Masyarakat berpengetahuan KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Masyarakat berpengetahuan Kelompok II Adib Zaenal Fanani 7616140955 Rugiyanto 7616140971 Lutfi A Fahmi 7616140963 Ilmi Hijriani Maslan 7616140992 Manajemen Pendidikan Pascasarjan UNJ
KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Definisi Knowledge Society Ciri-ciri Knowledge Society Isu-isu Knowledge Society Policy and Regulatory Frameworks Access Participation The Skills base ICT Issues
KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Society whereas its members are able to participate in the development process by mastering the necessary skills base and by having the access to information. Masyarakat dimana anggotanya mampu berpartisipasi dalam proses perkembangan dengan menguasai ketrampilan2 yang diperlukan & dengan memiliki akses kepada informasi.
CIRI-CIRI KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Bag I Keterbukaan Masyarakat terhadap akses Informasi Mengembangkan keterampilan dasar Adanya partisipasi masyarakat Mempunyai kemampuan akademik Berpikir kritis
CIRI-CIRI KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Bag II Berorientasi kepada pemecahan masalah Mempunyai kemampuan untuk belajar meninggalkan pemikiran yang lama dan belajar lagi untuk hal-hal yang baru Mempunyai keterampilan pengembangan individu dan sosial (termasuk kepercayaan diri, motivasi, komitmen terhadap nilai-nilai moral dan etika, pengertian secara luas akan masyarakat dan dunia)
KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY ISSUES …the most fundamental resource in the modern economy is the knowledge, and accordingly, … the most important process (of economic development) is learning …learning is predominantly interactive and, therefore, a socially embodied process (Lundvall, 1992) The comparative advantage that now counts is the applications of knowledge (Drucker, 1994)
KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY ISSUES “Creating successful knowledge society is mainly caring for and empowerment of people The use of ICT is necessary as a tool for the creation of knowledge society. However, it is only a small percentage of the overall endeavor
KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY ISSUES ICT have enormous potential, especially for developing countries, and in furthering sustainable development (Annan) Although the costs of using ICTs to build national information infrastructure which can contribute to “innovative knowledge societies” are high, the costs of not doing so are likely to be much higher (UNCSTD)
KEY ISSUES IN CREATING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Policy and Regulatory Frameworks Access Participation The Skills base ICT Issues
KEY ISSUES IN CREATING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Policy and Regulatory Frameworks (I) Creating the right enabling environment Ensuring correct government interventions Developing the national skills base Ensuring the ICT infrastructural basis Copyright and IPR issues
KEY ISSUES IN CREATING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Policy and Regulatory Frameworks (II) National Information [ICT] strategy Defining an appropriate government role Deregulation VS Monopoly Role of Private sector Coordinating public / private sector collaboration
KEY ISSUES IN CREATING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Access Access How do communities gain access to the Knowledge Society? Telecentres/Community Resources Centers Libraries (Public/University/School) Cyber cafes Telephone Centers Mass Media, especially radio There is a need to invest in an ‘access infrastructure’ which is sustainable and affordable Ability to interpret and respond to information related technology
KEY ISSUES IN CREATING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Participation Participation How do communities participate in the Knowledge Society? Local content creation Knowledge networks and sharing knowledge across communities People need to participate in and not just be recipients of the Information Society Interaction between communities, government officials, elected representatives and Civil Society figures (e.g. Religious Leader)
KEY ISSUES IN CREATING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY The skills base Ensure that people have the necessary skills to participate at all levels of society Changing the culture in which people communicate and share ideas and knowledges Goverments, NGOs, Media and private sector need to invest training programmes and awareness raising Demystify information technologies is key Literacy and numeracy and critical faculties related to assessing the value and validity of informaton
KEY ISSUES IN CREATING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY ICT Issues Getting the right policy and regulatory environment Creating sustainable telecoms infrastructure Creating the right pricing mechanisms
Pertanyaan Sanusi = bagaimana tindakan pemerintah dalam “membebaskan” anggaran di sekolah? Korina = level masyarakat mana yang dapat mengakses knowledge society? Gideon = smart city... Hubungan dengan pendidikan??. Khulaemi = pengakuan kelulusan. Purnomo = mengkritisi hubungan ICT dengan kebudayaan. Widi = Indonesia Knowledge society?????