The Key Activity in Knowledge Organizations: Transferring Knowledge Karl Erik Sveiby All assets -tangible, intangible- are the result of human actions.


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Transcript presentasi:

The Key Activity in Knowledge Organizations: Transferring Knowledge Karl Erik Sveiby All assets -tangible, intangible- are the result of human actions. People deliver their competencies; they direct their efforts outward working with external environment of organization and working with internal structure Managing and analysis of intagible assets and intelectual capital Erik Sveiby (IAM

Competence Untuk menggunakannya melalui dua cara delivery dari orang ke orang dengan : Informasi Tradisi (learning by doing)

Data ? Informasi ? Pengetahuan ?

Data : fakta, teks, gambar, angka tanpa konteks Informasi : data yang dipresentasikan dalam suatu konteks Knowlede : infomasi dengan pengertian bagaimana menggunakannya

 Informasi ciri-cirinya adalah: memiliki kecepatan yang segera, mengandung pesan yang ingin disampaikan, bersifat statis, tergantung pada orang yang menyampaikan, codified (memiliki prosedur), mass distribusi Contoh : kuliah, presentasi audio visual Kelemahan: Reaksi seseorang dapat berbagai cara karena membawa arti sendiri, emosi dan interpretasi kata. Diwarnai oleh pengalaman, konteks, situasi serta emosi sehingga yang terjadi adalah seperti ini (taruh gambar komunikasi ). Aplikasi di sekolah!

Informasi yang tidak memiliki arti Shannon of Bell Telephone : A apple, grade, picture seen form above

Tradisi Memiliki ciri-ciri: transfer melalui metode eksperimental, bergantung pada pengajar atau bisa menjadi mandiri dengan membuat prosedur sendiri, dinamis, aktivitas yang terukur, tidak mass distribution, uncodified Contoh: games, simulasi model, bermain peran

Informasi meaningless dan nilainya rendah (low value) People learn best by using their whole bodies

Knowledge Creation Ikujiro Nonaka Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995: 58) emphasises two human values, in particular, which differentiate knowledge from information, namely, beliefs and commitment.

Socialization Proses sharing pengalaman (observasi, imitasi, praktek) Externalization Proses menerjemahkan tacit knowledge menjadi konsep eksplisit (buku manajemen) Internalization Absorpsi explicit knowledge menjadi tacit knowledge (simulasi) Combination Proses sistematisasi konsep eksplisit menjadi sistem pengetahuan (database, computer network) Tacit Knowledge Explicit Knowledge Tacit ExplicitKnowledge

Building Internal Structure to Support Knowledge Transfer Managing the organization 1. The tension between professionals and their customers and between professionals and managers 2. The production process in knowledge organization 3. Method to manage and improve knowledge conversion without information technology

1. The moment of tension plays vital role in creative problem solving.. If managed properly, the competence of the organization increases, and the relations with customers are improved, customer relations an external asset 2. The tension between professionals and managers can manifest itself creativity or in balance of terror. Tandem Leadership system Director, Conductor, Editor run the artistic side of a business Producer, Manager, Publisher take charges of administrative staff

2. Knowledge worker convert knowledge into explicit knowledge, which usually takes the form of information  Production process in manufacturing firm – in R &D, computing accounting  Marketers are combining and externalizing when try describe products in brochures and advertisements The encounter with the customer creates energy that triggers creativity  chemistry, moment of truth Capacity usage determines the short-term profitability of service firm  virtuous vs vicious

3. There are three noncomputerized structured transferring tacit knowledge: socialization via open office space, socialization via piggybacking and teams, and internalization via simulation