TI 2251 - Psikologi Industri Keselamatan Kerja & Behavior-Based Safety
Pengantar Ruang lingkup permasalahan Statistik kecelakaan kerja (AS) Dampak finansial: 114 milyar dolar 3,2 juta karyawan celaka (1993) Lebih dari 9000 pekerja meninggal dunia (1993) Prediksi 3,5 orang/1000 orang akan meninggal dunia karena kecelakaan terkait kerja Dampak finansial 780.000 USD/kematian. Statistik di Indonesia?
Penyebab Kecelakaan Dua kategori utama Faktor teknologi Human factors Unsafe conditions Unsafe acts Faktor teknologi Rancangan, pengoperasian, perawatan, dll Human factors Isu: Kenapa kecelakaan terjadi? Faktor manusia dapat diperbaiki (untuk mencegah kecelakaan) Faktor ini dapat berkontribusi secara tidak langsung atas unsafe conditions
Faktor Manusia Kecerdasan Penglihatan Koordinasi Kepribadian (personality) Kelelahan Pengalaman Risk acceptance
Psikologi Kecelakaan Konsep accident proneness Berdasarkan sejumlah studi Kesimpulan - masih kontroversial Teori Goals-Freedom-Alertness Teori Adjustment-Stress Behavior-Based Safety
Behavior Based Safety BBS Claimed to be an effective approach to preventing occupational injuries Issues Responsibility on workers Potentially abused by managers Need for a more systematic approach A potential alternative, though warrants further studies
Behavior Based Safety Key concepts Employee participations Understanding why certain (safety) behavior is (or is not) practiced Can be used as a practical strategies for Obtaining objective evidence of at-risk behaviors Defining barriers to safe behaviors Teaching ways to substitute safe for at-risk behaviors Holding people accountable to improve safe behaviors Demonstrate utility of BBS procedures
Behavior Based Safety Basic BBS strategy Watch language Take advantage of the competence motive Make feedback a positive experience SMART goals Elevate self- and response-efficacy Sell outcome-expectancy with personal testimony Theory and principles before procedures
Behavior Based Safety BBS strategy Use process measures of safety performance Look beyond numbers Build and maintain momentum
Conclusion Importance of understanding safety at workplaces Different potential approaches Need to take into account Engineering factors Human factors Behavior as a more recent approach to the personal aspects in improving safe acts