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Definition Samples Improvement Step Conclusion

BOUNCE RATE - DEFINITION The percentage of single-engagement sessions Number of bounces over the total number of pageviews to a page Bounce occurs whenever a user enters the page and subsequently exits without visiting another page on the website or interacting with any of the elements on the page. The Goal is calculate the percentage of people who leave a page after opening it

EXIT RATE - DEFINITION The percentage of exits on a page Number of people who exit your website after landing on a page and compares it to the total number of views the page received. The Goal is calculate the percentage of people who leave a page after opening it

SIMILAR VS DIFFERENT Similar : basic goal of these metrics is the same which is calculate the percentage of people who leave a page after opening it Different : Exit rate is the percentage of visits that were the last in the session whereas bounce rate is the percentage of visits that were the only one of the session. This means bounces are only recorded if a user exits directly from the page they entered while exit rates are recorded regardless of a user’s prior activity on your website. Therefore, all bounces are exits but not all exits are bounces.


SAMPLE – CASE STUDY To clarify the difference, we can consider a simple website with four pages : Home Page, Product Page, Dealer Page, Contact Us Page. We can imagine five different sessions to this website over the course of a week. Monday : New Visitor > Home Page > EXIT Tuesday : New Visitor > Home Page > Product Page > Dealer Page > EXIT Wednesday : New Visitor > Home Page > Product Page > EXIT Thursday : New Visitor > Contact Us Page > EXIT Friday : New Visitor > Dealer Page > Contact Us Page > EXIT HOME PAGE : 3 entrances | 3 page views | 33% bounce rate | 33% exit rate PRODUCT PAGE : 0 entrances | 2 page views | 0% bounce rate | 50% exit rate DEALER PAGE : 1 entrance | 2 page views | 0% bounce rate | 50% exit rate CONTACT US PAGE : 1 entrance | 2 page views | 50% bounce rate | 100% exit rate Always remember that exits can be more than one-page visits while bounces are always one-page visits.

WHICH METRIC IS MORE IMPORTANT Both metrics are important depending on purpose. High bounce rate usually signals problems with user satisfaction (context of content, site quality, loading speed, etc.) High exit rate usually signals problems in your conversion funnel. Note: It prefer use Exit rate for analyzing website funnel and user journey Exit rates show you opportunity areas to optimize

IMPROVEMENT RELATED TO EXIT RATE Identify why people leave so early Distracting Content: music, video, and obtrusive pop-ups can cause early exits Slow Load Speeds: users (especially mobile users) will give up after about 3 secondsabout 3 seconds Bad UI/UX: poor page design and structure can leave your users confused Navigation Issues: unclear pathing and/or lack of linked content spells “dead-end” Give visitors reason to stay Revisiting your conversion funnel rather than fixing navigation issues or site design Link related products the buyer might be interested in to guide them further down the funnel Conduct Funnel analysis Installing live-tracking and/or heat-mapping software to help you understand how users interact with your site, where they are clicking, and where their focus is. Software like Inspectlet, Hotjar, Clicktale, and FullStory are good places to start.InspectletHotjarClicktaleFullStory

CONCLUSION BSI - Digital Marketing Club In the end, which metric we use depends on the context of analysis and optimization goals.In the end, which metric we use depends on the context of analysis and optimization goals. Do avoid, however, focusing on aggregate bounce rates and error rates. Instead, segment the data and target specific pages to find holes in the funnel and problematic areas.Do avoid, however, focusing on aggregate bounce rates and error rates. Instead, segment the data and target specific pages to find holes in the funnel and problematic areas. Lastly, consider exit rate within the context of overall site structure and design. Pages that don’t lead to further clicks are often perfect spots for optimization.Lastly, consider exit rate within the context of overall site structure and design. Pages that don’t lead to further clicks are often perfect spots for optimization.