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Pengenalan Jaringan Komputer

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Transcript presentasi:

KOMPUTASI DAN KOMUNIKASI MULTIMEDIA Semester Ganjil https://zulhelman64.wordpress.com https://pnj.academia.edu/zulhelmanSTMT/Komputasi-dan-Komunikasi-Multimedia

ON GRADING ASSESSMENT Paper & Presentation : 20% Mid Test : 30% Final Test : 50%

Pertemuan 1 Pendahuluan Pengenalan konsep dasar komputasi dan komunikasi multimedia. Menyajikan beberapa contoh aplikasi. Menjelaskan klasifikasi sistem multimedia. Pengembangan sistem multimedia terdistribusi.

Capaian Pembelajaran Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan Pengenalan konsep dasar komputasi dan komunikasi multimedia. Mahasiswa dapat Menjelaskan klasifikasi sistem multimedia. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan perkembangan system multimedia terdistribusi. Mahasiswa dapat Menyajikan beberapa contoh aplikasi.


MULTIMEDIA Merupakan berbagai jenis pembawa informasi. berupa : data alphanumerik, image, audio dan video

Klasifikasi Media berdasarkan relasi dengan waktu : Media Statis : tidak mempunyai dimensi waktu. contoh : alphanumeric data, grafis, gambar tetap. 2. Media dynamis : mempunyai dimensi waktu contoh : animasi, audio, video.

Contoh Untuk Media Dinamis : Untuk persepsi pergerakan yang halus, video harus di played back pada 25 frames atau 30 frames, ( depending on the video system used) per second. Untuk play back a recorded voice message or music, only one playback rate is natural or sensible. Playback at a slower or faster rate distorts the meaning or the quality of the sound. Because these media must be played back continuously at a fixed rate, they are often called continuous media. They are also called isochronous media because of the fixed relationship between each media unit and time.

Sistem Multimedia There is no universally agreed definition for multimedia systems. From the linguistic point of view, any system capable of handling more than one medium should be called a multimedia system. Under this definition, a computer system capable of handling alphanumeric data and graphics can be called a multimedia system.

In this book, we define multimedia systems as capable of handling at least one type of continuous media in digital form as well as static media. This definition makes multimedia systems more useful, challenging, and interesting. So when we say multimedia information, we mean a combination of multiple media types with at least one continuous medium.

Fungsi Sistem Multimedia

Aspek Sistem Multimedia Aspek Komunikasi : Capturing, transmisi, dan presentasi informasi multimedia. Aspek Komputasi : Processing of multimedia information such as searching, retrieval, recognition, and enhancement. multimedia compression itself is a computing process, but it is often carried out for the purpose of communication.

Generasi sistem multimedia Generasi Pertama Generasi Kedua Saat ini teknologi multimedia telah mengintegrasikan computing dan communications. Hanya melakukan pentransmisian data multimedia dari satu computer ke lainnya dan menyajikan data ke user. Juga melakukan computing processes, such as comparison, searching, real-time image restoration, audio, and image recognition.

Istilah Multimedia Word multimedia as a noun is used to refer to multiple types of media, technologies, systems and applications handling various media. multimedia as an adjective, so we will specifically say multimedia information, multimedia data, multimedia system, multimedia communications, multimedia applications, and so forth.

Multimedia data refers to the computer readable representation of multiple media types. Multimedia information refers to the information conveyed by multiple media types. Sometime, multimedia information and multimedia data are used interchangeably.

Representasi Digital Pada sistem multimedia, semua media dalam bentuk digital. Keuntungan menggunkan representasi digital : Sistem computer hanya menangani data digital. Interaksi antara media digital dg sistem komputer mudah dilakukan. Keamanan komunikasi mudah dilakukan dalam hal encrypt sinyal digital dari pada sinyal analog. Sistem digital lebih reliable karena lebih tolerable terhadap noise dibanding analog.

Effect noise pada transmisi signal

Motivasi Penggunaan Data Multimedia pada Sistem Komputer Untuk memperbaiki pentransferan informasi multimedia dengan melibatkan banyak participant secara serentak dengan menggunakan lebih dari satu indera.

Tujuan komputasi dan komunikasi multimedia Untuk mengemulate komunikasi manusia dan membantu manusia mengorganizing dan mengelola vast amounts of information in various media types. Human face-to-face communication uses a variety of senses. It is an effective multimedia communication, involving auditory and visual senses.

Pengelompokan System Multimedia Standalone : use dedicated system resources. The amount of multimedia information may be limited and multimedia data communications is not supported. Distributed : share both system resources and information resources and can support communication among users.

Conversational services Conversational services berupa interaksi antara pengguna dengan pengguna lainnya atau system. Contoh : interpersonal services such as videoconference and videophony. telesurveillance services dan teleshopping.

Messaging services. Messaging services cover the non-real-time or asynchronous exchange of multimedia data through electronic mailboxes.

Retrieval services. Retrieval services cover all types of access to multimedia information servers. Typically, the user sends a request to the server and the requested information is delivered to the user in real time. Contoh : VOD .

Distribution services. Distribution services cover services where the information is distributed on the initiative of a server. Contoh : TV program broadcast.

Videophone and Videoconference Aplikasi Multimedia Video/Movie on Demand Information on Demand Education Telemedicine Videophone and Videoconference Cooperative Work

Video/Movie on Demand Currently, we watch TV programs and movies passively, we cannot interact with the programs and cannot control the time we want to watch them. Video/movie on demand services are being developed to overcome these limitations and provide other capabilities. In VOD, large collections of video are stored on video servers. Users or clients access these videos through a network.

Features VOD: Televisi tersambung dengan server Video. Beberapa Server saling terhubung. Kita dapat menonton video atau film favorit kapanpun yang kita inginkan. We can pause and fast-forward and backward. We may also be able to search for a particular scene. Jaminan high quality because video is stored in digital form.

Information on Demand Systemnya sama dengan VOD kecuali IOD stores other types of information . Users issue queries through a user interface possibly on the advanced television or a general-purpose workstation, and the system searches, retrieves, and presents relevant information to the user. The most important ability of the system is indexing and searching vast amounts of multimedia information.

Aplikasi IOD systems : Acting as a general encyclopedia of general information Providing newspaper and magazine online services; Providing home shopping service; Providing current information on weather, public transport time tables, and the like on-line.

Education People learn more and more readily when they can see, hear, and work with new concepts, which makes multimedia a natural way for training and education. Most current multimedia education and training courseware is run on standalone machines with materials stored on CDROMs that cannot be shared by other users.

This will change when multimedia servers on the wide area network (WAN) are available. These servers will allow clients to share storage, courseware, and other multimedia resources.

Multimedia- Applications In training

Keuntungan : courseware digunakan bersama oleh client shg lebih murah. Menyenangkan bagi “students” karena dpt belajar dimanapun dan kapanpun. Materi ajar dapat dynamically organized to suit each student, so each student can learn at his or her own style and pace. interaction with teachers will be possible through e-mail and live audio and video communication.

Telemedicine Telemedicine is another important multimedia application, especially in emergency cases and remote locations. In telemedicine, all patient records are stored electronically. Medical institutions and equipment are connected through a multimedia network.

Multimedia- Applications In Medicine Source: Cardiac Imaging, YALE centre for advanced cardiac imaging

Telemedicine provides the following: Instant consultation with remote medical experts through the use of high-quality audio and video; Access to patients’ records anywhere and anytime by medical personnel in case of emergency; Worldwide access of information such as availability of and need for a special type of blood or organs.

Videophone and Videoconference Sistem Videophone dan videoconference memungkinkan komunikasi antar user melalui transmisi audio dan video. Videoconference systems use dedicated specific machines and circuit-switched networks. They are expensive and not easily available. Saat ini video available pada desktop workstation windows, communicating over a general-purpose packet-switched network. Videophones will be as common as current phones.

Cooperative Work A sophisticated videoconference system will support cooperative work: people far apart will be able to work on the same project through transparent multimedia information transmission among them. They will be able to access multimedia databases and other resources easily. This is an ultimate goal of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW).

CHALLENGES OF MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS Multimedia data have a time dimension and must be transmitted, processed and presented in a fixed rate in most applications, so the multimedia computing and communications system must meet this timeliness requirement. Multimedia applications normally use multiple related media simultaneously. The temporal and spatial relationships among these media must be maintained. Multimedia data are data intensive, so they must be compressed, and high-speed communications networks and powerful computers are required to handle them. Multimedia data do not have obvious syntax and semantics. Conventional database management systems cannot effectively handle them. Techniques for indexing, retrieval, and recognition of multimedia information are needed. These and other characteristics and requirements of multimedia data are generalized into a notion called quality of service (QOS), which must be satisfied by a multimedia system. To provide QOS guarantees to applications is just one aspect of the central issue of multimedia technology.

PROBLEMS Define multimedia systems. Explain the rationale for your definition. Why is it preferred that all media information should be represented in digital form in distributed multimedia systems? What are the most important applications of multimedia computing and communications? Why? Can these applications be realized using current workstations and networks? Why? There are many multimedia applications, but most of them are based on some common multimedia system capabilities. Describe these common capabilities. What are the four classes of networked multimedia systems? Describe operations of these four classes.

Diskusi Kelompok 1 : Konsep dasar komputasi dan komunikasi multimedia. Kelompok 2 : Klasifikasi sistem multimedia. Kelompok 3 : Perkembangan system multimedia terdistribusi. Kelompok 4 : Aplikasi Komputasi dan Komunikasi Multimedia.

Pertemuan Berikutnya

Pertemuan 2 The basic characteristics and system requirements of digital audio, video and image. Properties of analog audio signals, the process of converting analog signals to digital signals, and digital representations of common audio applications. Digital representation of video and images . introduces the QOS concept which is central to any multimedia computing and communications system.

Pertemuan 3 In this chapter we discuss various compression techniques and standards for digital audio, images, and video.

Pertemuan 4 End-to-End QOS Guarantee networking and end-system support for digital audio and video. Networking includes underlying networks and application-oriented transport protocols. An end system includes the following important components: hardware architecture, operating system, and storage server. multimedia server, and multimedia synchronization.

Pertemuan 5 Network Support for Multimedia Communications network technologies are suitable for multimedia communications and look at the technical aspects of these technologies.

Pertemuan 6 Transport Protocols Design issues of multimedia transport protocols.

Pertemuan 7 The multimedia end-system architecture, including hardware and operating systems.

Multimedia Servers Special aspect of multimedia servers.

Networked Multimedia Synchronization Identify synchronization requirements and problems, to provide a survey of mechanisms used to achieve multimedia synchronization and to show that a system approach should be taken to achieve the required multimedia synchronization.

Topik : Introduction of the course; Overview of Multimedia Computing and Communications;; Digital Representation of Audio, Image and Video;; Characteristics and Requirements of Multimedia Data; Multimedia Data Compression; End-to-End Quality of Service Guarantee for Digital Audio and Video Communication; Network Support for Multimedia Communication; Transport Protocol Support for Multimedia Communications; End- System Support for Distributed Multimedia Applications; Networked Multimedia Synchronization: Requirement and Mechanisms

Digitization, Convergence, and Distribution We can digitize anything you can read, see or hear; put it online in a standardized format; and provide worldwide access any time or place.

Layered Information

Common Issues in Multimedia Computing 1. Storage and Bandwidth Requirements 2. Delay and Delay Jitter Requirements 3. Semantic Structure of Multimedia Information 4. Error and Loss Tolerance in Multimedia Data 5. Quality of Service (QoS) 6. Security, copyright & law

PROBLEMS Define multimedia systems. Explain the rationale for your definition. Why is it preferred that all media information should be represented in digital form in distributed multimedia systems? What are the most important applications of multimedia computing and communications? Why? Can these applications be realized using current workstations and networks? Why?

There are many multimedia applications, but most of them are based on some common multimedia system capabilities. Describe these common capabilities. What are the four classes of networked multimedia systems? Describe operations of these four classes.