An image from Princeton's 2005 'Art of Science' Exhibition
Ryoji Ikeda’s Art of Science
This is Ikeda at his best This is Ikeda at his best. With nothing much to see, many visitors will walk into the room and wander back out again confused. But those that stay will soon forget the lack of visuals, as the process of moving through a space of invisible, but almost tangible soundwaves goes from vaguely embarrassing to fascinating, ultimately becoming meditative.
Agricultural Process Engineering By S. M. Henderson, R. L. Perry Engineering has been defined as “the art and science of utilizing the forces and materials of nature for the benefit of man and the direction of man’s activities this end” Teknik didefinisikan sebagai "seni dan ilmu memanfaatkan kekuatan (gaya, F) dan bahan-bahan (materi, M) alam untuk kepentingan manusia dan arah aktivitas manusia sampai akhir yang dicapai”
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