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Countable/Uncountable Noun Question Tag Types of Essay

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1 Countable/Uncountable Noun Question Tag Types of Essay
4th Meeting Izzani Ulfi

2 Countable Nouns Kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Countable nouns dibagi menjadi dua bagian: singular and plural. Ciri-ciri countable noun mempunyai bentuk jamak dengan penamnahan e/es, ies/ves atau tidak terjadi perubahan.

3 singular plural A Car Cars A Man Men An apple Some apples The goose Gooses The cat Cats

4 Uncountable Nouns Kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Bentuk ini hanya mempunyai bentuk singular atau tidak bisa ditambah s/es. Walaupun singular, tetapi tidak menggunakan kata sandang a/an.

5 Noun salt A pinch of salt Water A glass of water Rice A grain of rice Soup A bowl of soup flour A bag of flour

6 Kelompok Uncountable Nouns
Kelompok kata benda yang terbentuk dari item yang sama. Ex: furniture, clothing, scenery, traffic, fruit, jewelry. 2. Kelompok kata benda dari zat cair. Ex: water, coffee, milk, oil, blood 3. Kelompok kata benda dari zat padat. Ex: silver, gold, glass, cotton.

7 4. Kelompok kata benda dari zat gas. Ex: oxygen, smoke, nitrogen, etc
4. Kelompok kata benda dari zat gas. Ex: oxygen, smoke, nitrogen, etc. 5. Kelompok kata benda dari olahraga. Ex: soccer, chess, tennis, baseball. 6. Kata benda dari gejala alam. Ex: weather, fog, heat, humidity, snow, etc. 7. Kata benda dari kelompok ilmu pengetahuan. Ex: literature, sociology, history, engineering.

8 Question Tag Suatu kalimat pertanyaan tambahan dibelakang kalimat yang digunakan untuk membenarkan atau menegaskan pernyataan. Ex: It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Yes, it is. It isn’t a nice day, is it? No, it isn’t. Jawaban YES, question tag negative. Jawaban NO, question tag positive.

9 2. Apabila dalam pernyataan terdapat auxiliary verb, maka membuat tag nya harus dengan mengulang auxiliary verb tersebut secara berlawanan. Ex: you can explain this, cant you? you can’t explain this, can you? she will stay here for two days, wont she? she wont stay here for two days, will she? They have visited me yesterday, haven’t they? He mustn't leave the hospital, must he?

10 3. Apabila dalam pernyataan terdapat vers, maka untuk membuat tag-nya menggunakan kata bantu do/does/did secara berlawanan. Ex: you borrow some books from library, don’t you? He teaches English for this class, doesn’t he? They visited me yesterday, didn’t they?

11 Types of Essay

12 Descriptive Essay Descriptive Essay is a piece of creative writing that contains many descriptions. This type of essay often provides information about a person, a place, an object etc. In this type of an essay, the writer can capture the attention of the readers by using a lot of sensory details (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste).

13 Narrative Essay As the name suggests, a narrative essay narrates a story. A good writer of a narrative essay can make the readers feel that whatever he is writing is genuine and interesting. First person point of view is generally used in narrative essays. A conversational tone is used in this genre as the essay contains a story.

14 Persuasive Essay A persuasive essay is a piece of writing that attempts to convince the readers to agree with writer’s opinions. In this genre of writing, the writer can use his own views, opinions and stir up the emotions in the reader in order to convince them to agree to his opinion.

15 Argumentative Essay Argumentative essay is a piece of writing that  attempts to convince the reader to accept the writer’s opinion as truth. This essay is based on logic and reasoning. The writer tries to validate his opinion by presenting facts, statistics and evidence. A writer should do a complete research; gather accurate facts and figures to defend his  views, before writing an argumentative essay as this is more like a debate written on paper.

16 Cause/Effect Essays Cause /Effect Essays explain why and how something happened and/or discuss results of a certain event. This type of essay studies the connection between two or more events or experiences. This essay can discuss both causes and effects, or it can simply address one or the other. A cause essay usually analyzes the reasons why something happened.

17 Compare/Contrast Essay
This essay discusses similarities and differences between two things. It could analyze both similarities and differences or focus on either similarities or differences. Contrast Essay is an essay that focuses only on differences. (Examples: Discuss difference between efficiency and effectiveness etc.) Comparison essay is an essay that focuses only on similarities. (Examples: Discuss similarities between Buddhism and Christianity, Discuss similarities between Cane and Bamboo etc.)

18 Critical Essay A critical essay analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, and techniques of someone’s work. These essays begin with a brief summary of the main points of the text, film, or piece of art, etc., followed by an analysis of the work’s meaning. Then the writer should discuss how successful is the creator/author of the original work in accomplishing his goal.

19 Process Essay A process essay typically guides on how to do this or that is done. Process essay work out in detail, demonstrating specific action and a flow of process. Example: how to make a blueberry pancake, how to make a simple pulp and so on.


21 Dear Students, I am writing this letter to thank you for your full cooperation during my classes. I am glad to have wonderful sessions with you. I hope you got some benefits. Good luck for your midterm next Friday! Best Wishes, Izzani Ulfi

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