency)dan konsekuensi (consequence) Hazards - sumber atau keadaan yang memiliki potensi menyebabkan kerugian dalam bentuk cedera, sakit, kerusakan harta, lingkungan kerja atau kombinasi Identifikasi Bahaya – pengenalan proses yang menimbulkan bahaya dan menentukan karakteristiknya. Risk Assessment – penilaian menyeluruh untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya dan menentukan apakah resiko dapat diterima. Risk Management, - pengelolaan resiko yang mencakup identifikasi, penilaian dan pengendalian resiko

What is Risk Tidak ada kegiatan tanpa resiko All activities have risks associated with and hence could be rendered unsafe Sukses hanya akan dicapai oleh orang yang berani mengambil resiko ( Longfellow)

Internal and External Business Risk

Calculated Risk 0% RISK 100% RISK 100% SAFE 0% SAFE CALCULATED RISK Safe Player Risk Taker 100% SAFE 0% SAFE CALCULATED RISK

What is Risk Management Risk management adalah suatu proses atau perencanaan untuk menghindarkan terjadinya gangguan terhadap bisnis perusahaan. Prinsip filosofi : Plan for the best , but prepared for the worst Rencanakan yang terbaik, tetapi bersiap menghadapi kondisi terburuk.

Surat Edaran Menakertrans RI Nomor: SE.140/MEN/PPK-KK/II/2004 Tentang Pemenuhan Kewajiban Syarat-syarat Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Di Industri Kimia dengan Potensi Bahaya Besar (MAJOR HAZARD INSTALLATION)

Why Risk Management Risk Management merupakan inti atau sasaran utama dari setiap program K3 dalam perusahaan. Risk Management merupakan persyaratan dalam sistim manajemen K3 SMK3 – OHSAS 18001 OHSA ILO dll

Pendekatan Pencegahan Kecelakaaan : Pendekatan secara manusia (Human Approach) Pendekatan Teknis ( Engineering approach) Pendekatan Manajemen (Management systems) Pendekatan pencegahan Kecelakaan: Pencegahan kecelakaan dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai metoda atau pendekatan yaitu secara manusia, teknis dan pendekatan dalam sistem manajemen. Ketiga pendekatan tersebut dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan, karena seringkali suatu kecelakaan bersumber dari multi faktor. Pendekatan secara manusia didasarkan kepada hasil statistik bahwa 85% kecelakaan disebabkan oleh faktor manusia dengan tindakan yang tidak aman. Karena itu untuk mencegah kecelakaan dilakukan upaya pembinaan manusia dengan sasaran untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sehingga kesadaran K3nya menjadi tinggi. Pendekatan teknis ditujukan kepada kondisi fisik baik yang menyangkut peralatan, material, proses maupun lingkungan kerja yang tidak aman. Untuk itu dapat dilakukan upaya teknis guna mengurangi potensi bahaya yang ada, misalnya membuat desain alat/sistem pengaman yang baik, peralatan pengontrol dsb. Pendekatan secara manajemen dilakukan dengan cara memperbaiki metode, prosedur, sistem jam kerja dsb

Upaya meningkatkan kinerja K3 melalui 3 aspek, Engineering, Prosedur dan Standar dan unsur Manusia

Sasaran penerapan K3 Sistim Manajemen K3 Sumber daya Manusia Organisasi Sistem prosedur Sarana Fasilitas Lingkungan

Sistim Manajemen K3 OSHAS 18001:1999 Continual improvement MANAGEMENT REVIEW OH&S Policy Planning CHECKING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION Implementation and operation

Manfaat Risk Management Pemenuhan perundangan Mencegah kerugian finansial Meningkatkan nilai saham Menekan gangguan bisnis Memelihara kelangsungan usaha

Safety and Effeciency Safety dapat mencegah kerugian dan meningkatkan efesiensi perusahaan “Our efficiency and our bottom-line focus will make us the most profitable automotive company in the world” Jurgen Schrempp Ciarman of Daimler Chrysler

Flow Diagram Risk Management Estimasi keparahan kecelakaan Modifikasi sistem Sistem yang ada Identifikasi bahaya Penentuan tingkat resiko Resiko dapat diterima Sistem dapat beroperasi Estimasi kecendrunga kecelakaan Identifikasi Bahaya Penilaian Resiko Pengendalian Resiko Risk Management

Why Do We Need Risk Assessment

Number of Deaths per Million Persons Why Risk Assessment RISK IS UNAVOIDABLE IN OUR EVERYDAY LIVES Number of Deaths per Million Persons Hazard All Causes 9,000.0 Motor Vehicle Accidents 210.0 Work Accidents 150.0 Homicides 93.0 Drowning 37.0 Poisonings 17.0 Boating 0.6 Tornadoes 0.4 Bites and Stings 0.2 Annual Risk of Death in the US.

Investigations of fatal accidents have shown ...deficiencies in the following elements of gHSEr have been identified in over 80% of investigations: People, Training & Behaviours Operations & Maintenance Leadership & Accountability Risk Assessment Percentage of times gHSEr Elements referenced in corrective actions in fatality investigation reports

PENI GHSER element 2: Risk Assessment and Management Management of risk is a continuous process and the cornerstone of all the HSE elements. We will regularly identify the hazards and assess the risk associated with our activities. We will take appropriate action to manage the risks and hence prevent or reduce the impact of potential accidents or incidents.

Elemen SMK3 SMK3 Kepmenaker 05/1996 Elemen 2.1. Perencanaan Identifikasi bahaya, penilaian dan pengendalian Resiko Identifikasi bahaya, penilaian resiko dan pengenalian risiko dari kegiatan, produk, barang dan jasa harus dipertimbangkan pada saat merumuskan rencana untuk memenuhi kebijakan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.Untuk itu harus ditetapkan dan dipelihara prosedurnya. OHSAS 18001 , 4.3.1. Planning for Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control The organization shall establish and maintain procedures for the ongoing identification of hazards, the assessment of risks, and the implementation of necessary control measures

You don’t take risks – do you ? This is where you start to do some work List in the box three activities you take part in regularly and which you think carry the most risk Activities 1. ……………….. 2. ……………….. 3. ………………..

You don’t take risks – do you ? The responses you have given will be probably unique to you Whatever you have written, if you’ve been honest, then you are accepting the fact that, even though these activities are risky, you are still prepared to carry on doing them in spite of the risks. So what is Risk ? And what makes you happy to carry on with a risky activity ?

The hazards of the job ? Let’s look in more detail at a simple job to identify the hazards associated with it To gain access to faulty pressure transmitter you need to use a portable ladder List in the box possible hazards in doing the job HAZARD ……………. ……………

The hazards of the job ? If you think hard enough the list can become quite long, even for a simple everyday activity. But in spite of this you still go ahead and do the job. Why ? The reason you do is that you believe either: The possible effect of the hazard is slight, or The likelihood of the hazard occurring is remote

Nothing is absolutely safe No activity is absolutely safe. Even when lying in bed there is the possibility of something crashing into the roof of your home. But that doesn’t stop you going to bed You do many different activities regularly in spite of their hazards because at the end of the day you believe the risk is acceptable Either – the effect of the hazard is slight Or – the hazard is unlikely to occur

Nothing is absolutely safe PROBABILITY is the term used to describe the likelihood of the hazard occurring Risk can then be defined as follows: RISK = HAZARD EFFECT X PROBABILITY

RISK To assess whether it is safe to carry on with an activity you need to Assess the hazards Their effects Their probabilities You need to find out: What could go wrong ? What will happen if it does ? How serious is the effect ? How likely is it to happen ?

RISK This will tell you the risk associated with the activity It will also help you decide whether it is safe to carry on Whether the risk is acceptable

What is an acceptable risk ? There is no hard and fast rules to defining acceptable risk. The risk assessment technique you will learn in this training will help you to identify the risks associated with an activity, and the measures to take to minimize them.

What is an acceptable risk ? But in the end you must decide whether those risks are acceptable: whether they are outweighed by the advantages to be gained And that final decision needs clear thought judgment, experience and the benefit of discussion with colleagues. So remember …… Risk Assessors DO IT TOGETHER


What are Hazards Memotong Rumput List in the box the hazards to be aware of and their possibilities effects. Memotong Rumput HAZARD HAZARD EFFECT 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What about typical plant activities List in the box the hazards to be aware of and their possibilities effects. Memasang Spade/Blind HAZARD HAZARD EFFECT 1. ………………………………. 2. ………………………………. 3. ………………………………. 4. ………………………………. 1. …………………………… 2. …………………………… 3. …………………………… 4. ……………………………

What are Hazards Dapatkah anda mengemukakan yang lain ?? Tidak menutup kemungkinan anda melakukan methode aman yang salah dalam mengidentifikasi semua hazard. Pengalaman sangat banyak membantu. Mengambil waktu untuk berpikir tentang hazard juga suatu hal yang crucial.

So how do you spot hazards ? When examining an activity to identify hazards, ask yourself some question: What exactly am I going to do ? List all the steps What materials will I be dealing with? What tools and equipment will I be using? When will the job be done? (daytime, night-time, time of year etc) Where will be the job be done? )(at height, in a confined space etc) How might the activity affect adjacent people/activities/equipment? How might the activity be affected by adjacent people/activities/equipment

What If ??? Another useful question to ask yourself is WHAT IF ???? The pipe line is not empty? I slip? There are sparks? The valve leaks? Finally, you can use the experience of past incidents to suggest areas to watch out for

But don’t assume … Terdapat batasan yang sangat lebar terhadap kemungkinan adanya hazards. Dan kemungkinan hazard yang berbeda pada saat perlakuan waktu dan tempat yang berbeda, dan kondisi yang berbeda pula.


You know the hazard… ………………….but how big is the risk? We have learned identifying the hazards associated with a job.Also learned some questions to use, to help you identify hazards But what we did not do is compare the hazards and decide which were the ones you should be most concerned about Hazard effect x Probability = Risk

How Serious ? Let’s look at an example. Take the case of cutting the grass with rotary electric lawnmower The effects of each of the hazards are different. Some are more serious than others. You need to decide how the hazards compare. Is the effect high (H), medium (M) or low (L) in its seriousness To do this you need to ask question like:

How Serious ? What is the effect? Is it short term or long term effect? Does it affect the equipment or people? How much damage can it cause? How many people can be hurt? Is the effect immediate or is there a time delay allowing escape?

How Serious ? Memotong Rumput In the box to the right of each hazard effect put letter H, M or L depending on how you judge the possible seriousness of the effect of the hazard. Memotong Rumput HAZARD HAZARD EFFECT 1. Kaki terkena pisau pemotong 2. Korslet dalam kondisi basah 3. Batu/Kayu terbang 4. Kabel terpotong 1. Amputasi jari kaki 2. Mati 3. Memar/Luka 4. Mati

So how did you get on ? Unfortunately, it’s often the case in this type of work that there is no right answer. That’s why discussion is often necessary But nevertheless let’s see how you did In terms of seriousness of effect the hazards were rated as follows:

How Serious ? Memotong Rumput In the box to the right of each hazard effect put letter H, M or L depending on how you judge the possible seriousness of the effect of the hazard. Memotong Rumput HAZARD HAZARD EFFECT 1. Kaki terkena pisau pemotong 2. Korslet dalam kondisi basah 3. Batu/Kayu terbang 4. Kabel terpotong 1. Amputasi jari kaki 2. Mati 3. Memar/Luka 4. Mati M H L H

How Serious ? You will notice that a rating has been given to each effect. One hazard may have several possible hazard effects which differ in seriousness But here’s the logic behind the assessment given: The most serious effect is electric shock (kesetrum) – in certain circumstances this can be fatal The next serious is injury to the feet – a toe could be easily be cut off by the mover blade, although a simple cut is less serious The least serious the is the flying stones or sticks – the effect here is a cut or bruise

How Serious ? But you might argue that injury due to flying object could be more serious – it could casue loss if sight. In this case you might include that effect and rate it as high (H) You must also recognize that there doesn’t have to be one of each type (H, M, L). You can rate each hazard however you like; even all the same

What is the probability? You have now gone form simply identifying hazards to deciding how serious each one of them is. But that still isn’t enough to assess the risk. You now need to have a look at PROBABILITIES Probability is a term which is widely used, but also widely misunderstood. For the purpose of Task Risk Assessment you are assessing the likelihood of an unsafe situation arising; causing the effect identified.

What is the probability? To arrive at your assessment of the probability you will need to ask yourself question like: Is it likely that the hazard will arise every time the job is done, once in 10 or 100 times, or once in a lifetime? If the unsafe situation arises, is it certain that the effect will happen? Do the characteristics of the job, the people doing it or the equipment being used have any effect on the probability? E.g. the probability may be higher when inexperienced staff are doing a job for the first time Let’s go back to our example

What is the probability? You must now decide how likely it is that each of these hazards will arise and assign to each one a high, medium, or low probability. Memotong Rumput HAZARD HAZARD EFFECT PROBABILITY = RISK 1. Kaki terkena pisau pemotong 2. Korslet dalam kondisi basah 3. Batu/Kayu terbang 4. Kabel terpotong 1. Amputasi jari kaki 2. Mati 3. Memar/Luka 4. Mati M H L H

What’s the risk? This is not a strictly mathematical treatment. You will notice that to be on the safeside the resultant risk is assigned the higher of the hazard effect and the probability Try it now and complete the table above

What’s the risk? Memotong Rumput You must now decide how likely it is that each of these hazards will arise and assign to each one a high, medium, or low probability. Memotong Rumput HAZARD HAZARD EFFECT PROBABILITY = RISK 1. Kaki terkena pisau pemotong 2. Korslet dalam kondisi basah 3. Batu/Kayu terbang 4. Kabel terpotong 1. Amputasi jari kaki 2. Mati 3. Memar/Luka 4. Mati M L M H L M L H M H H H

What’s the risk? Memotong Rumput 1. Kaki terkena pisau pemotong HAZARD HAZARD EFFECT PROBABILITY = RISK CONTROL MEASURE RESIDUAL RISK 1. Kaki terkena pisau pemotong 2. Korslet dalam kondisi basah 3. Batu/Kayu terbang 4. Kabel terpotong 1. Amputasi jari kaki 2. Mati 3. Memar/Luka 4. Mati M L M 1. Safety Shoes 2. Tidak dlm kondisi basah 3. Bersihkan dari batu 4. Sign/barrier/ELCB L H L M NIL L H M L H H NIL H

Hierarchy of Control Measures

Hierarchy of Control Measures Prohibit/Eliminate: removing the hazard or hazardous work practice from workplace. This is the most effective control measure. No stacking over specified height No use of chlorine based bleach No unauthorised personnel No jewellry Substitute: substituting or replacing the hazard or hazardous work practice with a less hazardous one. Solvent based paints with water based Dusty powder with pastilles Electrical hand tools with compressed air Segregate/Isolate: isolating or separating the hazard or hazardous work practice from persons at the workplace or the general work area. Barrier, Guard, Separate Storage Areas, Physical Isolations (eg. Spade, Lock off)

Hierarchy of Control Measures Engineering Control: If the hazard cannot be eliminated, substituted or isolated, engineering control is the next preferred measure to control the risk. It may include: Change Process Automated Feed Use of Sack Slitter Enclosure Top on container, Noise enclosure on Turbines/Pumps Extraction (Ventilation) Welding, Soldering, Grinding Dilution Dispense dilute chemical, open a window to remove fumes Administrative Control: Introducing policies and changes in work practice and procedures that reduce risk. This could include: Reduced Exposure Times Job rotation, breaks, (needle guns) Training/Procedures/Permit to Work/Isolation and Entry Certificate / Maintenance Schedules etc

Hierarchy of Control Measures Personal Protective Equipment: The risk control application of providing PPE should be considered only: When other control measures are not practicable When used in conjunction with other methods to provide a greater measure of protection When specified by legislation as a basic requirement Where PPE has been provided, its use must be monitored to ensure it is adequate and being worn. Gloves, Goggles, Safety Shoes, Helmet, Safety Harness Key Point: As control measures are not mutually exclusive

PENI-HSE-2-PRS-S-038 Task Risk Assessment Job Safety Analysis

Purpose Task Risk Assessment (TRA) or Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a process to prevent any accident/incident that could be happened during execution of a specific task or job. This procedure is to comply the qualitative risk assessment requirements of “PENI Getting HSE Right” Element 2 – Risk Assessment and Management.

Scope This procedure applies to the task or job: q    To be carried out at PENI process plant as well as at out of the process plant (such as buildings, roads, workshops, laboratories, BCI, parking areas, PENI land, etc) q  The task or job to be proceed with Permit to Work (example: welding at process plant) or without Permit to Work (example: working at workshops, laboratories, roads, parking areas, routine job at process area which have hazard, etc).

Refferences q    Risk Assessment in The Process Industries, 2nd edition, Robin Turney and Robin Pitblado, Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1996 q    Technical Management of Chemical Process Safety, Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis, American Institute of Chem. Eng NY, 1989. q    Task Based Risk Assessment, Safety Training Management Module, BP Chemicals, 2000.

Accountability 1. HSEQ Manager He/She is responsible to ensure task risk assessment or job safety analysis system is in place and the system shall be reviewed based on requirement. 2.      Department Heads He/She is responsible to ensure that all jobs under his/her department control shall be assessed based on this procedure. 3.      Superintendents He/She is responsible to ensure that all jobs under his/her supervision shall be assessed based on this procedure. 4.      Job Engineer/Supervisor He/She is responsible to provide STRA for every job that he/she considers may cause an accident.

Procedures There will be 2(two) types of Task Risk Assessment applicable at PENI: ·  Primary Task Risk Assessment (PTRA) ·   Simplified Task Risk Assessment (STRA)

Procedures Primary Task Risk Assessment (PTRA)

Procedures Simplified Task Risk Assessment (STRA)

Hazard Check List and PTRA STRA Form

The End