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Modul 8. Organizational Patterns Relationship Among Ideas

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1 Modul 8. Organizational Patterns Relationship Among Ideas
Tujuan dengan membaca wacana dapat: 1. Menentukan topic nouns 2. Menentukan supporting nouns 3. Mengidentifikasi topic sentence 4. Mengidentifikasi supporting sentence 5. Menemukan inti wacana

2 8.1. Recognizing paragraph Patterns
because, since, as a result of as a result,for this reason is caused by leads to, therefore, so because of consequently, causes due to thus, so that 1.Cause and Effect Relationship Kata- kata akibat Kata -kata sebab

3 2. Time relationship by + specific time - first, to begin, then, next
during + period of time after that, afterwards from, in, on, after at that time, finally, later before, eventually, then - second, third subsequently, - in conclusion 2. Time relationship a. Chronological Order b. Process

4 3. Comparison and Contrast relationship
and, as, similar to, like but, yet, on the one hand parallel to, resembling, as if nevertheless, otherwise as …as, less …than, also - although, rather, while exactly like, just as, … than on the contrary, opposed much the time, more …than - differentlty,although a. Comparison b. Contrast

5 8.2. Common Organizational Pattern
Kinds 1 Sequence of event 2 Spatial Organi- zation 3 Pattern of Definition 4 Comparison and Contrast 5 Pattern of Cause and effect

6 1. Sequence of event digunakan untuk memaparkan kejadian berdasarkan urutannya
1. Sequence of Events . Chronological order Menjelaskan ide/ keja- dian berdasarkan waktu Sering digunakan dalam laporan berita dan majalah, biografi b. Process menjelaskan lang- kah-langkah atau prosedur dalam pengoperasian suatu alat

7 Directional words 2. Spatial Organization
Digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang tata ruang, letak, objek, atau ruang gerak Directional words Preposition above, across, near, againts, along,around beside, outside, on, in between, over, behind upper,surrounded by etc. Nouns and adjectives back, interior, base,top, bottom, center, corner, exterior, north, section, side, west, facing, front, vertical, horizontal, northetc.

8 3. Pattern of Definition adalah penyusunan ide dalam paragraf berupa penjelasan dari suatu definisi Directional words: - is - means - refers to - consists of - can be defined as

9 4. Comparison and Contrast teks yang memaparkan persamaan dari dua benda atau objek (comparison), apabila memaparkan perbedaan dari du benda atau objek disebut comparison. Signal words Similarities Similarly Like, too Also, both Likewise As well as differences unlike, instead however, despite nevertheless in spite of whereas

10 5. Pattern of Cause and Effect adalah paragraf atau teks yang memaparkan/menjelaskan hubungan sebab akibat. 1 paragraf atau wacana bisa berupa: - satu sebab satu akibat - beberapa sebab satu akibat - beberapa sebab beberapa akibat

11 Thank you for your attention

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