9 Chapter Production Management Introduction to


Presentasi serupa
Manajemen Operasi/Produksi

MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters© 2001 South-Western College Publishing Chapter 5 Management.
SI527 - ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning)
Produktivitas dan Mutu
Memproduksi Barang-barang
Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Mutu
Pengantar Manajemen Bisnis
Bahan Kuliah Manajemen Operasi & Produksi
Faktor produksi By : Widya Pratiwi..
MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters© 2001 South-Western College Publishing Chapter 10 Improving Production Quality and Efficiency Introduction to.
Konsep Manajemen Produksi/Operasi
5 Chapter Industry Environment Introduction to
MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters© 2001 South-Western College Publishing Chapter 9 Production Management Introduction to.
Produktivitas dan Mutu
Produktivitas dan Mutu
MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters© 2001 South-Western College Publishing Chapter 8 Organizational Structure Introduction to.
1 Chapter Planning a Business Introduction to
Pengantar Produktivitas
Produk dan Operasional
Bahan Kuliah Manajemen Operasi & Produksi
Bahan Kuliah Manajemen Operasi & Produksi
9 Chapter Production Management Introduction to
Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Mutu
16 Chapter Financial Management Introduction to
9 Chapter Production Management Introduction to
7 Chapter Management Introduction to MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters
21 Chapter Synthesis of Business Functions Introduction to
Konsep Manajemen Produksi/Operasi
8 Chapter Organizational Structure Introduction to
5 Chapter Industry Environment Introduction to
Fungsi Produksi/Operasi dan Sumber Daya Manusia
1 Chapter Planning a Business Introduction to
J0444 Manajemen Operasional
Fungsi Produksi/Operasi
Pengantar Bisnis 7 Sessi.
5 Chapter Industry Environment Introduction to
1 Chapter Planning a Business Introduction to
Manajemen Produksi.
Introduction to 1 Chapter Planning a Business.
Planning a Business Introduction to MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters
Industry Environment Introduction to MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters
Memproduksi Barang-barang
Pengelolaan produksi dan operasi
10 Chapter Improving Production Quality and Efficiency Introduction to
Konsep Manajemen Produksi/Operasi
Introduction to 1 Chapter Planning a Business.
5 Chapter Industry Environment Introduction to
7 Chapter Management Introduction to MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters
8 Chapter Organizational Structure Introduction to
7 Chapter Management Introduction to MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters
8 Chapter Organizational Structure Introduction to
10 Chapter Improving Production Quality and Efficiency Introduction to
16 Chapter Financial Management Introduction to
10 Chapter Improving Production Quality and Efficiency Introduction to
16 Chapter Financial Management Introduction to
Manajemen Operasi/Produksi
7 Chapter Management Introduction to MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters
8 Chapter Organizational Structure Introduction to
1 Chapter Planning a Business Introduction to
5 Chapter Industry Environment Introduction to
9 Chapter Production Management Introduction to
Transcript presentasi:

9 Chapter Production Management Introduction to MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Sasaran Pembelajaran Identifikasi sumber daya kunci yang digunakan untuk produksi. Identifikasi faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan lokasi pabrik. Uraikan bagaimana berbagai faktor mempengaruhi keputusan disain dan tata ruang (layout). Uraikan tugas pokok yang dilibatkan di dalam pengendalian produksi MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Manajemen Operasional Allocation of Employees to Various Job Tasks Amount of Machinery Used by the Firm Firm’s Production Management Firm’s Expenses Firm's Earnings Firm's Value Amount of Inventory Maintained by the Firm MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Machinery and Equipment Produksi Proses Produksi: Serangkaian tugas dimana sumberdaya digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk atau jasa. Manajemen Produksi: Manajemen proses produksi tersebut. Machinery and Equipment Sumberdaya Yang digunakan dalam Produksi Output: Final Product Input: Raw Materials Human Resources MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Bagaimana Kombinasi Sumberdaya untuk Produksi Pos kerja (Work station): Sebuah area dimana satu atau lebih pekerja ditugaskan dlm tugas spesifik Jalur Produksi (Assembly line): Urutan pos kerja di mana masing-masing pos dirancang untuk mengerjakan tahapan spesifik dari proses produksi itu. MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi memilih lokasi (Factors Affecting the Site Decision) Cost of Workplace Space Cost of Labor Tax Incentives Source of Demand Access to Transportation Supply of Labor MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Desain dan Layout Desain: Struktur dan ukuran Pabrik. Layout: Pengaturan peralatan dan permesinan di dalam kantor atau pabrik MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi memilih disain (Factors Affecting Design) Site Characteristics MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi memilih disain (Factors Affecting Design) Production Process Product layout Fixed position layout Flexible manufacturing Site Characteristics MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi memilih disain (Factors Affecting Design) Production Process Product layout Fixed position layout Flexible manufacturing Production Line Site Characteristics MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi memilih disain (Factors Affecting Design) Desired Production Capacity Production Process Product layout Fixed position layout Flexible manufacturing Production Line Site Characteristics MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Lima Tugas dalam Pengendalian Produksi Pembelian Material (Purchasing materials) Pengendalian Persediaaan (Inventory control) Routing Skedul (Scheduling) Pengendalian Mutu (Quality control) MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Pengendalian Produksi Purchasing Materials Seleksi Pemasok. Pemberian potongan. Mendelegasikan produksi ke pemasok MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Pengendalian Produksi Inventory Control Inventory control: proses pengelolaan persediaan pada tingkat level biaya minimal. Pengendalian ini meliputi : Materials inventory. Work-in-process inventory. Finished goods inventory. Can’t work with blinders. MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Pengendalian Produksi Materials Inventory Carrying costs Biaya-biaya pemeliharaan persediaan. Order costs Biaya-biaya yang dilibatkan dalam penempatan pesanan. Just-in-time (JIT) system Mengurangi persediaan dengan frekuensi pesanan persediaan. Materials requirements planning (MRP) Memastikan material ada tersedia ketika diperlukan. MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Pengendalian Produksi Routing Process Hadirkan urutan tugas yang diperlukan untuk melengkapi produksi suatu produk. . . Ada suatu kebutuhan ke pada waktu tertentu meninjau ulang untuk menentukan jika hal-hal dapat ditingkatkan MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Pengendalian Produksi Scheduling Production Schedule: Sebuah rencana waktu dan volume tugas produksi. Techniques used in scheduling: Gantt chart Memperkirakan waktu untuk masing-masing tugas dalam proses produksi. PERT chart Skedul tugas-tugas untuk mengurangi kelambatan dalam proses produksi. MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing

Pengendalian Produksi Quality Control Proses penentuan apakah kualitas sebuah produk atas jasa memenuhi tingkatan mutu Identifikasi peningkatan yang mungkin diutuhkan dalam proses produkasi MultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters 2001 South-Western College Publishing