METODE PENELITIAN EKONOMI Ghozali Maski Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya Malang METODE PENELITIAN EKONOMI Research Methods For Business: A Skill-Building approach Uma Sekaran,2003. ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
PERANAN DAN PENTINGNYA RISET ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
APA ITU RISET? Laboratorium dan ilmuwan? Penulisan disertasi, tesis, dan skripsi? Mengumpulkan data untuk studi tentang pengaruh insentif terhadap produktivitas pegawai? Suatu proses untuk memperoleh solusi atas permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi, setelah melalui serangkaian studi dan analisis terhadap faktor penentu ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Memahami permasalahan Menemukan akar permasalahan Membangun strategi Memecahkan permasalahan ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Riset Ekonomi Riset ekonomi, adalah suatu proses yang terarah dan sistimatis untuk melakukan investigasi dan pemecahan permasalahan yang terkait dengan ekonomi. ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Tipe-Tipe Riset Ekonomi Riset aplikatif (pemecahan masalah saat ini), misalnya suatu daerah tertentu merupakan daerah endemi kemiskin dan pemerintah ingin menemukan permasalahannya guna menentukan tindakan yang tepat. Riset dasar, membangun kerangka teori sebagai dasar untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Penelitian di Bidang Ekonomi Riset Pasar Riset Keuangan Riset Perbankan Riset Perencanaan Dan lain-lain ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Penelitian Ilmiah dan Hipotesis deduktif ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Ciri-2 Penelitian Ilmiah Purposiveness Rigor Testability Replicability Precision and Confidence Objectivity Generalizability Parsimony ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
The aims of research is focus Purposiveness The aims of research is focus The aims of research is relevan with problems of investigation Justifications is important ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
and the degree of exactitude in research investigation Rigor carefulness scrupulousness and the degree of exactitude in research investigation ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
The instruments are reliable and valid The model is acceptable Testability The instruments are reliable and valid The model is acceptable The hypothesis are testable ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Replicability The same conclusions at the same condition The same conclusions with the same model The acceptance of hypothesis are not by chance but “the true state of affair” ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Precision and Confidence The results are resemble or unbiased The probability of ‘true’ is high and the probability of ‘fail’ is low ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Objectivity The up to date of the data The conclusions base on the actual data ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Generalizability The results are applicable to the kinds of research object ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Parsimony The large can explain the little The large can explain the large The little can expalain the large ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
The Building Blocks of Science Research ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
The seven steps process in the hypothetico-deductive method Observation Preliminary information gathering Theory formulation Hypothesizing Further scientific data collection Data analysis Deduction ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Example: The unintended qonsequences of budget cuts ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Information gathering throught informal interviews Observation The vice president in charge of Finance that the budgetary process is not working as well as it should. Managers seem to be overcautious/worries, pad their budgets excessively, and all in all, seem to be acting defensively. In essence, the VP observes various phenomena and sense a problem. Information gathering throught informal interviews The VP chats with a few of the managers and their staff. He finds that there is much anxiety/galau’ among the managers that the budget for all department are likely to slashed. ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Gathering more information throught literature survey Amused/glad, by this findings, the VP reads materials on the subject and finds that many factors, including the ones identified throught the interviews, are instrumental in thwart/prevent the idea of effective budgeting. Formulating theory about what is happening Piecing together the information obtained from the interviews and the literature, the VP develops a theory of possible factors that may be influencing ineffective budgeting practices. ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Hypothesis From the theory, the VP conjectures (suspects) the relationships among the factors, and one of the hypothesis is that fear of budget cuts influences excessive padding of the budget. Data collection Data analysis ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
Deduction If significant correlation are in fact found, the VP would deduce (or conclude) that misperceptions about budget cuts and the proposed information system did indeed have an influence on managers padding their budgets. To solve the problem, the VP then clarify the real situation to the managers, allay their fears, and educate them on how they would all benefit by proposing realistic budgets. ghozalimaski 16/09/2018
OTHER TYPES OF RESEARCH Case study Quantitative research Qualitative research Mix methods etc Ghozali Maski (FEUB) 16/09/2018
thanks Ghozali Maski (FEUB) 16/09/2018