Regulasi sistem reproduksi jantan
1. Regulasi organ reproduksi jantan: testis, skrotum, epididimis, vas deferent, uretra, dan kelenjar asesoris 2. Struktur pendukung: jaringan saraf dan peredaran darah
Pengaturan di TESTIS Spermatogenesis Hormonal control
Produksi Spermatozoa Seminiferous tubules Interstitial tissue Spermatids Spermatocytes Spermatozoa Sertoli cells Interstitial tissue Leydig cells Capillaries
Spermatozoa Structure and Functions Head Acrosome Nucleus Midpiece Centrioles Mitochondria Tail: flagellum Microtubules Figure 26-10: Sperm structure
Testicular Compartmentalization
Sel Sertoli
Fungsi sel Sertoli Nourish healthy cells & phagocytize damaged germ cells Synthesize luminal proteins Maintain tubular fluid Convert androgens to estrogens
The blood-testis barrier (BTB) BTB (in rats) composed: tight junction basal ectoplasmic specialization basal tubulobulbar complex desmosome-like junction, at side-by-side in the seminiferous epithelium
Tight junctions sebagai tempat komunikasi antar sel ANCHORING JUNCTION COMMUNICATING JUNCTION Plasma membranes of adjacent cells Extracellular matrix
The BTB physically divides the seminiferous epithelium into basal and apical compartments spermatogenesis The function: Immunological barrier -cell antigens from the systemic circulation, Creates a microenvironment for germ-cell development
Spermatogenesis the BTB to permit the preleptotene & leptotene spermatocytes (Late stage VII - VIII of the epithelial cycle) BTB to facilitate germ-cell migration is regulated two cytokines to activated protein kinases: 1. Transforming Growth Factor-beta3 (TGF-beta3) 2. tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha)
Sel Intersisial Terletak di antara seminiferous tubules Di jumpai banyak kapiler darah dan populasi sel somatik lainnya Menghasilkan hormone testosteron (Franz von Leydig, 1821-1908, German) Bentuk: cuboidal & in groups of 2-20 cells Testosteron menstimuli perkembangan sek sekunder jantan (rambut & bentuk tubuh) The pituitary hormone ICSH (Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone) menstimuli produksi testosteron saat puber
Leydig cells
Saluran Reproduksi: Rete Testis Efferent ducts Epididymis channels lined with a low cuboidal epithelium, like channels in a river delta Efferent ducts The efferent ducts (7-15 seminiferous tubules ) Epididymis Long & extremely coiled single duct Extra testicular organ Ductus Deferens relatively short & highly coiled ducts pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Rete Testis
Efferent ducts
Kelenjar Asesoris Prostate gland Seminal Vesicle radially around the urethra (upper right) 20% total volume semen Seminal Vesicle 60 % total volume semen Bulbourethral gland (Cowper gland) Ejaculat pH 7,2-8,2
Penis Tersusun atas: Korpus spongiosum: terletak disekitar uretra, penuh kapiler darah Korpus cavernosum: terletak di bagian dorsal, terdapat pembuluh darah besar
Pengaturan seresi protein epididymis Sintesis protein di epididymis: tergantung konsentrasi androgen dan kepekatan cairan Sintesis hormon steroid: 5-alpha dihydroxytestosterone (DHT), disekresikan di sitoplasma bagian caput, corpus, & cauda Secretion of epididymal segments → epithelium epididymal In rats, the proximal & in the distal epididymis → * the proximal epididymis → 27 & 29-kD * the distal epididymis → 32-40 kD