By: Desy Setya Lestari Eko Pambudi Muhimmatul Ifadah Riskiyah Siti Muzdalifatus Sundus Anisah DRIVING SIMULATOR.


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Transcript presentasi:

By: Desy Setya Lestari Eko Pambudi Muhimmatul Ifadah Riskiyah Siti Muzdalifatus Sundus Anisah DRIVING SIMULATOR

$23,500 plus shipping and applicable taxes for the system including a non-ruggedized helmet-mounted display. Add $1,475 plus shipping and applicable taxes for the ruggedized helmet- mounted display. THE COST OF THE SYSTEM

Pada alat driving simulator ini menyediakan transmisi otomatis, tuas perseneling sisi kanan atau kiri juga tersedia pada alat simulator mengemudi ini. TRANSMISI

 Pada dasarnya, benda elektronika, seperti driving simulator memiliki radiasi yang dapat membahayakan tubuh manusia. Radiasi adalah suatu cara perambatan energi dari sumber energi ke lingkungannya tanpa membutuhkan panas.  Monitor merupakan bagian yang memiliki radiasi paling tinggi. Radiasinya dapat menimbulkan efek, seperti sakit kepala, mual, muntah, rasa tegang pada leher dan bahu, masalah kulit dan gangguan pada mata. Dalam jangka panjang, berbagai penyakit dapat ditimbulkan seperti katarak, kanker, eritema, penuaan dini, bahkan shock.  Generally. Electronics equipment like driving simulator has radiation that endangered human’s body. Radiation is a way of energy radiation from energy source to environment without heat.  Monitor is a part that has the highest radiation. Its radiaton can give some effects such as headache, queasy, vomit, tight feel on the neck and the shoulder, skin’s problem and eye’s problem. For a long periode, various diseases can happen such as cataract, cancer, erythema, premature aging, even shock. EFEK DRIVING SIMULATOR BAGI TUBUH


 Before the simulation exercise begins, the computer keyboard and mouse are used to select the database to be used, the weather effects, the driving conditions, visibility range, other traffic, and distractions. Once the desired conditions are selected, the simulation exercise can begin.  During the simulation, the optical tracker monitors the driver’s head position. To track the driver’s head position, the optical tracker electronics causes the four infrared light emitting diodes (LED’s) located on the helmet-mounted display to illuminate in sequence. Two sensors located above the steering wheel then triangulate the position of each LED and compute the position and attitude of the driver’s head. The computer also monitors the position of all driver controls via the data acquisition card to control progress through the simulation database. Using this head and vehicle position and attitude data, the computer system generates a 3-D image corresponding to the current head and vehicle position that is displayed on both the driver’s helmet-mounted display and the local monitor. The local monitor is used for simulation setup and also allows other people to watch the progress of the simulation.  If the driver "crash" into something during the simulation, the car will stop - it will not run through the object as in some simulations. To recover from a crash, the driver must back up and then steer around the object. CARA KERJA DRIVING SIMULATOR

 The DS-100 utilizes a force feedback steering wheel to provide road feel to the driver. Effects such as running into a curb are simulated, as is the force needed to make a turn.  CGSD also offers a "flight mode" steering wheel as an option. The flight mode steering wheel control mechanism can be unlocked for game applications. When unlocked, pulling back on the steering wheel causes the simulator to climb into the air and pushing forward causes the simulator to descend. Besides being an ideal feature for games, it also provides an easy-to-use interface for applications such as urban visualization or architectural walk-throughs. STEERING WHEEL MECHANISM