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Presentasi serupa
Auxiliary Verbs (Kata Kerja Bantu)

Eko Hadi Prasetiyono, S.Pd. SMA Negeri 1 Pare Kediri
Past Simple/Simple Past Tense
Present perfect tense A. Kalimat verbal
Conditional Sentences Type 1,2,3
V1 V2 V3 go went gone Simple Past Tense
Auxiliary verb Created by: Abdul Roup Abdul Wahid M Acep Supardi
2 Hours- Mastering 16 Tenses Syntaxes
PASSIVE VOICE Adalah kalimat pasif, yang dalam bahasa indonesia adalah kata kerja yang berawalan dengan di.
Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)
Ni Komang Ayu Widaputri 3208 VI F
Simple Past Tense By Itariani.
Simple Present Tense Verbal Simple Present
1. PRESENT TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang biasa kita lakukan misalnya setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap bulan dan setiap tahun.
1 Pertemuan 4 Types of Questions Matakuliah: G0942/Listening 1 Tahun: 2005 Versi: baru.
What is conjunction ?? CONJUNCTION
Musthafa Kamal English Lecturer and Coordinator for Computer and English Department In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the beneficent.
YES / NO QUESTION Yang Menggunakan TO BE Yang Menggunakan MODAL
Sumber Belajar Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD
Verb Tense Tense denotes the time of the action indicated by a verb. The time is not always the same as that indicated by the name of the tense.
-Do you have a close friend? Does she/he have a problem? -What do you say when she/he tells her/his problem? - Did you ever come to your friend house?
Conditional sentence Agung P. Wibowo, S.S., M.Hum.

(Verb Phrase) Modal auxiliary
Present Perfect and Simple Past Tense
16 Tenses bahasa inggris By. Lailatur Rachmawati
FUTURE TENSE By: Finsa Cahya Andika.
WRITING 2 (BING3304) Modul 6, KB 1
1. PRESENT TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang biasa kita lakukan misalnya setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap bulan dan setiap tahun.
Things that must be considered by agreement
Fellisya hepta blog.
CONDITONAL SENTENCE Adalah kalimat pengandaian. Dibagi menjadi 3 bentuk yaitu : Future Possible Present Unreal Past Unreal.
Password ………… LOG IN.
Prepared by : Mulyana Husni Said Service Specialist NGFC – HO 3
Do you know what is “Present Continuous Tense?”
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As If/As Though.
Present Future Continuous Tense
Group 3 Ozy Kuswara F Cinthia Diandra F
Martinique meets Paris
KELOMPOK 2 - M Fikrie Ramadhan - Silvianti - Deni Kosasih - Siti Rodiah - Sultan Aulia.
TENSES (Bentuk-bentuk waktu)
INDONESIA CHAPTER Assalamualaikum !. INDONESIA CHAPTER Assalamualaikum !
By : Danang Budi Pramono
Wahdinal husna Conditional Sentence Type 0 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3.
KATA KERJA BANTU (MODAL AUXILIARY ). 4 Modal atau modalitas adalah bentuk kata yang membantu kata kerja. Modal harus disandingkan dengan verbs. Oleh karenanya,
Agreeing with positive and negative statements: I like chocolate = so do I I can speak French = so can I I’ve got a dog = so have I I wasn’t late = neither.
FUTURE TENSE (II) GOING TO PRESENT CONTINUOUS Going to AFFIRMATIVE Subject + to be + going to + verb I am going to play chess with my friend. She is.
Unit: 8 The simple past tense Meaning & Use Form (structure) Exercise.
English Grammar Tenses-Continuous-Tenses-Continuous-
GREETING AND LEAVE TAKING KELAS X UNIT 1. FORMAL GREETING Formal GreetingResponses Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good morning Good afternoon.
Transcript presentasi:

Klik disini untuk memulai TENSES Klik disini untuk memulai

Tenses Present Tenses Future Tenses Past Tenses Past Future Tenses

Present Continuous Tense Present Tenses Simple Present Tense Present Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense Klik disini untuk kembali ke menu utama.

Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. Simple Present Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi berulang-ulang. Dan juga digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan orang. Rumus: Catatan: Penambahan “es” dilakukan apabila kata kerja yang dihunakan berakhiran dengan huruf : o,s,h, dan x (khususuntuk y tidak semua kata kerja hanya yang didahului oleh konsonan, maka y berubah menjadi -es ( + ): S + Verb 1(s/es) Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. ( - ): S + do/does + not + Verb 1 ( ? ): do/does + S + Verb 1

( - ): S + do/does + not + Verb 1 Back ( + ): S + Verb 1(s/es) Ani goes to school everyday ( - ): S + do/does + not + Verb 1 Ani does not go to school everyday ( ? ): do/does + S + Verb 1 Does ani go to school everyday ?

Present Continuous Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian atau perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung. Rumus: Catatan: I = am you / they / we = are he / she / it = is ( + ): S + to be(is, am, are) +Verb+ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. ( - ): S + to be +not + Verb + ing ( ? ): to be + S + Verb + ing

( + ): S + to be(is, am, are) +Verb+ing Back ( + ): S + to be(is, am, are) +Verb+ing Toni is swimming ( - ): S + to be +not + Verb + ing Toni is not swimming ( ? ): to be + S + Verb + ing Is Toni swimming?

Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. Present Perfect Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu pekerjaan atau kejadian telah selesai atau terjadi pada swaktu lampau tapi masi ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang.. Rumus: Catatan: I / You / They / We = have he / she / it = has ( + ): S + have/has +verb 3 ( - ): S + have/has + not + Verb 3 Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. ( ? ): Have/has + S + Verb 3

( - ): S + have/has + not + Verb 3 Back ( + ): S + have/has +verb 3 I have eaten rice ( - ): S + have/has + not + Verb 3 I have not eaten rice ( ? ): Have/has + S + Verb 3 Have I eaten rice ?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah dimulai namun masi berlangsung sekarang Rumus: ( + ): S + have/has + been +Verb+ing ( - ): S + have/has +not+been + Verb + ing ( ? ): to be + S + Verb + ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S + have/has + been +Verb+ing Back ( + ): S + have/has + been +Verb+ing The dog has been eating bone for an hour ( - ): S + have/has +not+been + Verb + ing The dog has not been eating bone for an hour ( ? ): to be + S + Verb + ing Has the dog eating bone for an hour?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Past Tenses Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense Klik disini untuk kembali ke menu utama.

Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. Simple Past Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau. Rumus: Catatan: Jika tidak menggunakan kata kerja maka yang digunakan adalah kata kerja bantu was atau were I / he / it / she = Was they / we / you = Were Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. ( + ): S + Verb 2 ( - ): S + did not + Verb 1 ( ? ): did + S + Verb 1

( + ): S + Verb 2 ( - ): S + did not + Verb 1 ( ? ): did + S + Verb 1 Back ( + ): S + Verb 2 She washed her dresses ( - ): S + did not + Verb 1 She didn’t wash her dresses ( ? ): did + S + Verb 1 Did she wash her dresses ?

Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. Past Continuous Tense Back Tense ini menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau. Rumus: Catatan: I / he / it / she = Was they / we / you = Were ( + ): S + was/were + Verb + ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. ( - ): S + was/were + not + Verb + ing ( ? ): was / were + S + Verb + ing

( + ): S + was/were + Verb + ing Back ( + ): S + was/were + Verb + ing You were playing when the accident ( - ): S + was/were + not + Verb + ing You weren’t playing when the accident ( ? ): was / were + S + Verb + ing Were you playing when the accident ?

Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. Past Perfect Tense Back Tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau kejadian yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau. Rumus: ( + ): S + had + Verb 3 ( - ): S + had+ not + Verb 3 ( ? ): had + S + Verb 3 Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S + had + Verb 3 ( - ): S + had+ not + Verb 3 Back ( + ): S + had + Verb 3 Mother had cooked when my sister came ( - ): S + had+ not + Verb 3 Mother had not cooked when my sister came ( ? ): had + S + Verb 3 Had mother cooked when my sister came?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian atau perbuatan yang sudah dimulai pada waktu lampau dan masi berlangsung pada waktu lampau juga Rumus: ( + ): S + had + been+ Verb + ing ( - ): S + had + not + been + Verb + ing ( ? ): had + S + been + Verb + ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S + had + been+ Verb + ing Back ( + ): S + had + been+ Verb + ing The policed had been looking for the thief for two weeks ( - ): S + had + not + been + Verb + ing The policed had not been looking for thief for two weeks ( ? ): had + S + been + Verb + ing Had the policed had been looking for thief for two weeks?

Future Continuous Tense Future Tenses Simple Future Tense Future Continuous Tense Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Continuous Tense Klik disini untuk kembali ke menu utama.

Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. Simple Future Tense Back Tense ini menyatakan kejadian atau perbuatan yang dilakukan pada masa yang akan datang Rumus: ( + ): S + was/were + Verb + ing ( - ): S + was/were + not + Verb + ing ( ? ): was / were + S + Verb + ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S + was/were + Verb + ing Back ( + ): S + was/were + Verb + ing They are going to stay at home to night ( - ): S + was/were + not + Verb + ing They are not going to stay at home to night ( ? ): was / were + S + Verb + ing Are they going to stay at home to night ?

Future Continuous Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang berlangsung pada waktu yang akan datang. Rumus: Catatan: I / we = Shall he/ she/ it/ they/you = Will ( + ): S + will/shall+ be + Verb + ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. ( - ): S + will/shall+ not+be Verb + ing ( ? ): will/shall + S + be + Verb + ing

( + ): S + will/shall+ be + Verb + ing Back ( + ): S + will/shall+ be + Verb + ing I shall be swimming at swimming pool ( - ): S + will/shall+ not+be Verb + ing I shall not be swimming at swimming pool ( ? ): will/shall + S + be + Verb + ing Shall I be swmming at swimming pool?

Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. Future Perfect Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakansuatu pernyataann atau suatu perbuatan pada waktu tertentu akan tetapi selesai pada waktu yang akan datang Rumus: Catatan: untuk pemakaian will/shall sama dengan bentuk future yang terdahulu yaitu untuk subjek: he/she/it/they/you memakai will sedangkan I an will memakai Shall ( + ): S+will/shall+have+ past participle Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S+will/shall+have+ past participle Back I hope that next month you will not have forgotten what you have done How many eggs will they have sold before the end of next month? When you come tomorrow, I shall have prepared U the material of metting

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kejadian yang sudah mulai dikerjakan pada waktu dan masih berlangsung pada waktu tertentupada waktu yang akan datang. Rumus: Catatan: tanda waktu yang sering digunakan iyalah: By the beginning of …… / - By the end …… ( + ): S+will/shall+have+been+verb+ing ( - ): S+will/shall+ not+have+been+Verb+ing ( ? ): will/shall+S + have+been+ Verb+ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S+will/shall+have+been+verb+ing Back ( + ): S+will/shall+have+been+verb+ing My bother will have been working for four years by the beginning of 1991 ( - ): S+will/shall+ not+have+been+Verb+ing My bother will not have been working for four years by the beginning of 1991 ( ? ): will/shall+S + have+been+ Verb+ing Will My bother have been working for four years by the beginning of 1991?

Past Future Continuous Tense Past Future Tenses Past Future Tense Past Future Continuous Tense Past Future Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Klik disini untuk kembali ke menu utama.

Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat. Past Future Tense Back Tense ini menunjukan kejadian atau perbuatan yang tidak mungkin terjadi karena kejadiannya akan dilakukan, tetapi pada waktu lampau. Rumus: ( + ): S + would/should + Verb 1 ( - ): S + would/should + not + Verb 1 ( ? ): Would/should + S + Verb 1 Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S + would/should + Verb 1 Back ( + ): S + would/should + Verb 1 Toni would swim at pool yesterday ( - ): S + would/should + not + Verb 1 Toni would not swim at pool yesterday ( ? ): Would/should + S + Verb 1 Would Toni swim at pool yesterday?

Past Future Continuous Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian atau perbuatan yang akan sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau. Rumus: ( + ): S + would/should + be + Verb + ing ( - ): S + would/should + not + be + Verb+ing ( ? ): Would/should + S + be +Verb + ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S + would/should + be + Verb + ing Back ( + ): S + would/should + be + Verb + ing Uncle would be painting the wall ( - ): S + would/should + not + be + Verb+ing Uncle would not be painting the wall ( ? ): Would/should + S + be +Verb + ing Would Uncle be painting the wall ?

Past Future Perfect Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian atau perbuatan yang akan sudah selesai pada waktu lampau. Rumus: ( + ): S + would/should + have +Verb 3 ( - ): S + would/should + not +have+ Verb 3 ( ? ): Would/should + S + have + Verb 3 Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S + would/should + have +Verb 3 Back ( + ): S + would/should + have +Verb 3 Father would have repaired his car ( - ): S + would/should + not +have+ Verb 3 Father would not have repaired his car ( ? ): Would/should + S + have + Verb 3 Would Father have repaired his car?

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Back Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian atau perbuatan yang akan sudah sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu. Rumus: ( + ): S+would/should+have +been+Verb+ing ( - ):S+would/should+not+have+been+verb+ing ( ? ): Would/should + S + have + been +verb +ing Klik disini untuk melihat contoh kalimat.

( + ): S+would/should+have +been+Verb+ing Back ( + ): S+would/should+have +been+Verb+ing Tina would have been studying English for nine month by last June. ( - ):S+would/should+not+have+been+verb+ing Tina would not have been studying English for nine month by last June. ( ? ): Would/should + S + have + been +verb +ing Would Tina have been studying English for nine month by last June. ?