Dr. Hil. Gendoet Hartono &


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Dr. hill. gendoet hartono
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Transcript presentasi:

Dr. Hil. Gendoet Hartono & Semester 4, 2014-2015 geokimia 2 SKS teori by: Dr. Hil. Gendoet Hartono & Oky Sugarbo, ST Senin - Rabu, jam 7.30 – 9.10 Jumat, Jam 7.30 – 9.10

21 Apr-3 Mei 2015 Ujian Tengah Semester T.A. 2014-2015 Hari/Tgl Materi yang diajarkan Remark Senin - Jumat PENDAHULUAN Berisi tentang latarbelakang, difinisi, tujuan, pengeritian geokimia dan cabang-cabang geokimia 1x pertemuan PENGERTIAN DASAR GEOKIMIA Berisi tentang unsur, senyawa, atom dan molekul, susunan berkala unsur-unsur, dan bumi 2x pertemuan STRUKTUR DAN KOMPOSISI BUMI Berisi tentang data kegempaan dan densitas bumi, struktur dan komposisi bumi, klasifikasi, dan RFM KIMIA MINERAL Kimia mineral kelompok silikat rantai : kimia mineral piroksin, kimia mineral amfibol 21 Apr-3 Mei 2015 Ujian Tengah Semester T.A. 2014-2015 Grading: 20 % quizzes and task 30 % mid test 50 % final test

Pustaka Bacaan: Geochemistry, Brownlow, A.H. (1996) Introduction to Geochemistry, Krauskopf, K.B. dan Bird, D.K. (1995) An Introduction to the Rock Forming Mineral, Deer, W.A., Howie, R.A., dan Zussman, J. (1978) Principles of Geochemistry, Mason, B. (1958) Majalah Ilmiah yg membahas geologi dan kimia Geokimia, Bronto, S. (1999)

What is unique about the Earth?

Earth is a Dynamic and Evolving Planet changes in its surface changes in life Images from left to right: Changes in its surface Artist’s rendition of how Earth is thought to have appeared about 4.6 billion years ago. Paleogeography of the world for the Late Cambrian Period. Apollo 17 view of Earth. Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar, Antarctica, South Atlantic Ocean , Indian Ocean. Changes in life Possible precursor of life: bacterium-like proteinoid. Reconstruction of Middle Devonian reef from the Great Lakes area Shown are corals, ammonoids, trilobites and brachiopods. Cretaceous Pteranodon.

Start of Sun-driven part of Rock Cycle: WEATHERING  Two forms: Mechanical – fragmentation by physical process but does not change its chemical composition Chemical – Minerals in the rock are chemical altered or changed

There is a hierarchy to the elements of Geology Atoms make up elements. There is a hierarchy to the elements of Geology Elements combine to form the natural compounds. Natural compounds and elements combine to form minerals. . Minerals make up rocks. Here the intent is to show how the various pieces; atoms, elements, compounds, and minerals, rocks and even the Earth, are related to each other in a hierarchy. Classroom exercise- Take some road salt (larger pieces of rock salt used to melt ice and snow) and have the students look at them and describe what they see. A magnifying glass is very handy here. Students should note blocky nature made up of various sizes of blocks or cubes. As appropriate, note the differences between 2 dimensional references like square or circle and 3 dimensional references like block, cube and sphere. This will require three samples of rock salt that will be broken to show the physical characteristics of a mineral. With goggles on to protect the eyes, have a student gently tap sample 1 with a metal spoon (or some other relatively heavy blunt object) and observe what happens (salt/halite cleaves or breaks into many smaller blocks or cubes). On a sample 2 use a butter knife placed diagonally on one of the faces of a salt block and gently tap edge of the knife blade. What happens? (results is similar to the spoon maybe fewer small pieces) On sample 3 use a butter knife placed parallel to the sides about in the middle of a piece of salt and gently tap edge of the knife blade. What happens? (Fewer, cleaner breaks / fewer pieces because energy was direct more specifically along the cleavage planes in the rock salt. - much like a diamond cutter does when the start working on a new diamond). How many crystal faces are there on a cube - how many directions of cleavage are there What is the angular relationships. Examine regular table salt with a hand lens and describe what you see. Grow crystals from salt water or sugar water - have students dissolve the sugar or salt in water - how can they tell when they have added ‘enough?’ When the salt or sugar does not dissolve any more but goes right to the bottom of the glass - what happens with mixture is heat? (supersaturated solution). Try a mixture of salt and sugar to see what happens. What other household materials could be used to grow crystals (alum, Epson salts …). Students should observer the crystal growing experiment daily and record their observations. Have students explain how the terms dissolve, mixture, precipitate and crystal relate to the crystal growing exercise. Another variation is to have students place their crystal growing containers in different locations – sunny window sill, on heat register, in a storage closet and have them discuss what effect the location had on the outcome of their experiment. For even more go to GEOMAN’s page @ http://jersey.uoregon.edu/~mstrick/index.html Created October 2, 2000, revised September 2001 Rocks make up the Earth.

Atomic Theory proposes that all matter is composed of the atoms of about 100 different chemical elements. It further proposes that chemical compounds are formed by the combination of the atoms of different chemical elements. Here is a good point to help students see the links between chemistry and geology. How many elements are there? Well are we talking just naturally occurring, or naturally occurring and those made readily in the lab, do we include those that are very unstable and do not exist in nature (at least for any length of time) and what about the elements that exist ‘on paper only’ and just who/what is the source that decides into which category an element might be classified? Whatever the count there is an order to the arrangement and each element has its own set of uniquely identifiable properties or characteristics. Reinforce the relationship between atoms, elements and compounds. Created October 2, 2000 Elements can be arranged, based on their identifiable properties, into the Periodic Table

Only eight elements make up over 98% of the earth’s crust! Na Mg Al Si K Ca Fe The impact of the ‘eight great’ elements is seen in the Rock Cycle in Michigan. The Rock Cycle in Michigan Game is can help student see and learn the inter relationships of elements, minerals and rocks, while having a little fun. Students can make up there own game boards, rules, question cards - whatever strikes their fancy and keeps them interested. If your student come up with a variation or whole new game, please send a copy to wilsonse@Michigan.gov. See ‘element’ and ‘make cards’ components for the Rock Cycle in Michigan Game for more information. Created October 2, 2000 Only eight elements make up over 98% of the earth’s crust!

Using rock compositions to understand their origin and evolution Geochemistry Using rock compositions to understand their origin and evolution

Major elements (not very useful, same information as mineralogy!) Trace elements Isotopes

Identifying magmatic processes … using geochemistry

Definisi: pemerian sebaran unsur-unsur di dalam material bumi dan alasan terhadap sebaran tersebut. ilmu pengetahuan yg mempelajari kimia bumi sebagai satu keseluruhan dan bagian-bagiannya.

Tujuan Geokimia: Mengetahui penyebaran dan kelimpahan unsur- unsur kimia dan isotop di dalam bagian-bagian bumi dan formasi geologi, baik secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Mencari aturan/prinsip yg berlaku terhadap distribusi dan kelimpahan unsur-unsur tersebut. Memahami kemungkinan adanya perubahan- perubahan aturan distribusi dan kelimpahan sebagai akibat evolusi bumi.

Cabang Geokimia: Atmogeokimia, mempelajari kimia atmosfer bumi Hidrogeokimia, mempelajari kimia air Biokimia, mempelajari kimia makhluk hidup Litogeokimia, mempelajari kimia litosfer bumi Kosmogeokimia, mempelajari kimia benda-benda luar bumi atau benda-benda luar angkasa

about 7,000oC 57million psi

? Not to scale Atmosphere Mantle Core Continental Crust Ocean Mid- Ridge Base of lithosphere Plume Oceanic Crust Mantle Core ? Not to scale

Relationships of volcanic activity to plate tectonics.

See U next week....