Decision Making Media Management SESSION 11 Ambang Priyonggo, M.A.


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Transcript presentasi:

Decision Making Media Management SESSION 11 Ambang Priyonggo, M.A.

Setiap hari kita membuat keputusan dalam beragam kepentingan Setiap hari kita membuat keputusan dalam beragam kepentingan. Jadi kalau pengambilan keputusan (decision making) dinilai sebagai ilmu canggih tentu agak aneh juga.

But the Fact is.... studi menunjukkan kebanyakan orang justru dikatakan lebih lemah dalam mengambil keputusan ketimbang berpikir.....

Suatu pemahaman tentang pengambilan keputusan, serta apa saja yang melibatkan prosesnya, akan dapat membantu menghasilkan keputusan terbaik.

Decision Making: Ragam Definisi sebuah studi tentang mengidentifikasi dan memilih alternatif-alternatif pilihan berdasarkan nilai (values) dan preferensi dari pengambil keputusan

Membuat keputusan berimplikasi bahwa ada banyak pilihan yang dipertimbangkan dan dalam hal ini kita ingin mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pilihan yang (1) memiliki kemungkinan tertinggi untuk sukses dan efektif diterapkan dan (2) terbaik sehingga sesuai dengan tujuan, keinginan, nilai yang kita anut

Decision Making: Ragam Definisi Adalah proses mereduksi sebanyak mungkin ketidakpastian dan keraguan tentang alternatif pilihan sehingga memudahkan pengambilan keputusan dari alternatif-alternatif pilihan itu.

Definisi ini menekankan pada fungsi pengumpulan informasi (information-gathering function) dari pengambilan keputusan. Ingat yang ditekankan mengurangi ketidakpastian, bukan mengeleminasi ketidakpastian. Sangat sedikit keputusan yang diambil dengan kepastian absolut karena memiliki pengetahuan tentang semua alternatif itu tidak mungkin. Jadi, selalu ada risiko

tidak ada ketidakpastian = tidak ada pengambilan keputusan

Jenis Keputusan Decision Whether Decision Which Contigent Decision Robert Harris (2009)

Decision Whether Ini adalah keputusan “ya/tidak” yang harus diambil sebelum kita sampai pada sebuah alternatif pilihan. Decision whether dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan alasan pro dan kontra “apakah saya harus membeli mobil?”

Decision Which Keputusan ini melibatkan sebuah pilihan dari satu atau lebih alternatif di antara kemungkinan yang ada. Pilihan dibuat berdasarkan seberapa baik penilaian di setiap kriteria yang melekat pada alternatif pilihan... “Yang mana dari dua pilihan ini yang terbaik: membeli mobil atau membeli rumah?”

Contingent Decision Ini adalah keputusan yang dibuat namun dilaksanakan dengan prasyarat kondisi tertentu.. “I have decided to buy that car if I can get it for the right price”

The Classic Approach to Decision Making Define the objective Collect relevant information Generate feasible options Make the decision Implement and evaluate

Six Thinking Hats "Six Thinking Hats" is a powerful technique that helps you look at important decisions from a number of different perspectives. It helps you make better decisions by pushing you to move outside your habitual ways of thinking. As such, it helps you understand the full complexity of a decision, and spot issues and opportunities which you might otherwise not notice. (Edward de Bono in his book "6 Thinking Hats“)

Six Thinking Hats

Six Thinking Hats 1. The White Hat is the information hat. This covers facts, figures, information needs and gaps. People can ask for more information or data to help analyze the proposal. This is where you analyze past trends, and try to extrapolate from historical data. 2. The Red Hat represents emotions. This covers intuition, feelings and emotions. People have to say how this proposal makes them feel emotionally: scared, threatened, excited, energized, etc. It is important to get the feelings expressed, as they can be hidden reasons why people would oppose or support a proposal.

Six Thinking Hats 3. The Yellow Hat is the hat of optimism. This is the logical positive: why something will work and why it will offer benefits. Everyone in turn has to say what is good about the proposal. Even if you think the idea stinks you have to find some good points and redeeming qualities about it. 4. The Black Hat is the pessimism hat. This is the hat of judgment and caution. Everyone has to find fault with the idea. Even if it was your idea and you are very proud of it you have to point out some drawbacks and disadvantages.

Six thinking hats 5. The Green Hat is the hat of growth and possibilities. This is the hat of creativity, alternatives, proposals, what is interesting, provocations and changes. Everyone has to suggest ways in which the idea could be adapted or improved to make it work better. 6. The Blue Hat is the process hat. This is the overview or process control hat. It looks not at the subject itself but at the 'thinking' about the subject. It is used to check if the process is working well. When you wear it, you discuss whether you are using the method in the most effective way.

Main ethical responsibility of a journalist: To Whom?

Case study Early 2001, 118 Madurese migrants were beheaded by indigenous Dayak in Indonesian Central Borneo The conflicts were often associated with Christian and Muslim clash (Dayaks are Christians and Madurese are Muslims) Striking pictures showing beheaded Madurese lying on the streets were received by Jawa Pos (JP), national newspaper based in Muslim stronghold province (East Java). East Javanese readers make up 50% of JP’s total audiences. In fact, through its local supplement, Radar Madura, Jawa Pos has numerous potential Madurese readers.

Ethical dilemmas Should JP publish the picture to satisfy the shareholders since the conflict can be “exploited” to boast its circulation in East Java and in Madura Island through Radar Madura supplement? Should JP publish the picture since it is relevant to its main readers (in term of interest and geography) ? Should JP please the government, religious leaders and security officers by not publishing the picture—and consequently wasting opportunity to gain more profit and readership?

Milton Friedman’s traditional view of business responsibility There is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profit so long as it stays within the rules of the game which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud”

Archie Carroll’s view of business social responsibility Economic Legal Ethical Discretionary

Carroll’s view is important in media industry Newspaper and Broadcaster has two roles: as journalists and corporate citizens Journalism is located at “two sided reality”: Industrial entity and professionialism. Responsibilities of media rest within those four interests: Economy, legal, ethics and discretionary

The question is now: How to accommodate and prioritize them? Strategic Decision Making

Decision making should not merely based on journalistic level Sarah Niblock’s newsworthiness (1996): (i) human interests (ii) the scale of the event (more people involved, more chance to attract audience) (iii) unexpected (iv) relevancy to the audience (can be in term of geography, gender, age, occupation, and interests) Nor it is merely based on all the virtues associated with ethical journalism—accuracy, honesty, truth, objectivity, fairness, balance, and respect to the autonomy of the ordinary people ETHICAL DECISION MAKING in Organizational/business level  business ethics

Questions on Business Ethics People call it “Oxymoron”  a concept that combines opposite or contradictory ideas A 1996 survey by Ethic Resource Center: 48% of 1,324 employees of 747 American companies admitted to committing to unethical actions during the past year

Ethics is not easy to achieve! Why? No worldwide standard of conduct as cultural norms and values vary to country to country even in one country Different values between business person and key stakeholders

Encouraging and providing guidelines of ethical behaviors. Code of ethics Ethical perspectives: Aristotle’s Golden Means, Kant’s Categorical Imperative, Mill’s Utilitarianism, and Judeo-Christian Persons as Ends, etc.

Potter Box Define the situation

Potter Box Define the situation Identify the values

Identify the principles Potter Box Define the situation Identify the values Identify the principles

Identify the principles Potter Box Define the situation Choose your loyalties Identify the values Identify the principles

Potter Box Make the decision (or start over) Define the situation Choose your loyalties Identify the values Identify the principles

Conclusion Deciding to whom the media manager should be mainly responsible is not easy Strategic decision making based on careful steps is important Surely, there are unsatisfied key stakeholders because of the decision, but as long as the decision is ethically justifiable, they likely would say: “We understand why you did what you did. We may not agree with your final choice, but we appreciate the ethical rigor you applies in this case” (Black & Bryant, 1995)