Dina Dewi S L I
Kebutuhan thd tujuan hidup Kebutuhan thd cinta dan keterikatan dengan pencipta Kebutuhan thd ampunan dan penerimaan 2
Spirituality — segala sesuatu yang terkait dengan hubungan manusia dengan TUHANnya Religion — term used to describe cultural or institutional religion 3
Faith — (kepercayaan/iman) merupakan keyakinanan yang mendalam terhadap keberadaan hal hal yang nonmaterial (Gaib) Hope — harapan yang bersumber dari suatu keyakinan 4
Experienced as a unifying force, life principle, and an essence of being Experienced in and through connectedness with nature, the earth, the environment, and the cosmos 5
Kondisi dimana individu memiliki keyakinan yang kuat terhadap Tuhannya, merasakan Cinta Tuhannya, merasa saling memiliki dengan sesama, dan memiliki jalan hidup dan tujuan hidup yang jelas. 6
Finding spiritual meaning in the experience of illness Personal Faith (Iman) Spiritual contentment (terpenuhi dg kepasrahan) Religiuos Practice Keparahan penyakit Social Support Stessful Life events Spiritual Wellbein g in Illness
Guide to daily living habits Source of support Source of strength and healing Source of conflict 8
Developmental considerations Family Ethnic background Formal religion Life events 9
Nursing History Nursing Observation Focus assessment Spiritual Beliefs Spiritual Practice Relation Between spiritual belief & everyday living Spiritual deficit or distress Need for meaning & purpose Need for love & relatedness Need Forgivesness Significant behavioral observation
Spiritual pain : sulit menerima kehilangan org yg dicintai atau penderitaan terus menerus baik scr fisik maupun emosional yg bersifat kronis Spiritual alienation : berbeda dengan keyakinan di lingkungan masyarakat sekitarnya Spiritual anxiety : perubahan keyakinan & sistem nilai, ex: moral atau etika utk terapi spt aborsi, transfusi darah 11
Spiritual guilt : kegagalan untuk mentaati aturan religius, ex: Pekerjaan yang kejar target membuat tidak bisa melakukan sholat 5 waktu Spiritual anger : sulit menerima sakit, kehilangan & penderitaan yang bersifat akut Spiritual loss : kesulitan menemukan kenyamanan dalam beragama Spiritual despair : merasa tidak ada yang peduli termasuk Tuhan 12
Kesiapan meningkarkan kesehatan spiritual Distress Spiritual Kesiapan meningkatkan religiusitas Hambatan Religiusitas Konflik keputusasaan 13
Identify spiritual beliefs that meet needs for meaning and purpose, love and relatedness, and forgiveness. Derive from these beliefs, strength, hope, and comfort. Develop spiritual practices that nurture communion with inner self, God, and the world. Express satisfaction with compatibility of spiritual beliefs and everyday living. 14
Offering supportive presence Facilitating patient’s practice of religion Nurturing spirituality Praying with a patient 15
Praying for a patient Counseling the patient spiritually Contacting a spiritual counselor Resolving conflicts between treatment and spiritual activities 16
Orientasikan klien terhadap kondisi ruangan dan kebutuhan klien akan kegiatan spiritualnya Berikan waktu pada klien 17
Articulate spiritual beliefs. Explore origin of patient’s spiritual beliefs and practices. Identify life factors that challenge patient’s spiritual beliefs. Develop spiritual beliefs that meet the need for meaning and purpose, care and relatedness, and forgiveness 18
Identify some spiritual belief that gives meaning and purpose to life. Move toward healthy acceptance of current situation. Develop mutually caring relationships. Reconcile interpersonal differences causing anguish. 19
Verbalize satisfaction with relationship with God. Express peaceful acceptance of limitations and failings. Express ability to forgive others and live in present. F reedom from anxiety and guilt. 20