SIRKULASI UDARA GLOBAL Sel Hardley SIRKULASI UDARA GLOBAL Gerakan massa udara ini akibat perbedaan insolasi yang diterima muka bumi secara spasial dan temporal. Di sekitar Equator terjadi pengangkatan massa udara terjadi akumulasi uap air (awan)
Model Sirkulasi Udara Global (NASA)
Polar Front Jet Stream (PFJS): This is found between 400 and 600 in both hemispheres and is the division between the Polar and Ferrel cells. The jet stream moves about and brings different weather depending on where it is coming from. Sub Tropical Jet Stream (STJS): This is found around 250 to 300 and is the boundary between the Ferrel and the Hadley cell. It moves less than the polar jet stream and has lower wind velocities, but does follow a west-east path. Easterly Equatorial Jet Stream (EEJS): This is more seasonal and is associated with the summer monsoon in India.
Schematic figure of seasonal variations over Indonesia Schematic figure of seasonal variations over Indonesia. The Hadley circulation shifts southward in the northern winter and northward in the northern summer. Along the boundary of the two cells (that is, ITCZ), the Walker circulation which has westerly in the lower troposphere and easterly in the upper troposphere is superimposed. (Okamoto, 2003)
This results in the anomalous Walker Circulation (WC) over the tropical IO, as seen in the convergence (divergence) field of wind at 200 hPa over the eastern (western) tropical IO (a). This anomalous WC associated with the easterly wind anomaly in the lower troposphere leads to decreased (increased) precipitation over the eastern (western) tropical IO (b).
Geographical position of Indonesia between Hadley circulation (North-South) that crosscut by Walker Circulation (West-East) is posible way to endure water vapour around Indonesia Interchange of Indonesian ocean water to the Indian ocean on west or pacific ocean on east transfered warm around Indonesian regional scale of SST HINDIA PASIFIC
Please look at the moving of center convection over Indonesia both in 850 & 200 mb
(http://www. cpc. ncep. noaa (
When the tropical north Atlantic is anomalously warm (positive AMO), less rain falls over most of the US and northeastern South America, and more rain falls in southern Alaska, northern Europe, west Africa, and the southeastern US163. Persistent drought across the Midwest US, such as the 1930s Dust Bowl years, was associated with positive AMO. The AMO has also been associated with multidecadal Atlantic hurricane activity More tropical storms become major hurricanes during the AMO warm phase than during the cool phase. Atlantic hurricane tracks during (a) the AMO cold phase and (b) the AMO warm phase.
Monsoon Musim Dingin / Muson Barat Monsoon Musim Panas / Muson Timur ANGIN MONSOON Terjadi akibat revolusi bumi (gerak semu matahari). Monsoon Musim Dingin (MMD) terjadi ketika matahari berada di sebelah selatan equator, sebalik nya Monsoon Musim Panas (MMP) ketika matahari di sebelah utara equator. Angin MMD bersifat lembab (uap air banyak) di Indonesia (barat) curah hujan besar (musim hujan). Angin MMP bersifat kering (uap air sedikit) di Indonesia (barat) curah hujan kecil (musim kemarau) Aktivitas ekonomi penduduk (pertanian & perikanan laut) sangat dipengaruhi pola sirkulasi angin monsoon ini. Monsoon Musim Dingin / Muson Barat
The surface of the Earth exerts a frictional drag on the air blowing just above it. This friction can act to change the wind's direction and slow it down -- keeping it from blowing as fast as the wind aloft. Actually, the difference in terrain conditions directly affects how much friction is exerted. For example, a calm ocean surface is pretty smooth, so the wind blowing over it does not move up, down, and around any features. By contrast, hills and forests force the wind to slow down and/or change direction much more.
RATA-RATA PERAIRAN INDONESIA TAHUN 2010 SUHU MUKA LAUT RATA-RATA PERAIRAN INDONESIA TAHUN 2010 Suhu muka laut adalah salah satu faktor pengendali utama dinamika iklim di Indonesia. Tahun 2010 suhu muka laut Indonesia bertahan cukup tinggi, rata rata diatas 29 0C. SPL tinggi diatas rata rata normalnya maka terjadi penguapan tinggi, ditambah masukan uap air akibat sirkulasi Walker & sirkulasi Hadley menyebabkan curah hujan yang tinggi. Kondisi tahun 2016 serupa dengan tahun 2010
OSILASI MADDEN JULIAN DI WILAYAH TROPIS DAMPAK OSILASI MADDEN JULIAN DI WILAYAH TROPIS Indonesia (90BT – 140BT) mengalami fenomena osilasi intraseasonal yang dikenal sebagai osilasi Madden Julian. Dalam osilasi ini terjadi perioda basah (biru) dan kering (kuning) pada skala 30-90 harian. Di tahun 2010 osilasi ini memendek seiring dengan kemarau basah menjadi sekitar 30 harian. Sehingga resiko basah meningkat dan jeda kering berkurang Indonesia
WindTemp Information Wind/Temp 1000 hPa
Surface Zonal Wind AUG 1979-2006 AUG 2015-2034 AUG 2075-2096 DEC 1979-2006 DEC 2015-2034 DEC 2075-2096
Surface Zonal Wind DEC Near - Present Surface Zonal Wind AUG Near - Present Surface Zonal Wind DEC Future - Present Surface Zonal Wind AUG Future - Present The Change of Zonal Wind on December and August Increasing almost all sea over Indonesia
ANGIN LOKAL Terjadi akibat beda pemanasan/pendinginan udara (air pressu re) pd siang & malam hari. Dimanfaatkan oleh nelayan dengan perahu layar untuk melaut pada malam hari. Angin Darat Angin Laut Pengaruh angin laut ke darat sejauh 10 – 30 Km (tergantung morfologi/ bentuk medan). Udara di daerah perali-han jadi kurang stabil, pada saat-saat tertentu banyak penduduk (balita) terserang flu, batuk, dll. Angin Lokal selalu berubah arah antara siang dan malam hari.
PROSES GENESIS ANGIN DARAT / LAUT Angin Laut Massa udara di atas laut lebih lambat mengalami pemanasan dibanding udara di atas daratan, sehingga tekanan udara di atas laut lebih tinggi tekanannya. Angin Darat Massa udara di atas daratan lebih cepat mengalami pendinginan dibanding udara di atas laut, sehingga udara di atas daratan lebih tinggi tekanannya.