An Editing Process: Rereading # 9th Meeting
# 9th Meeting An Editing Process: Rereading Topic : The step of rereading in translation process Objectives : 1. Being able to edit translation work 2. Being able to give alternative translation equivalents
# 9th Meeting An Editing Process: Rereading Manfaat apa yang dapat diperoleh untuk masa mendantang? Are there any terms benefit in the future? What is the Benefit for the future? What benefits can you get for the Future? Patricia Koh (Senin, The Jakarta Post; April 8, 2007)
Di awal kemunculannya, pendidikan pra-sekolah ditujukan untuk When preschool was introduced, it was for disadvantaged children In first appearing, pre-school education purposed to In its first appearance, Pre-school was proposed to membantu anak-anak cacat dalam mengatasi keterbatasannya, baik overcome help children with physical defect, either help handicap children to overcome
keterbatasan kognitif, kendala sosial, keterbelakangan emosional maupun cognitive, social, emotional and physical deficiencies. cognitive limitation, social lack, emotional cognitive, social, emotional and kekurangan fisik. Jelasnya, program-program “pendidikan pada usia dini” In fact, the “Headstart Program” and phycally disorder. So that, “Pendidikan Usia Dini” or pre-school education program physical deficiencies. In fact, “Head Start” programme
dirancang pada tahun 60-an untuk memberi pengalaman bersekolah bagi was arranged in 60’s to give school experience for has designing in 60th year ago, purposing to give an experience schooling for was designed in the 60’s to give school experiences for anak-anak yang tidak beruntung tersebut, dan pastinya membantu mereka thus children , and let them that children which wasn’t have fortunate, and of course help them those disadvantaged children, and in addition to help them
untuk memperoleh keberhasilan dalam hidupnya. get successful in their life. to rich success in their life. to reach their succeed-life. Sayangnya, ungkapan “pendidikan pada usia dini” dipahami sebagai Unfortunately, The”Headstart Program” was know as Unfortunately, “Pendidikan Usia Dini” is understanding as Unfortunately, the term “Head Start Programme’ is viewed as
program yang dirancang guna memberikan kesempatan pada pembelajar a program which arranged to give them a program which designed to give a chance for the children programme which is designed to give an opportunity for the beginner dini ini untuk menjadi lebih unggul dari anak-anak sebayanya. Hal ini an advantage experience are better than others. This become more educational than other children in their ages. This to be higher than the common children. It
menjadi daya tarik utama bagi para ibu bekerja yang merasa khawatir are become interest for working mother workers who worried become good attraction for worker’s mother that has worried was an interest thing for working mothers worried menyerahkan pola asuh anaknya kepada pengasuh maupun penjaga bayi to take care their children and to send to nannies and baby sitters. to hand over their children to baby sitter or professional one. the idea to send their children to nanny or profesional baby-sitter.
profesional. Para ibu ini setuju memasukkan anak-anaknya ke sekolah di They agree of sending their children to preschool These mother agree to registering their children to school They agree to send their children to school saat mereka masih sangat muda dengan harapan mereka dapat lebih unggul so that they could be better when the children still too young with hope they could better when they were so young in expectation they could be in higher level
dari anak-anak sebayanya. of other children. than other child in their ages. than other children.