Recount Text Peristiwa Bersejarah PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BAGI GURU SMA, SMK DAN SLB Dikbud NTB @dikbudntb Bahasa Inggris Recount Text Peristiwa Bersejarah ILHAMSYAH, S.Pd. SMAN 1 SETELUK Verifikator : Sugrawati, S.Pd. © 2018 - Hak Cipta Pada Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Provinsi NTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN BASIC COMPETENCE KI/KD 3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
IPK 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.7.5 KI/KD IPK Materi Referensi Latihan PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN IPK 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.7.5 KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Learning Indicators KI/KD IPK 3.7.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Learning Indicators KI/KD IPK 3.7.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya. Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Learning Indicators KI/KD IPK 3.7.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya. Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Learning Indicators KI/KD IPK 3.7.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya. Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Learning Indicators KI/KD IPK 3.7.5 Membedakan struktur teks recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya. Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
Text Recount the social functions text structure linguistic elements PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Text Recount the social functions text structure linguistic elements KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Text Recount Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. (sebuah teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita, aksi ataupun aktifitas. Tujuan recount text adalah untuk menghibur atau memberi informasi kepada pembaca) Or(atau) Recount is a text which retells event or experiences in the past. (sebuah teks yang menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lampau) KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Social Functions KI/KD IPK Fungsi sosial dari recount text yaitu melaporkan, menceritakan, berbagi pengalaman, mengambil teladan, membanggakan. Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
Text Structure Orientation Event Reorientation KI/KD IPK Materi PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Text Structure Orientation Event Reorientation KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
Orientation (Pembuka) PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN KI/KD Orientation (Pembuka) It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened. (Orientation berisi awalan cerita. Bagian ini biasanya menjelaskan tentang latar cerita seperti tempat dan waktu kejadian.) IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
Event (Isi) A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence. PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN KI/KD Event (Isi) A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence. (Event berisi inti cerita dari recount text. Bagian ini menjelaskan kejadian secara berurutan dari kejadian A ke kejadin B.) IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
(Kesimpulan atau Penutup Teks) PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Reorientation (Kesimpulan atau Penutup Teks) KI/KD IPK A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end. (Reorientation berisi pengulangan dan penutup jalannya cerita.) Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
EXAMPLE Tiket Bioskop Orientation KI/KD PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN EXAMPLE Tiket Bioskop Orientation Last week I went to the theatre. It was the only theatre at my town. I had 1 free ticket to watch a movie. I had no idea about the movie I would like to watch and I did not know the schedule of that theatre. So that, I just wanted to come and see if there was any good movie. Event I parked my motorcycle at the parking area and I walked slowly at the hall of the theatre. I took my ticket on my wallet and go to the information section to ask about how to use the ticket that day. Unfortunately, I missed it. The ticket was already expired 2 days before. Reorientation I went home and I was very disappointed about that. KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
Other Example Pencuri Orientation KI/KD PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Other Example Pencuri Orientation Three days ago, I went to the traditional market to buy some fruits and vegetables. In that market, I saw an accident, there was a thief beaten by a lot of people. It was so terrible. I didn’t want to take closer and see. A few minutes later, police came and took him. Event I asked to the fruit seller what had happened actually and she said that the thief tried to steal someone’s wallet but he was unlucky. Someone saw him and shouted loudly and suddenly some people roughed him up hardly. Reorientation It was a pity event and I hoped it would never happen again. KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
The Characteristics / Language Feature of Recount Text: PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN The Characteristics / Language Feature of Recount Text: KI/KD Using the simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, and past perfect continuous tense. Using temporal sequence, e.g. On Saturday. On Monday, On Sunday Focus on specific participant, e.g. I (the writer) Using the conjunctions, such as: then, before, after, etc. Using action verd, e.g. went, stayed IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
Latihan Soal : Battle of Surabaya PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN Latihan Soal : Battle of Surabaya KI/KD The Battle of Surabaya was fought between pro-independence Indonesian soldiers and militia against British and British Indian troops as a part of the Indonesian National Revolution. The peak of the battle was in November 1945. The battle was the heaviest single battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian resistance. Fighting broke out on 30 October after the British commander, Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby was killed in a skirmish. Although the Colonial forces largely captured the city in three days, the poorly armed Republicans fought for three weeks, and thousands died as the population fled to the countryside. IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN The battle and defence mounted by the Indonesians galvanised the nation in support of independence and helped garner international attention. For the Dutch, it removed any doubt that the Republic was not simply a gang of collaborators without popular support. It also had the effect of convincing Britain that wisdom lay on the side of neutrality in the revolution; within a few years, in fact, Britain would support the Republican cause in the United Nations. Considered a heroic effort by Indonesians, the battle helped galvanise Indonesian and international support for Indonesian independence. 10 November is celebrated annually as Heroes’ Day. KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
1. What kind of genre does the text above belong to? PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN 1. What kind of genre does the text above belong to? a. Personal recount. b. Historical recount. c. Biographical recount. d. Imaginative. e. Narrative. 2. What is the passage about? a. The battle of Surabaya. b. In Indonesia as Heroes’s day. c. battle the revolution. d. 10,November. e. On, 27 Noveber. 3. We can check past verbs in two paraghraph above. a. Dropped,Angered and Reached. b. Fought,,Troops , and Independent. c. Spread, Shot and Killed. d. Made,Angered,and Began. e. Considered, Helped and Commemorated KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
3. when and where did the battle take place? PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN 3. when and where did the battle take place? a. Yogyakarta, 27, November,1945. b. Yogyakarta, 10, November 1945. c. Surabaya, 27,November 1945. d. Surabaya, 10, November 1945. e. Bandung, 27,November 1945. 4. What caused the battle? a. A british plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets over Surabaya urging all Indonesia troops and militia to surrender their weapons. b. The leaders of the Indonesian troops and militia were breaking of the agreement reached with Mallaby earlier. c. Indonesia to lose weaponry which hampered the country’s independence struggle d. British troops began a methodical advance through the city under the cover of naval and air bombardment. e. Mallaby was shot and killed. KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB
REFERENSI KI/KD IPK Materi Referensi PEMERINTAH PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN REFERENSI Anonymous. 2018. Anonymous. 2018. Anonymous. 2018. KI/KD IPK Materi Latihan Soal Uji Kompetensi Referensi Dikbud NTB @dikbudNTB @dikbudNTB