STRUKTUR PASAR Market Structure: Perfect Competition, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition
Market Structure Struktur Pasar (Market Structure) adalah lingkungan yang menggmbarkan tingkat persaingan pembeli danpenjual dari suatu produk. Struktur Pasar dikelompokkan menjadi empat kelompok utama, yaitu : Persaingan Sempurna (Perfect Competition). Monopoli. Persaingan Monopolistik (Monopolistic Competition). Oligopoli Imperfect Competition Pengelompokan pasar ini didasarkan pada karakteristik demand yang dihadapi seorang produsen, kekuatan produsen serta jumlah prodsen.
Monopolistic Competition Market Structure More Competitive Less Competitive Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly
Beberapa Hal yang Harus Diketahui oleh Manajer Bisnis Bentuk struktur perusahaan Pola permintaan produk yang dijual Pola biaya produksi Strategi pengendalian input (penggunaan input) dan pengendalian output (keputusan jumlah output yang harus diproduksi) Strategi penetapan harga produk untuk mencapai tujuan peruasahaan (memperluas pasar atau memaksimumkan keuntungan)
Perfect Competition Many buyers and sellers Buyers and sellers are price takers Product is homogeneous Perfect mobility of resources Economic agents have perfect knowledge Example: Stock Market
Monopolistic Competition Many sellers and buyers Differentiated product Perfect mobility of resources Example: Fast-food outlets
Oligopoly Few sellers and many buyers Product may be homogeneous or differentiated Barriers to resource mobility Example: Automobile manufacturers
Monopoly Single seller and many buyers No close substitutes for product Significant barriers to resource mobility Control of an essential input Patents or copyrights Economies of scale: Natural monopoly Government franchise: Post office
Perfect Competition: Price Determination
Perfect Competition: Price Determination
Perfect Competition: Short-Run Equilibrium Firm’s Demand Curve = Market Price = Marginal Revenue Firm’s Supply Curve = Marginal Cost where Marginal Cost > Average Variable Cost
Perfect Competition: Short-Run Equilibrium Firm equilbrium tercapai ketika perusahaan mencapai tingkat output yang paling menguntungkan, yaitu ketika MR=MC
Perfect Competition: Short-Run Equilibrium
Perfect Competition: Short-Run Equilibrium
Perfect Competition: Long-Run Equilibrium Quantity is set by the firm so that short-run: Price = Marginal Cost = Average Total Cost At the same quantity, long-run: Price = Marginal Cost = Average Cost Economic Profit = 0
Perfect Competition: Long-Run Equilibrium
Strategi Pengendalian Output Dalam Pasar Persaingan Sempurna untuk Memaksimumkan Keuntungan Informasi Harga Produk (P) Informasi AVC dan MC Apakah P>AVCmin Tidak Keputusan Manajer TIDAK BERPRODUKSI Ya Keputusan Manajer Berproduksi pada MR=MC Keuntungan π = TR – TC.
Competition in the Global Economy Domestic Supply World Supply Domestic Demand
Competition in the Global Economy Foreign Exchange Rate Price of a foreign currency in terms of the domestic currency Depreciation of the Domestic Currency Increase in the price of a foreign currency relative to the domestic currency Appreciation of the Domestic Currency Decrease in the price of a foreign currency relative to the domestic currency
Competition in the Global Economy /€ R = Exchange Rate = Dollar Price of Euros € Supply of Euros Demand for Euros € €
Monopoly Ciri-ciri Pasar Monopoli: Pasar monopoli adalah industri/pasar satu perusahaan (Single seller and many buyers). Tidak mempunyai barang pengganti yang mirip (No close substitutes for product). Perusahaan lain tidak terdapat kemungkinan untuk masuk ke dalam industri (Significant barriers to resource mobility). Dapat menguasai penentuan harga (price setter) Promosi iklan kurang diperlukan
Monopoly Single seller that produces a product with no close substitutes Sources of Monopoly Control of an essential input to a product De Beers Company (Perusahaan Permata di Afrika Selatan) Standar Oil Company (Perusahaan Minyak di Amerika Serikat) Aluminium Company of America-Alcoa Patents or copyrights Xerox (mesin foto copy) Polaroid (instant camera) Economies of scale: Natural monopoly Government franchise: Post office
Monopoly Short-Run Equilibrium Demand curve for the firm is the market demand curve Price setter Market power Firm produces a quantity (Q*) where marginal revenue (MR) is equal to marginal cost (MC) Exception: Q* = 0 if average variable cost (AVC) is above the demand curve at all levels of output
Monopoly Short-Run Equilibrium
Monopoly Short-Run Equilibrium
Monopoly Short-Run Equilibrium
Monopoly Short-Run Equilibrium
Monopoly Long-Run Equilibrium
Monopolistic Competition Many sellers of differentiated (similar but not identical) products Limited monopoly power Downward-sloping demand curve Increase in market share by competitors causes decrease in demand for the firm’s product
Monopolistic Competition Short-Run Equilibrium
Monopolistic Competition Long-Run Equilibrium Profit = 0
Monopolistic Competition Long-Run Equilibrium Cost with selling expenses Cost without selling expenses