Definition Removal of teeth by the reflection of a mucoperiosteal flap and excision of bone from around the root or roots before the application of force to effect the tooth removal.
Indications for Extraction Localized or generalized neuralgias of the head Pericoronitis Production of caries Obstruction of placement of a partial or complete denture
Indications for Extraction Obstruction of the normal eruption of permanent teeth Participation in the development of various pathologic conditions Destruction of adjacent teeth due to resorption of roots
Planning of Treatment
€€ Radiography Features
Equipment, Instruments, and Materials
Diagnostics set Local anesthesia, syringe, needle, and ampule (Lidocain HCl Epinephrin 2ml 2%) Scalpel and blade Periosteal elevators Rongeur forceps Bone burs Bone file Hemostat
Equipment, Instruments, and Materials Retractors Needle holder and needle Surgical forceps and anatomic forceps Scissors Disposable plastic syringe Suction tip Handpiece Salin solution NaCl 0,9% Povidone iodine 10% Sutures (silk)
Steps of Surgical Procedure The surgical procedure for the extraction of impacted teeth includes the following steps: Aseptic and antiseptic Local anesthesia
Steps of Surgical Procedure Incision (triangular flap) and Reflection of the mucoperiosteal flap Removal of bone to expose the impacted tooth
Steps of Surgical Procedure Sectioning tooth at the cervical line using a fissure bur, separation of crown from the root, with rotation of the elevator in a groove created on the impacted tooth. Luxation of the root of an impacted tooth using an angled Seldin elevator. Smoothing of bone edges of the wound using a bone file. Care of the postsurgical socket (irrigation with saline solution)
Steps of Surgical Procedure Suturing of the wound (simple interrupted suture)
Postoperative care RestAnalgesiaEdema DietAntibiotik Removal of suture
Prescribed R / Amoxycilin 500 mg No.XV 3 dd 1 R/ Asam mefenamat 500 mg No. IX 3 dd 1 R / Becom C tab No.V 3 dd 1 Pro: Mr. Ilham A. Zainal Age: 21 tahun Adress: Adipura 2 No.5
Refference Fragiskos FD. Oral surgery. NewYork: Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; On Line medical dictionary.