KETAHANAN LINGKUNGAN: KEAMANAN PANGAN Disarikan oleh: soemarno, psl ppsub 2013
BAHAYA MAKANAN About risk analysis in food The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are in the forefront of the development of risk-based approaches for the management of public health hazards in food. The approach used is called risk analysis, and is made up of three components: Risk assessmentRisk assessment; Risk management; Risk communication Sumber: …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/2012
TIPE-TIPE BAHAYA MAKANAN Biologis: bacteria, viruses, parasites Bahan Kimia: heavy metals, natural toxins, sanitizers, pesticides, antibiotics Fisika: bone, rocks, metal Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/2012
BAHAYA BIOLOGIS DALAM MAKANAN Biologis = Organisme hidup Dalam daging dan unggas: Salmonella bacteria (poultry and eggs) Trichinella spiralis parasite (pork) On Fruits and Vegetables: E. coli bacteria (apple juice) Cyclospora parasite (raspberries) Hepatitis A virus (strawberries) Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/2012
Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/ BAHAYA BIOLOGIS DALAM MAKANAN
Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/ BAHAYA BIOLOGIS DALAM MAKANAN
Pencegahan pertumbuhan mikroba –Holding at low temperatures (<40 o F) –Cooling from 140 o -40 o F quickly “Memasak” membantu mematikan mikroba – >165 o F(73 o C) for poultry and eggs – >155 o F (68 o C) for ground beef – >160 o F (71 o C) for pork Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/ MENCEGAH BAHAYA BIOLOGIS DALAM MAKANAN
Bahaya Kimiawi: a toxic substance that is produced naturally added intentionally or un-intentionally Naturally-occurring: –Natural toxins (aflatoxins, marine toxins) Added intentionally: –Antibiotics, preservatives Added non-intentionally: –Cleaning agents, Pesticide Residues Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/ BAHAYA KIMIA DALAM MAKANAN
Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/ BAHAYA KIMIA DALAM MAKANAN Bahaya kimia yang tidak nampak pada makanan Residu Pestisida Residu Veteriner Bahan kimia pembersi h
Bahaya Fisika: a hard foreign object that can cause illness or injury Inherent to the food or ingredient –Bone fragment, feathers Contaminant during processing –Stones, rocks, dirt, fingernails Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/ BAHAYA FISIKA DALAM MAKANAN
Lima faktor siriko gangguan penyakit akibat dari makanan: –Makanan dari sumber yang tidak aman –Waktu dan suhu penyimpanan makanan yang tidak tepat –Higienis personal yang buruk –Memasak yang tidak tepat –Kontaminasi silang. Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/ FAKTOR RISIKO MAKANAN
SISTEM KENDALI MAKANAN To guarantee quality and safety of the foods traded at the national and international level; –Protecting the health of the consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade; – Facilitating food trade. Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/2012
REGULASI MAKANAN Consumer protection, facilitate the production of safe food and fair trade practices. –Simple, coherent, transparent, result of process of consensus among the food chain actors. – Based on risk assessment through the food chain. Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/2012
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) To monitor and control production processes Identify food safety hazards and critical control points Production, processing and marketing Establish limits Monitor Applied to meat, poultry, and eggs Sumber: Environmental Health Hazard. Atallah Z. Rabi …. Diunduh dari: 15/12/2012
.Produksi Padi di Lahan Sawah.
…..menanam sayuran di lahan sawah pada musim kemarau… mulsa plastik untuk konservasi air tanah….
….. Menanam ubijalar pada lahan sawah selama musim kemarau….
….. Menanam jagung pada lahan sawah selama musim kemarau….