What is Ethics … ??? Ethics are principles of right and wrong that can be used by individuals acting as free moral agents to make choices to guide their behavior Information technology is moving so fast that situations arise in which it is not clear what is ethical behavior Technology introduces capabilities that were impossible several years ago. This is particularly true with respect to information technologies and biotechnologies
the Main Features of Ethical Choice? Responsibility means that individuals accept the potential costs, duties, and obligations for their decisions Accountability means that mechanisms are in place to determine who is responsible for an action (social institutions) Liability concerns laws that permit individuals to recover damages done to them by other individuals or systems (political institution) Due process implies laws are well known and there is an appeal process to ensure that laws are applied correctly
Relationship between ethical, social and political
Etika Teknologi Informasi Etika dapat dibagi dalam beberapa aspek (LelianaT.) sbb ; Aspek normatif adalah aspek yang mengacu pada norma-norma moral yang diharapkan untuk mempengaruhi perilaku, kebijakan, keputusan, karakter indivudu dan struktur social. Aspek konseptual diarahkan pada penjernihan ide-ide dasar, prinsip-prinsip, masalah-masalah dan tipe-tipe argument yang dipergunakan dalam membahas isu-isu moral dalam wadah kode etik. Aspek deskriptif berkaitan dengan pengumpulan fakta-fakta yang relefan dan spesifikasi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan informasi tentang fakta-fakta yang sedang berkembang di masyarakat maupun dalam profesi itu sendiri.
Ethics and Information Security
Tanggung Jawab thd Teknologi Informasi Bersifat intrinsik, yaitu baik dan buruk yang berasal dari manusia itu sendiri tanpa dipengaruhi oleh peraturan hukum yang ada. Bersifat ekstrinsik, yaitu perilaku manusia dinilai berdaarkan peraturan hukum yang ada, manusia terikat pada norma-norma dan nilai-nilai yang ada dalam masyarakat.
Professional Codes of Ethics Following a professional code of ethics can produce benefits for the individual, the profession, and society as a whole ; Ethical decision making High standards of practice and ethical behavior Trust and respect from general public Evaluation benchmark for self-assessment
IT Professional Malpractice Negligence : not doing something that a reasonable person would do, or doing something that a reasonable person would not do Duty of care : obligation to protect people against any unreasonable harm or risk Reasonable person standard and Reasonable professional standard Professional malpractice: professionals who breach the duty of care are liable for injuries that their negligence causes
Etika dalam era Teknologi Informasi Keprihatinan publik (masyarakat secara umum) tentang penggunaan teknologi informasi meliputi: E-mail dan pemantauan akses internet Jaringan peer-to-peer melanggar hak cipta (violation of copyright) E-mail yang tidak diminta (Unsolicited e-mail) Hacker dan identifikasi pencurian (theft) Plagiat (plagiarism) Cookie dan spyware
The Software Engineering Code (cases) 8 principles that express responsibilities to: The public The client and employer The product Professional judgment Management The profession Colleagues Self
Ethical Guidelines for Computer Professionals We have responsibilities not only to our customers but also to the general public. Responsibilities including minimizing risks to: Privacy Security of data Safety Reliability Ease of use Must exercise good practices to reduce likelihood of problems, including maintaining professional competency.
Responsibilities and Ethical IT Professional
Tugas Mandiri Agar membuat makalah (maksimum 4 halaman ukuran kertas A4) hubungan slide halaman 6 yang berkaitan dengan tanggung jawab IT Profesional dan UU ITE!
KEMAMPUAN AKHIR YANG DIHARAPKAN Mahasiswa diharapkan secara aktif, kreatif dan dapat membangun inovasi dalam menanyakan (diskusi) dalam mengerti dan memahami tentang ethics in information technology and responsibilities
Daftar Pustaka Sara Baase, (2013), A Gift of Fire:Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet: International Edition, Chapter 9 Professional Ethics and Responsibilities, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education Limited George W. Reynolds, (2012), Ethics in Information Technology, Fourth Edition Course Technology, Cengage Learning ISBN-13: 978-1-111-53412-7 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO),