THE LEVEL OF LIBRARY PROMOTION EFFECTIVENESS THROUGH INSTAGRAM AT THE LIBRARY OF UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA Sri Andayani1 Islamic State University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Email: sandayaniapk91@gmail.com1
I. INTRODUCTION Particularly, in Indonesia, internet users are increasingly increasing. Based on the survey Association of Internet Service Providers Indonesia (APJII) in 2016, internet users reached 132.7 million people from the total population of 256.2 million inhabitants. Related content accessed 97.4% for social media, 96.8% for entertainment, 96.4% for news, 93.8% for education, 93, 1% for commercial and 91.6% for public services. (APJII: Jakarta, 2016) The Library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta adaptive to the presence of social media. The last social media used is Instagram which aims to introduce library services to users. Instagram began to be used since 2014 with the number of 1329 followers and 857 posts
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Effectiveness Library Promotion Social Media Instagram
III. RESEARCH METHOD Research Design This research uses quantitative research design with descriptive approach 2. Population and Sample Population is all members of the Library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga which amounted to 25.454 people. Sampling is done using the Slovin formula, obtained value of 99.99 rounded to 100 people. 3. Data Collection Technique Observation, Questionnaire (researcher's question to 100 respondents who were sampled in the study and interview (admin who manage Instagram Library UIN Sunan Kalijaga)
4. Data Analysis Technique Technical data analysis used in this research is Mean and Grand Mean analysis which refers to answer a questionnaire with the Likert scale scoring method. Each answer to the questionnaire statements of each choice of answers was scored: Strongly agree is given a score of 5 Agree is given a score of 4 Neutral is given a score of 3 Disagree is given a score of 2 Strongly disagree is given a score of 1 to obtain the final conclusions of the responses of respondents using the Interval Scale as follows: Durianto, et al., Inovasi Pasar dengan Iklan yang Efektif (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Utama, 2003), 27.
IV. RESULT & DISCUSSION In this research, the researcher wanted to dig information from the respondents from the related effectiveness of library promotion through Instagram which was viewed based on three (3) the purpose of library promotion. The characteristics of respondents encountered in the field are based on sex and education level. From the questionnaire, it was found that the difference of gender with 83% of female respondents and 17% of male respondents. While for the level of education, found the difference with the number of 88% of respondents are Undergraduate and 12% of respondents are Postgraduate.
Indicator 1: The Analysis of User Awareness Indicator About Library Services The Grand Mean value of the indicator of user awareness about the existence of library services are as follows: Grand Mean (GM) = 2.62 Based on the average value, it can be concluded that the indicator of user awareness about the existence of library services using Instagram promotional media included in the category quite effective.
Indicator 2: 2. The Analysis of Interest Indicator on Using Library The Grand Mean value of interest indicator using the library is as follows: Grand Mean (GM) = 3.12 Based on the average value, it can be concluded that the indicator of interest to use the library with the promotion through Instagram included in the category quite effective.
Indicator 3: 3. The Analysis of Indicator on Supporting Library Activities The Grand Mean value of indicators supporting library activities are as follows: Grand Mean (GM) = 3.19 Based on the average value, it can be concluded that the indicators about knowing and supporting activities in libraries that are shared through Instagram included in the category quite effective.
V. CONCLUSION Summary Based on the results of data collection and analysis in this study, it can be concluded in general that the level of effectiveness of library promotion through Instagram at the Library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta is included in the category of quite effective. Measurement is done through approaching three purposes of library promotion. From the results of questionnaires distributed to 100 library users as samples, each indicator receives a result of 2.62 for user awareness about the existence of library services, 3.12 for library use and 3.19 for library support. So, it can be concluded in general that the level of effectiveness of library promotion through Instagram at the Library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta runs quite effectively.
Recommendations The use of Instagram as library promotion media can be said quite effective when viewed from the responses of respondents obtained in the study. To be more effective, the library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga needs to increase library promotion through Instagram by sharing all information and library activities related to user needs, so that the library more and more accessed by users. In addition, other findings obtained when the researchers distributed questionnaires are most of the library members have Instagram but they do not know any Instagram account owned by the library. So, the library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta needs to socialize the existence of library's Instagram account so that users can access information about services and library activities on the account.
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