1 Pertemuan #9 Fluid System Matakuliah: H0332/Simulasi dan Permodelan Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/1
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat menghubungkan persamaan-persamaan matematika pada sistem fluida (C4)
3 Outline Materi Fluid System
4 1. Properties of Fluids Density Equation of State: Liquid where
5 Equation of State: Gases 1. Properties of Fluids (cont.) n = 1.0 for an isothermal process n = k for an adiabatic process n = 0.0for an isobaric process n = ~for an isovolumetric process
6 Viscosity 1. Properties of Fluids (cont.) Liquid Gases Propagation Speed Thermal Ratio
7 2. Passive Component Inductance Capacitance
8 Compressible Fluid Flow 2. Passive Component (cont.) Resistance Critical Pressure Ratio