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Program Studi S-1 Teknik Informatika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran

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1 Program Studi S-1 Teknik Informatika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran
COMPUTER VISION D10K-7C02 CV03b: Installing EmguCV Dr. Setiawan Hadi, M.Sc.CS. Program Studi S-1 Teknik Informatika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran

2 Agenda Downloading EmguCV Installing EmguCV Troubleshooting Summary

3 Downloading EmguCV Situs utama Untuk Windows:
Untuk Windows: libemgucv-windowsuniversal-gpu-xxxx.exe xxxx adalah Nomor edisi, Tersedia versi lama dengan format nama file berbeda For Linux, the extension you need is tar.gz. For OS X and Linux, it's better to build the library file from the source.

4 Installing EmguCV pada Windows
Persiapan Visual Studio 2008 (minimal) EmguCV

5 Instalasi EmguCV libemgucv-windows-universal-

6 Menambahkan PATH C:\Emgu\emgucv-windows-universal\bin\x86
atau C:\Emgu\emgucv-windows-universal \bin\x64

7 Menambahkan Emgu custom controls ke Visual Studio toolbox
Jalankan visual studio Klik kanan General tab lalu pilih Choose Items… in Toolbox

8 Menambahkan Emgu custom controls ke Visual Studio toolbox (2)
Browse folder Emgu

9 Menambahkan Emgu custom controls ke Visual Studio toolbox (3)
pilih Emgu.CV.UI.dll pada folder EmguCV, dan Open

10 Menambahkan Emgu custom controls ke Visual Studio toolbox (4)

11 Troubleshooting Kesalahan umum

12 Troubleshooting (2) Make sure you have installed the MS Visual C++ Redistributable Package. If you haven't, go to the Emgu CV folder and open vcredist_x86.exe (for 32-bit OS) or vcredist_x64.exe (for 64-bit OS). Make sure you have copied all the OpenCV DLLs to the execution directory. Make sure you are doing everything right with the 32-bit or 64-bit Windows. If you are running 64-bit Windows, make sure you have selected x64 in every step. Go to BUILD then Configuration manager, and add an x64 platform as shown in the following screenshot:

13 Troubleshooting (3)

14 Troubleshooting (4) Make sure you don't miss any dependency. You can download the Dependency Walker to check it. Use it to open the cvextern.dll file to get the result. If you still get the exception, try to find out InnerException and then report it to the Emgu discussion forum (

15 Summary Pada presentasi ini telah disajikan tata cara downloading dan installing EmguCV termasuk troubleshooting apabila terjadi permasalahan secara umum Mudah-mudahan instalasi dapat berjalan lancer dan sukses Berikutnya kita akan mulai memabuat proyek pertama menggunakan EmguCV. Siap???

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