Brand identity session.06. September 25.07 Prepared by: Jacky Cahyadi, S.Sn. Logo Evolution.


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Transcript presentasi:

Brand identity session.06. September Prepared by: Jacky Cahyadi, S.Sn. Logo Evolution

LOGO EVOLUTION ? Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

Desain Logo tidak hanya dibutuhkan saat perusahaan baru membuat identitas, tetapi juga saat perusahaan butuh peremajaan sesuai perkembangan atau jaman …. Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

BOCA JUNIORS football club evolution logos example: Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

example: Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 BOCA JUNIORS football club current logo

example: Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

example: Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

EVOLUTION AND REVOLUTION What is the difference? Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

EVOLUTION is a sedate form of change. REVOLUTION bursts. It whips down and detonates like a twister. Evolutionary change can border on Revolutionary. The change to the wedgwood logo is significant from most perspectives. The connection between the old and new type is minimal, but the icon change is a major leap forward. Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

What is the purpose of revolutionary logos? Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

Revolutionary logos are effective at hailing mergers or marking the complete renovation of a damaged brand. If a company experiences major change, it makes sense that the brand and logo follow suit. A revolutionary logo is capable of altering the audience’s perception of the entire brand. It should grab attention and make a definite statement about the brand’s future direction. Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

Logo change is a great opportunity to gain attention and renew enthusiasm about the brand. It can signal a bright future and reflect on where the organization or company is going, while respecting the brand’s past. Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Logo change

Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Why does the company change their logo?

Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Company history background

Ada brand yang mengangkat tingkat history perusahaannya sebagai jangkar secara signifikan, tapi ada juga brand yang secara terus-menerus bermetamorfosa secara revolusioner mengganti identitasnya secara keseluruhan, atau dengan sengaja memisahkan diri/membedakan posisinya dengan kompetitornya. Penggantian logo berhubungan erat dengan history perusahaan: Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

example: Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Pepsi logo seems like Coca-Cola Logo

example: Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Pepsi logo seems like Coca-Cola Logo Coca-cola diciptakan di Atlanta, Georgia oleh Dr. S Pemberton sebagai brand minuman ringan yang paling popular dan terbesar dalam sejarah dunia. Logonya didesain oleh Frank Robinson, desainer amatir yang bertugas sebagai penjaga buku di perpustakaan. Frank bukan hanya menciptakan typo Spencerian Script sebagai logo, tapi juga menciptakan kata-kata brilliant,”Delicious and Refreshing” sebagai slogan.

Principal reasons for a Brand change Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 5

Merger & Acquisition Name change Brand Revitalization Organizational Change Functional Malfunction

Merger and acquisition Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 During a brand merger, two brands fuse to create a larger, third brand. The design is thus a graphic integration of the two former logos or the design of a completely new logo to embody the newly created entity. The logo design takes center stage. It’s the symbol for the uniting brands. Principal reasons for a Brand change 5

Name change Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Name change occurs for several reasons. Sometimes a perfectly nice word in one language is a very bad word in another. A new name might be due to changing contexts that alter the meaning of the name. Or the change may be due to an internal company change. Whatever the reason, the logo design is the visual translation of the name and should help connect the new name to the brand. Principal reasons for a Brand change 5

Brand Revitalization Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Brand revitalization usually driven by changes in the surrounding industry or cultures. Industries can change quickly and can make a mature logo appear tired. Revitalization can breathe new life into the brand and signal fresh energy to important audiences, both internal and external. Principal reasons for a Brand change 5

Organizational change Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Organizational change is a new brand direction. It is a core change that often takes place when the brand is entering a new global or domestic market. This kind of change requires significant resources and entails significant risk. It also requires a signal to the internal and external community that change is flowing outward from within the organization. A logo refinement signals this new direction. It is a rally point for internal audiences to begin the effort to set a new course. Principal reasons for a Brand change 5

Functional Malfunction Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 In some cases, logos change not because the organization changed but because the logo just never really worked well in the first place. There is no special term for that. It’s a common problem, especially among small-business clients. Startups with small budgets often initially invest little in the logo. Principal reasons for a Brand change 5

Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Biasanya jika logo berubah secara drastis, berarti perubahan di dalam perusahaannya juga cukup besar. Tapi ada juga logo yang berubah secara tidak terlalu signifikan. example: KFC [Kentucky Fried Chicken], Colonel Sanders-nya terlihat lebih muda sekarang. Pizza Hut juga berubah dari yang kaku menjadi lebih dinamis

Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Tips to Logo change

Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 IMPORTANT!!!! With any logo change, it’s important to respect the equities that exist within the design. Start by understanding why the designer created it in the way he or she did. Changes to powerful equities can affect the core business if important audiences no longer identify with the brand as they did before the change.

IMPORTANT!!!! Be sure you understand the equities that already exist in color, shape, and type or relationships between these three. Try to understand the components that are most identified by audiences and what makes the logo memorable. Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

IMPORTANT!!!! When refining a logo, tread carefully around equities and test results if the changes are significant enough. Although it may seem like a good idea to simplify a logo design or change it to convey a stronger metaphor, these changes may be overshadowed by what they do to existing equities. Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

Story Behind of Logo Evolution Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

Shell Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

Mulanya merupakan lambang dari St. James Shell yang diadopsi oleh keluarga Graham turun-temurun untuk menghormati leluhur mereka, Santiago De Compostella di Spanyol. Mr. Graham awalnya mengimpor bensin Samuel & Co. ke India dan menjualnya sebagai Graham’s Oil. Ia kemudian menjadi direktur dari SHELL Transport & Trading Company. Tahun 70-an SHELL Transport & Trading Company dan Royal Dutch Petrroleum memutuskan merger dan mereka menggunakan nama SHELL saja. Logonya berbentuk kerang “Pecten” (sejenis Remis) sudah beberapa kali mengalami perubahan sesuai tren dalam dunia desain grafis Warna identitas SHELL merah dan kuning sudah digunakan sejak tahun 1915, saat SHELL membuka pom bensin pertamanya di California Warna cerah khas Spanyol ini dipilih selain agar mudah diingat, juga agar bisa diterima di California, mengingat California memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan Spanyol. Versi logo SHELL sekarang yang kita kenal didesain oleh Raymond Loewy (1971). Hingga saat ini, baik brand maupun logo SHELL masih menjadi Salah satu yang terbaik sepanjang abad ke-21. Source: Concept Magazine, Edition 17th

Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 current SHELL’s logo

Mercedes-Benz Visual Communication Design 02.session.06 Logo evolution

As the business grows and becomes more sophisticated, a new logo suits the business better. Visual Communication Design 02.session.06

Thank You for your attention and see you next week