Dana Pensiun dalam Perspektif Masyarakat


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Love comes to those who still hope although they’ve been disappointed,to those who still believe although they’ve been betrayed,to those who still love.
Sukamdi Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta2013.
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Financial Planning Process. Improving Your Standard of Living Standar kehidupan yang meningkat : Kebutuhan Kenyamanan Kemewahan.
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By Yulius Suprianto Macroeconomics | 02 Maret 2019 Chapter-5: The Standard of Living Over Time and A Cross Countries Source: http//
Dana Pensiun Dalam Perspektif Pengusaha
Right, indonesia is a wonderful country who rich in power energy not only in term of number but also diversity. Energy needs in indonesia are increasingly.
Website: Website Technologies.
ICT untuk kolaborasi internasional
Rank Your Ideas The next step is to rank and compare your three high- potential ideas. Rank each one on the three qualities of feasibility, persuasion,
Draw a picture that shows where the knife, fork, spoon, and napkin are placed in a table setting.
2. Discussion TASK 1. WORK IN PAIRS Ask your partner. Then, in turn your friend asks you A. what kinds of product are there? B. why do people want to.
ICT untuk kolaborasi internasional
Wednesday/ September,  There are lots of problems with trade ◦ There may be some ways that some governments can make things better by intervening.
Transcript presentasi:

Dana Pensiun dalam Perspektif Masyarakat Steven Tanner Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta, 24-25 Oktober 2018 TOMORROW STARTS TODAY...

Kesiapan dan kelayakan Kesiapan menghadapi masa pensiun Hanya 30% pekerja di Indonesia optimis menghadapi masa pensiun1) Negara lain2) Kelayakan manfaat pensiun Hanya 5% pensiunan di Indonesia merasa sejahtera di masa pensiun1) 1) Syarifudin Yunus, Dosen & Pemerhati Pendidikan Bahasa, Pengurus Perkumpulan DPLK Indonesia 2) Catherine Reilly, Global Retirement Reality Report, State Street Global Advisors, 31 May 2018

Statistik lembaga dan peserta Jumlah lembaga dana pensiun Jumlah peserta dana pensiun Jumlah peserta BPJS Ketengakerjaan mencapai 25 juta, termasuk 14 juta di dalamnya adalah peserta BPJS Jaminan Penisun (Liputan6.com, 27/11/2017)

Jumlah aset lembaga dana pensiun Indonesia Lembaga dana pensiun (Agustus 2018) Rp261.6 triliun (USD 17.4 miliar) BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (2017) Rp326 triliun (USD 21.7 miliar) Total (dana pensiun + BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), USD 30.1 miliar* Masih rendah, tetapi mendekati Thailand Negara lain – OECD data (2017) Amerika terbesar (USD 16,223.7 miliar), disusul Inggris (USD 2,903.3 miliar), Australia (USD 1,718.3 miliar), Belanda (USD 1,604.7 miliar) dan Kanada (USD 1,423.0 miliar), Swiss (USD 1,012.8 miliar) Jepang (USD 1,382.5 miliar), Korea (USD (176.3 miliar), Hongkong (USD 148.1 miliar), Thailand (USD 33.4 miliar) * USD = Rp15,000

Salah satu hasil studi di Inggris3) Attitudes of young people (age 18-24) towards pension planning Little concern about retirement savings Try to avoid thinking about retirement Prefer a good standard of living today to saving for retirement future More likely to be myopic in their approach to finances Prefer current over future consumption Believe that the future will take care of itself Challanges young people face Knowledge and advice – awareness and where to find information Trust – public and private pensions Myopia – short term views of needs 3) Liam Foster, Department of Sociological Science, University of Sheffield, Cambridge University Press, 2015, Social Policy and Society (2017) 16:1, 65–80

Psychological factors4) Experience has shown that majority of workers facing inadequately funded retirement futures Reasons why people don’t save, not save enough, or defer decisions Inertia or procrastination Avoiding to enroll in a retirement plan – deferring decisions Lack of self control Unable to cut back on our lifestyle and spending today Fear of loss or loss aversion Making reductions in lifestyle and expenditures is painful Myopia, present bias or hyperbolic discounting Value current spending more than future wealth 4) Richard H. Thaler and Shlomo Benartzi, Save More Tomorrow: Using Behavioural Economics to Increase Employee Savings, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 112 No. 1, pp, S164-S187, February 2004

Save More Tomorrow4) The key to saving more money tomorrow is to pre-commit any extra income to future savings by deciding today Extra income tomorrow, put it all (or part) into savings This way, we will have no feeling of loss since Committed to save of what we don’t actually have on hand Three major retirement planning decisions: Save: make a decision to save Save more: saving at adequate levels Save smarter: investing those savings wisely 4) Richard H. Thaler and Shlomo Benartzi, Save More Tomorrow: Using Behavioural Economics to Increase Employee Savings, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 112 No. 1, pp, S164-S187, February 2004

TPP – program wajib Tingkat Penghasilan Pensiun (TPP) yang diperoleh dari program wajib (JHT, Imbalan Pesangon, dan program JP), masih kurang dari nilai yang dianggap memadai untuk pensiun (70-80% dari penghasilan terakhir sesaat sebelum pensiun)

Tantangan ke depan Sangat diperlukan dan mendesak untuk segera melakukan sosialisasi dan edukasi berskala nasional secara maksimal dan berkesinambungan dalam memberikan penyadaran kepada masyarakat luas (dengan partisipasi aktif perusahaan, termasuk pekerjanya sendiri) mengenai betapa pentingnya mempersiapkan kebutuhan keuangan mereka pada saat pensiun nanti