Grunig's Four models of Public Relations Model Name Type of Communica tion Model Characteristics Press agentry/ publicity model One-way communica tion Uses persuasion and manipulation to influence audience to behave as the organization desires Public Informa tion model One-way communica tion Uses press releases and other one-way communication techniques to distribute organizational information. Public relations practitioner is often referred to as the "journalist in residence. One-way asymmet rical model One-way communica tion Uses persuasion and manipulation to influence audience to behave as the organization desires. Does not use research to find out how it public(s> feel about the organization. Two-way symmetr ical model Two-way communica tion Uses communication to negotiate with publics,resolve conflict, and promote mutual understanding and respect between the organization and its public(s).
Press agentry Berusaha untuk mempengaruhi opini publik melalui pembuatan berita. Got their clients into the headlines Mengabaikan riset dan etika, tujuannya adalah untuk manipulasi sikap.
The Public Information Models Memasuki abad 20, PR mulai mengubah paradigma dari press agentry menjadi lembaga yang menyediakan informasi dengan mengutamakan kebenaran dan akurasi berita. Berperan sebagai “journalist in residence” Belum menggunakan formal research Press release, brosur, static web content
The Two Way Asymmetrical Model Praktisi PR menggunakan riset untuk mencapai konsumen. Mengutamakan keseimbangan, persuasi untuk menumbuhkan penjualan
The Two Way Symmetrical Model Menggunkaan komunikasi untuk bernegosiasi dengan publik, menyelesaikan konflik, dan berusaha menciptakan pemahaman bersama yang saling menguntungkan, serta` saling menghargai antara organisasi dan publik.
Two-way asymmetric public relations... can also be called "scientific persuasion;" employs social science methods to develop more persuasive communication; generally focuses on achieving short-term attitude change; incorporates lots of feedback from target audiences and publics; is used by an organization primarily interested in having its publics come around to its way of thinking rather changing the organization, its policies, or its views.
Two-way symmetric public relations... relies on honest and open two-way communication and mutual give-and-take rather than one-way persuasion; focuses on mutual respect and efforts to achieve mutual understanding; emphasizes negotiation and a willingness to adapt and make compromises; requires organizations engaging in public relations to be willing to make significant adjustments in how they operate in order to accommodate their publics; seems to be used more by non-profit organizations, government agencies, and heavily regulated businesses such as public utilities than by competitive, profit-driven companies.