Dari VISI sampai REALITA - Penyusunan Rencana Strategi


Presentasi serupa
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Transcript presentasi:

Dari VISI sampai REALITA - Penyusunan Rencana Strategi

Pahami kondisi saat ini 5 langkah dari Visi ke Realisasi Dari mimpi… Definisikan nilai-nilai kunci yang bermakna dalam setiap aktifitas Kaji kondisi lingkungan saat ini (internal dan eksternal) Klarifikasi Nilai-nilai Pahami kondisi saat ini Ciptakan visi sesuai dengan kebutuhan masa depan Langkah 1 Langkah 2 Ciptakan Visi Klarifikasi tujuan dasar Langkah 3 Definisikan Misi Ciptakan rencana strategis, rencana aksi, dan evaluasi Langkah 4 Implementasi Visi Langkah 5 Kenyataan / Realisasi

Dari Visi Hingga Realisasi Situasi lingkungan Eksternal Inter nal STRATEGY FORMULATION STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION Visi Misi Tujuan Strategi Kebijakan Program Anggaran Prosedur Performance F E E D B A C K

Rencana Strategi Triarko Nurlambang Daya Makara UI Disampaikan pada Rapat Kerja Lembaga Pengembangan Insani Baznas Kamis 11 Januari 2007, Vila Askar, Cisarua - Bogor

Pelaksanaan / operasional Mengapa perlu merumuskan strategi? Tujuan a Kondisi ideal: efisien efektif puas b c Start Ilmiah > Seni Perlu Perencanaan Pelaksanaan / operasional Evaluasi / monitoring Seni > Ilmiah Ilmiah > Seni

Manajemen Strategi MEMBANGUN KOMITMEN Apa kegiatannya? Visi Misi Kajian Strategis (tetapkan harapan dan arah) Apa kegiatannya? (Mengapa kita harus berubah?) MEMBANGUN KOMITMEN Visi (Apa yang kita inginkan?) Misi (Apa bisnis/kegiatan yang akan kita tekuni?) Tujuan (Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mencapai Visi?) Perencanaan Strategis (tetapkan pendekatan) Ukuran (Bagaimana kita mengukur program dan sukses?) Strategi (Bagaimana kita memnuhi Tujuan tsb?) Membangun Organisasi (Bagaimana kita mencipatakan kondisi yang siap untuk mencapai sukses?) Implementasi Strategi (tetapkan kendali) Monitoring dan Review (Seberapa baik kita melaksanakan rencana strategi?) Kaji Ulang dan Revisi (Apa tindakan yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai hasil; lebih baik?)

Terminologi Dasar dalam Strategi Manajemen STRATEGI : program umum dari satu kegiatan, pelaksanaan, atau pemanfaatan sumberdaya uuntuk mencapai tujuan komprehensif KEBIJAKAN : bagian dari perencanaan berupa ketetapan umum yang memberikan arah pemikiran dan kegiatan pengambilan keputusan PROSEDUR : bagian dari perencanan yang menetapkan metode yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan sehingga ada petunjuk uuntuk pengambilan keputusan dan bertindak PROGRAM : satu kumpulan dari tujuan, prosedur, peraturan, langkah yang akan diambil, pemanfaatan sumberdaya, dan elemen lainnya yang dibutuhkan bagi pelaksanaan kegiatan yang umumnya didukung oleh anggaran ANGGARAN : satu kebijakan diharapkan dapat mewujudkan hasil yang diinginkan; merupakan program ‘dalam angka’

Apa itu Perencanaan/ Planning ? Menentukan tujuan yang ingin dicapai selama satu periode tertentu Menentukan apa atau tindakan apa yang akan dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan Tipe Perencanaan Strategic Plan Operational Plan Pengertian Rancangan perencanaan untuk mencapai tujuan umum organisasi Rencana yang mengandung rincian kegiatan yang harus dijalankan sehari-hari Horizon waktu Cenderung untuk melihat masa depan (beberapa tahun YAD) Biasanya tahunan Lingkup Mempengaruhi aktifitas organisasi yang luas Sempit dan terbatas Tingkat rinci Sederhana dan generic (yang memeungkinkan untuk memeberikan arah kegiatan) Turunan dari strategic plan

Outline Components of Planning Visi (Misi dan Nilai-nilai) Harapan Stakeholder/ Shareholder Kekuatan dan Kelemahan Kapabilitas Tujuan Dinamika situasi perkembangan lingkungan Analisa kesenjangan (Kesenjangan antara tujuan dan harapan ) Kompetensi Inti Pilihan Strategis dan resiko Ketersediaan sumberdaya Kesiapan Mitra dan antar departemen atau organisasi yang lain Strategi terpilih Hasil Finansial yang diharapkan Tujuan (Milestones) Rencana kegiatan Hasil Nyata Proses Monitoring dan Pengendalian

Major products & services YANG PERLU DIPERHATIKAN DALAM MERUMUSKAN STRATEGI Mission Critical resources Vision Stakeholders Fokus/ Arah Business Value Environment Markets Core competence Major products & services

Proses Rencana Strategi dalam Bisnis Strategi Operasional - Terjemahkan strategi bisnis pada tingkat operasional dan kegiatan mata rantai supply - Berikan nilai tambah untuk pelanggan - Kembangkan kompetensi inti Strategi Fungsional lainnya - Pemasaran - Keuangan - Sumberdaya Manusia - Penelitian dan Pengembangan - Rekayasa/ Engineering Visi dan Misi Strategi Bisnis - Target pelanggan/ pasar - ‘Ruang’ kelanggengan keunggulan kompetitif - Peran mitra mata rantai supply - Kerangka Waktu dan kinerja pencapaian tujuan Strategic Alignment This slide can be used to frame a discussion of the process of developing strategies. If so, the steps of Environmental and SWOT Analysis should be expanded. You might also ask the students “Whose responsibility is Strategy Planning?” Is participation in this process restricted to upper level management, or does it involve all levels of employees? Might one have different expectations for the answer to this question for a particular company ( Circle K as opposed to Merck)? The contrast between strategy planning for all levels of the organization at once, versus strategy planing for the organization as a whole, with subsequent “rolldown” to lower levels might be discussed.

Peran Pemilik dan Pimpinan dalam Proses Perencanaan Conceptual thinking: Visioning Strategizing Ide Top Mngt Middle Mngt People First Line Mngt Things/ Task Administrasi: Planning Staffing Organizing Directing Controlling HRM (Human Resource Mngt) & Leadership Recruiting & Hiring Developing & Motivating Rewarding / Punishing Retaining Empowering

Bagaimana Mengukur Hasil Pelaksanaan Rencana Strategi; Aplikasi Balanced Score Card

Mengukur Strategi Manajemen dengan BALANCED SCORE CARD kumpulan ukuran kinerja yang terintegrasi dan diturunkan dari strategi perusahaan yang mendukung strategi perusahaan secara keseluruhan tidak hanya mengukur kinerja berdasarkan perspektif keuangan (financial perspective) tetapi juga dengan mengukur berdasarkan perspektif pelanggan (customer perspective), proses bisnis/aktifitas dijalankan (internal business process perspective) dan perspektif kemampuan belajar dan tumbuh (learning and growth perpective) suatu cara untuk mengkomunikasikan strategi suatu perusahaan pada manajer-manajer di seluruh organisasi (sumber: Tunggal, A.W., 2002) Penggagas Balanced Score Card (BSC): Robert S. Kaplan dan David P. Norton sejak 1992 (pertama kali ditulis di Jurnal HBR/ Harvard Business Review). Bukunya yang menjadi acuan: “Translating Strategy Into Action – The Balanced Score Card” (1996) “The Strategy – Focused Organization – How Balanced Scorecard Company Thrive in the New Business Environment” (2001)

Financial Perspective Model BALANCED SCORE CARD To succeed financially, how should we appear to our shareholders? Financial Perspective Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives Customer Perspective To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers? Internal Business Process Persp. To satisfy our shareholders and customers, what business processes must we excel at ? Vision & Strategy Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives To achieved our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve? Learning and Growth Perspective Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives

INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS INNOVATION/LEARNING AND GROWTH Konsep ukuran Balanced Score Card FINANCIAL Cash flow, ROI Residual Income % revenue from innovation Residual cash flow Revenue growth CUSTOMER *) Customer *) Customer *) Customer satisfaction loyalty service INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS *) Throughput *) Reduction *) Process *) On-time time in waste quality delivery INNOVATION/LEARNING AND GROWTH *) number of new products *) return on innovation * employee skills *) time-to-market (new products) *) time to spent talking to customers Dikembangkan oleh: Douglas Clinton dan Ko-Cheng Hsu, 2000

sebagai kerangka strategis untuk tindakan (actions) Balanced Score Card sebagai kerangka strategis untuk tindakan (actions) Clarifying and translating the Vision and Strategy Clarifying the Vision Gaining consensus Communicating and Linking Communicating and educating Setting goals Linking rewards to performance measure Strategic Feedback and Learning Articulating the shared vision Supplying strategic feedback Facilitating strategy review and learning Balanced Score Card Planning and Target Setting Setting targets Aligning strategic initiatives Allocating resources Establishing milestones

Operations Management Operations Strategy Chapter 2

Business Elements Structural buildings, equipment, technology, computer systems Infrastructural organization, planning & control, decision rules, quality management, purchasing, product/service development Personnel The distinction between mission and strategy probably requires some discussion. The best approach might be to ask students, who have obtained the mission statements of companies with which they are familiar, to discuss their perception of the company strategy. There may also be companies which publish a statement of strategy as well their mission on their web site. ( )

Mission The organization’s purpose for being; provides boundaries and focus Merck – The mission of Merck is to provide society with superior products and services - innovations and solutions that improve the quality of life and satisfy customer needs - to provide employees with meaningful work and advancement opportunities and investors with a superior rate of return Hard Rock Café – To spread the spirit of Rock ‘n’ Roll by delivering an exceptional entertainment and dining experience. We are committed to being an important, contributing member of our community and offering the Hard Rock family a fun, healthy, and nurturing work environment while ensuring our long-term success. The distinction between mission and strategy probably requires some discussion. The best approach might be to ask students, who have obtained the mission statements of companies with which they are familiar, to discuss their perception of the company strategy. There may also be companies which publish a statement of strategy as well their mission on their web site.

Mission / Strategy / Core Competencies Mission – The organization’s purpose for being; provides boundaries and focus Business strategy – Action plan for the business to achieve the mission Functional strategies – Translate the business strategy into specific actions for the functional areas Core competencies – Organizational abilities/strengths, developed over a long period, which customers find valuable, and competitors find difficult to copy The distinction between mission and strategy probably requires some discussion. The best approach might be to ask students, who have obtained the mission statements of companies with which they are familiar, to discuss their perception of the company strategy. There may also be companies which publish a statement of strategy as well their mission on their web site.

Strategy Linkages / Alignment All functional strategies must support the business strategy Marketing strategy based on differentiation and customization Operations strategy to build to stock Financial strategy to minimize capital investment Operations strategy to increase investment for quality improvement Engineering strategy to specify an entirely new part when an existing part will do Operations strategy for low cost

Strategy Process Strategic Alignment Mission Statement Operations Strategy - Translate business strategy into operations & supply chain actions - Provide value to targeted customers - Develop supporting core competencies Other Functional Strategies - Marketing - Finance - Human Resources - Research & Development - Engineering Mission Statement Business Strategy - Targeted customers / markets - Areas of sustainable competitive advantage - Role of supply chain partners - Time frames & performance objectives Strategic Alignment This slide can be used to frame a discussion of the process of developing strategies. If so, the steps of Environmental and SWOT Analysis should be expanded. You might also ask the students “Whose responsibility is Strategy Planning?” Is participation in this process restricted to upper level management, or does it involve all levels of employees? Might one have different expectations for the answer to this question for a particular company ( Circle K as opposed to Merck)? The contrast between strategy planning for all levels of the organization at once, versus strategy planing for the organization as a whole, with subsequent “rolldown” to lower levels might be discussed.

Four Performance Dimensions Mission Statement Quality - Performance quality - Conformance quality - Reliability quality Time - Delivery speed - Delivery reliability Flexibility - Volume flexibility - Mix flexibility - Changeover flexibility Cost - Low-cost operations Business Strategy - Targeted customers / markets - Areas of sustainable competitive advantage - Role of supply chain partners - Time frames & performance objectives This slide can be used to frame a discussion of the process of developing strategies. If so, the steps of Environmental and SWOT Analysis should be expanded. You might also ask the students “Whose responsibility is Strategy Planning?” Is participation in this process restricted to upper level management, or does it involve all levels of employees? Might one have different expectations for the answer to this question for a particular company ( Circle K as opposed to Merck)? The contrast between strategy planning for all levels of the organization at once, versus strategy planing for the organization as a whole, with subsequent “rolldown” to lower levels might be discussed. Operations Strategy - Translate business strategy into operations & supply chain actions - Provide value to targeted customers - Develop supporting core competencies Other Functional Strategies - Marketing - Finance - Human Resources - Research & Development - Engineering

Order Winners vs. Order Qualifiers Order winners – performance dimensions that differentiate a company’s products and services from its competitors Order Qualifiers – performance dimensions on which customers expect a minimum level of performance Item Conformance quality 99.9% pure - Meets 98% pure – Does not meet Delivery 3 days 2 days Cost $30 / liter $20 / liter Flexibility 100 liter minimum order 50 liter minimum order Supplier A Supplier B This slide simply opens the discussion on the several modes of competing.

Operations Strategy Operations strategy Mission Statement Process decisions Quality decisions Capacity, location, and layout decisions Operating decisions Services Manufacturing Customized services Assemble-to-order Standardized services Make-to-order Make-to-stock Business Strategy - Targeted customers / markets - Areas of sustainable competitive advantage - Role of supply chain partners - Time frames & performance objectives This slide can be used to frame a discussion of the process of developing strategies. If so, the steps of Environmental and SWOT Analysis should be expanded. You might also ask the students “Whose responsibility is Strategy Planning?” Is participation in this process restricted to upper level management, or does it involve all levels of employees? Might one have different expectations for the answer to this question for a particular company ( Circle K as opposed to Merck)? The contrast between strategy planning for all levels of the organization at once, versus strategy planing for the organization as a whole, with subsequent “rolldown” to lower levels might be discussed. Operations Strategy - Translate business strategy into operations & supply chain actions - Provide value to targeted customers - Develop supporting core competencies Other Functional Strategies - Marketing - Finance - Human Resources - Research & Development - Engineering

Operations Strategy Make to Order (MTO) Receive order before producing goods e.g. Machine shop Make to Stock (MTS) Satisfy customer orders from inventory e.g. Paper Assemble to Order (ATO) Stock standardized components/assemblies assemble finished product to customer order e.g. Dell Computer Service Strategies Manufacturing Strategies Customized Services Strategy Individualized services e.g. Health clinic Assemble to Order Strategy Assemble standardized offerings for a specific customer’s needs e.g. Cellular phone service Standardized Services Strategy High volume with little variety e.g. U.S. Postal Service This slide can be used to frame a discussion of the process of developing strategies. If so, the steps of Environmental and SWOT Analysis should be expanded. You might also ask the students “Whose responsibility is Strategy Planning?” Is participation in this process restricted to upper level management, or does it involve all levels of employees? Might one have different expectations for the answer to this question for a particular company ( Circle K as opposed to Merck)? The contrast between strategy planning for all levels of the organization at once, versus strategy planing for the organization as a whole, with subsequent “rolldown” to lower levels might be discussed.

Generic Operations Strategies Mission Statement Differentiation – better / unique Cost leadership – cheaper / value Quick response – faster Business Strategy - Targeted customers / markets - Areas of sustainable competitive advantage - Role of supply chain partners - Time frames & performance objectives This slide can be used to frame a discussion of the process of developing strategies. If so, the steps of Environmental and SWOT Analysis should be expanded. You might also ask the students “Whose responsibility is Strategy Planning?” Is participation in this process restricted to upper level management, or does it involve all levels of employees? Might one have different expectations for the answer to this question for a particular company ( Circle K as opposed to Merck)? The contrast between strategy planning for all levels of the organization at once, versus strategy planing for the organization as a whole, with subsequent “rolldown” to lower levels might be discussed. Operations Strategy - Translate business strategy into operations & supply chain actions - Provide value to targeted customers - Develop supporting core competencies Other Functional Strategies - Marketing - Finance - Human Resources - Research & Development - Engineering

Operations Strategies - Examples This slide simply opens the discussion on the several modes of competing.

Closing the Loop Strategic Alignment Mission Statement Operations Strategy - Translate business strategy into operations & supply chain actions - Provide value to targeted customers - Develop supporting core competencies Other Functional Strategies - Marketing - Finance - Human Resources - Research & Development - Engineering Mission Statement Business Strategy - Targeted customers / markets - Areas of sustainable competitive advantage - Role of supply chain partners - Time frames & performance objectives Strategic Alignment This slide can be used to frame a discussion of the process of developing strategies. If so, the steps of Environmental and SWOT Analysis should be expanded. You might also ask the students “Whose responsibility is Strategy Planning?” Is participation in this process restricted to upper level management, or does it involve all levels of employees? Might one have different expectations for the answer to this question for a particular company ( Circle K as opposed to Merck)? The contrast between strategy planning for all levels of the organization at once, versus strategy planing for the organization as a whole, with subsequent “rolldown” to lower levels might be discussed.

OM’s Contribution to Strategy Operations Decisions Examples Specific Strategy Used Competitive Advantage Quality Product Process Location Layout Human Resource Supply Chain Inventory Scheduling Maintenance FLEXIBILITY Sony’s constant innovation of new products Design HP’s ability to follow the printer market Volume Southwest Airlines No-frills service LOW COST DELIVERY Pizza Hut’s five-minute guarantee at lunchtime Speed Federal Express’s “absolutely, positively on time” Dependability Differentiation (Better) QUALITY Response (Faster) Motorola’s automotive products ignition systems Conformance Students can be asked to add to the list of examples shown in this slide. You might also ask students whether OM can contribute in similar ways in all industries. Cost leadership (Cheaper) Motorola’s pagers Performance IBM’s after-sale service on mainframe computers AFTER-SALE SERVICE Fidelity Security’s broad line of mutual funds BROAD PRODUCT LINE

Strategy and Issues During a Product’s Life This slide can be useful in summarizing strategy changes over the lifecycle of the product.

Summary Strategy is how we accomplish our mission Functional strategies must be aligned to support the business strategy OM goals are to be faster, better and/or cheaper Operations strategy: Where the product or service is in its life cycle Determines our mix of faster, better, and cheaper to satisfy our customers (trade-offs where necessary) Specifies process choice, work flow, order processing, inventory, capacity, etc.