SISTEM KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL (2) Atraksi Interpersonal Hubungan Interpersonal
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL Kesukaan pada orang lain, sikap positif, dan daya tarik seseorang. Makin tertarik pada orang lain, makin besar kecendrungan untuk berkomunikasi. Liking membuat orang lain signifikan bagi kita.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL Makin baik hubungan interpersonal, makin efektif komunikasi yang berlangsung.
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL FAKTOR-FAKTOR PERSONAL Kesamaan karakteristik personal Kesamaan nilai-nilai, sikap, keyakinan, tingkat/status sosial ekonomi, agama, dan ideologi. Komunikator lebih tepat memulai komunikasi dengan mencari kesamaan di antara semua peserta komunikasi.
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL FAKTOR-FAKTOR PERSONAL Tekanan emosional (stres) Kehadiran orang lain diinginkan ketika seseorang ada di bawah tekanan emosional, cemas, dan stres.
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL FAKTOR-FAKTOR PERSONAL Harga diri yang rendah Orang yang rendah diri, cenderung mudah menyukai orang lain.
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL FAKTOR-FAKTOR PERSONAL Isolasi sosial Kondisi terasing, sendiri, menunjukkan kecenderungan individu untuk menyenangi orang lain bertambah.
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL FAKTOR-FAKTOR SITUASIONAL Physically attractiveness Reward Familiarity Proximity / closeness Competence
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL Teori tentang LIKING REINFORCEMENT THEORY Liking sebagai hasil belajar (learning) Tiga unsur learning: associative, instrumental, dan social.
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL Teori tentang LIKING EQUITY THEORY Individu cenderung menjaga keseimbangan (equity) antara cost dan reward.
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL Teori tentang LIKING EXCHANGE THEORY Kecenderungan menyukai orang yang mendatangkan keuntungan ekonomis atau psikologis.
ATRAKSI INTERPERSONAL Teori tentang LIKING GAIN-LOSS THEORY Kecenderungan menyukai orang yang menguntungkan, baik material dan nonmaterial.
TYPES of RELATIONSHIPS Relationships of which we are aware and which we intentionally form and maintain can be classified in terms of a number of factors, including: The number of people involved. The purpose of the relationship. Its duration. The level of intimacy attained
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Jumlah Individu Dyadic: Participate involve two people. Reciprocal message processing takes place between two people.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Jumlah Individu HUBUNGAN DIAD (William Wilmot): Memiliki tujuan khusus Menampilkan ‘wajah’ yang unik Mengembangkan pola komunikasi yang unik/khas Keputusan yang diambil dengan negosiasi
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Jumlah Individu Triadic Relationships Triads – three person relationships There are six possible message – processing pairings: person 1 with person 2, person 1 with person 3, person 2 with person 3, persons 1 and 2 with person 3, persons 1 and 3 with person 2, and persons 2 and 3 with person 1.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Jumlah Individu HUBUNGAN TRIAD (William Wilmot): Lebih kompleks Tingkat keintiman/ kedekatan lebih rendah Keputusan yang diambil berdasarkan voting Menampilkan ‘wajah’ yang unik
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Tujuan Task Relationships: many relationships are developed for the purpose of coordinated action – completion of a task or project that one individual could not manage alone.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Tujuan HUBUNGAN TUGAS (task relationship) Hubungan yang terbentuk untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu yang tidak dapat dikerjakan oleh individu sendirian.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Tujuan Social Relationships: personally or socially goals; can provide a means of diversion, recreation, intimacy, or companionship.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Tujuan HUBUNGAN SOSIAL (social relationship) Hubungan yang terbentuk tanpa adanya tujuan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu. Hubungan terbentuk secara personal atau sosial.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Jangka Waktu Hubungan jangka pendek Hubungan jangka panjang
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Jangka Waktu Longevity is another factor that has a significant bearing on the nature of relationships. Long-term relationships: engaged with members of our immediate families, relatives, intimates, and friends.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Jangka Waktu Transitory relationships: exchange of pleasantries with a clerk in a store. Short-term relationships: fewer personal consequences should the relationship not progress, and relatively little personal involvement.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Tingkat Keintiman Relationships can also be characterized of their “depth” or level of intimacy. Hubungan biasa Hubungan akrab/ intim
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Tingkat Keintiman Relationships between acquaintances: impersonal and ritualized communication patterns. Relationships between intimates: require a substantial investment of time and effort; may have physical benefits as well as emotional ones.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Tingkat Keintiman Casual relationships between friends and colleagues fall near the center between these two extremes. Communication obviously plays a very important role in dating, love, and marital relationships.
HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL JENIS HUBUNGAN: Berdasarkan Tingkat Keintiman The initial attraction and encounters that lead to dating, love, and marriage being as casual contacts and develop through stages of increasing intimacy. Families, and lour images of families, are based on, formed, and maintained through communication.
EVOLUTION OF RELATIONSHIPS Relationships progress through a series of relatively predictable stages, beginning from initial social encounter, progressing to stages of increasing interaction and joint rule creation.
EVOLUTION OF RELATIONSHIPS Many relationships involve some formalized acknowledgement of their status, such as marriage or a legal business contract. A relationships may stall in on these stages, back up and go forward again, or stop and remain in one stage for an extended period of time.
PATTERNS OF RELATIONSHIPS Communication patterns develop in relationships. Often these dynamics take the form of: Defensiveness or supportiveness Dependencies or counterdependencies Progressive or regressive spirals Self-fulfilling or self-defeating prophecies
PATTERNS OF RELATIONSHIPS These dynamics can have a far more significant impact on the form and development patterns of relationships than does the content of interaction.
PATTERNS OF RELATIONSHIPS A number of factors that play a role in facilitating the development of particular patterns: stage and context, interpersonal needs and style, distribution of power, and the presence of conflict.