Base Verb and Verb-s
Types of verb Bahasa Inggris memiliki banyak tipe kata kerja, seperti linking verb, stative verb, dan action verb. Linking verb adalah kata kerja yang menghubungkan subjek dengan pelengkapnya. ex: Those lovely couples grow old together. Stative verb adalah kata kerja yang menyatakan keadaan / situasi / kondisi, sehingga tidak mengubah bentuk atau tidak memberi dampak apapun pada objek, ex: I love my parent. Action verb adalah kata kerja yang menyatakan tindakan sehingga bisa mengubah bentuk atau memberi dampak pada objek, ex: The kids kick the ball
Quiz 1 Kids act foolish. The farmer owns the land. L / S / A Sentence Kids act foolish. The farmer owns the land. The box contains old books. I think that coffee is great. He put the books in the box. I'm cleaning the flat. This picture looks nice. I know her. My mother sweeps the floor. L / S / A Sentence A My brother ______________ the car. L The baby ______________ cute. S Do you _____________ her house? That man ___________ this letter. This soup ____________ awful. I ____________ a song. He ___________ on my right foot. The road ___________ slippery. I ___________ in God.
Base verb Base verb atau yang biasa disebut verb 1 adalah bentuk kata kerja paling dasar tanpa imbuhan apapun, misalnya have, see, ride, cook, study, etc. Base verb digunakan untuk menyatakan predikat dalam Present tense Frasa kata kerja yang terdapat modal Subjek jamak (plural) Subjek yang berupa pronoun I, you, they, and we Kalimat perintah
Verb-s Verb-s adalah kata kerja dasar yang ditambah imbuhan –s, misalnya has, rides, cooks, studies, etc. Verb-s digunakan untuk menyatakan predikat dalam Simple present tense Subjek tunggal (singular) Subjek yang berupa pronoun he, she, and it. Setelah s, sh, ch and x , tambahkan es /iz/. Ex: wash washes Kata kerja dengan huruf akhir o , tambahkan es. Ex: do does Kata yang huruf akhirnya konsonan+ y, y diganti -ies. Ex: hurry hurries y setelah vowel tinggal ditambah –s. Ex: stay stays
Simple present tense Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan Pendapat atau pemikiran, ex: I think I like it. Keadaan yang selalu sama atau fakta, ex: Karawaci is quite far from Depok. Rutinitas, ex: We have lectures on Tuesday
Pattern Subjek (noun / pronoun) + verb 1 / verb-s (+ objek / pelengkap) (+ adverb) __________________________ ________________ The cat meows __________________________ ________________ _____________ They make Italian food __________________________ _________________ _________________ My sister and her friends go shopping at AEON Mall __________________________ _________________ _____________ _________________ I am the smartest student in the class
Pattern for negative form Subjek (noun / pronoun) + do / does not + verb 1 (+ objek / pelengkap) (+ adverb) / to be + not __________________________ ________________ The cat does not meow __________________________ ________________ _____________ They do not make Italian food __________________________ _________________ _________________ My sister and her friends do not go shopping at AEON Mall __________________________ ___________________ _______________ ___ ____________________ I am not the smartest student in the class
Quiz 2 subjek verb complement modifier 1 Most children 2 hate 3 No subjek verb complement modifier 1 Most children 2 hate 3 The boxes on the table 4 of all 5 amazing 6 heard 7 At 11.00 o’clock 8 delicious cake in jar 9 The girl in the house 10 remember
Modals Modals adalah kata bantu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan 1) kemampuan; 2) izin; 3) kemungkinan dan kepastian; 4) keharusan; 5) saran; 6) tawaran dan ajakan; 7) keputusan; dan 8) kebiasaan. Modals selalu diikuti oleh base verb apapun subjeknya. I can swim He can swim
Modals (part 1) Use Modals Kemampuan can, could, be able to Izin can, may, could, be allowed to Kemungkinan dan kepastian may, might, could, must Keharusan must, have to Saran Should, ought to, had better and be supposed to Tawaran dan ajakan Shall (for I and we), should, can, would like, will Keputusan Will, be going to, shall (for I and we) Kebiasaan Be used to
Homework 1 I hate quiz programmes. Tentukan predikat dari kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini, kemudian tentukan tipe kata kerjanya. I hate quiz programmes. We play table tennis every Thursday. The computer belongs to Emma. These plates cost £20 each. I believe it's the right thing to do.
I'm hungry. I want something to eat. I usually go to work by bus. It's OK. I understand your problem Claire is very sociable. We get plenty of chairs, thanks.
Homework 2 Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata kerja yang ada di dalam kurung. Tentukan sendiri kalimatnya harus positif atau negatif. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He............ (speak) French. Most students live quite close to the college, so they .................. .......... (walk) there. My sports kit is really muddy. This shirt ............................................... (need) a good wash. I've got four cats and two dogs. I ........................................... (love) animals. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He ...............................................(eat) breakfast.
What's the matter? You ............................................(look) very happy. Don't try to ring the bell. It .............................................. (work). I hate telephone answering machines. I just............................................. (like) talking to them. Matthew is good at badminton. He ............................................ (win) every game. We always travel by bus. We .......................................... (own) a car.
Homework 3 Lihat tabel jadwal kereta api di bawah ini. Buat menjadi kalimat ( 1 kalimat per jadwal) No kereta Stasiun Asal Tujuan Waktu keberangkatan Waktu Tiba CL 401 Maja Parungpanjang 04.45 05.19 CL 402 Sudimara 10.00 ± 10.85 CL 403 Tigaraksa Tanah Abang 16.43 18.01 CL 404 Serpong ±18.40 ±19.38 CL 405 Tidak berangkat